SweetieBot wake up
SweetieBot post manual patch link
GM When we'll get orb? b:surrender
Agree 100% b:angry
When? I see FateBlade selling refine service with tisha from event gold, and have full +10 gear, he said got many packs with code. So if wont ban ppl who got with glitch they can earn coins with refine service, or other way and trade coins to other accounts. Didn't made rollback and no baning so economic is dying... Idk…
I left game already few days ago after this incident. No motivation play after pwi mistakes. Just visit forum to see situation, but i see nothing changes. No rollback, no ban abusers, so why stay play? I'm disappointed PWI. Bye again b:bye
gms dont do fair with rollback. Gm just say bla bla and they wont do nothing who will change this situation. so what a point still play with glitchers
Yes they don't care
To easy answer like this. Its like we cant nothing change. Ppl will forget incident, and then they can do nothing. Who got orbs are lucky, thats all. So cheapest gm work. Yeah I guess will be ban like few days and they keep 100+ orbs and event gold, funny, after this answer now i can leave pwi, i was waiting gm answer.
Lucky, i got 0 b:chuckleb:cry
anyway if won't rollback, part of ppl will leave, indeed and me too. And don't need tell me, we don't care that u leave. I know it...And I don't care too.
but don't forget that are not only orbs, but and event gold, hp charms...u talk like all this are **** for many ppl...aren't realy!
I don't play today too, still believe of rollback b:sad
Aren't so cool, who all day getting orbs like this! And no stops...b:angry
u got 6 other got 100, and many got 0...
Rollback server!!! b:angry
yeah 1-2days rollback isnt so bad, just after give to everyone 1 pack to mail no need redeem with bugs again, and extend 2x event time. Ppl will be more happy than in situation right nowb:victory
SweetieBot can you awaken servers?
SweetieBot when servers will be on?