Same here and I connected yesterday 3 hours after reset with no issue. I don't think is an internet issue since many people are having the same issue. I already submitted a ticket via there any way to bypass arc and start the game?
My cleric Close up Wings
0-40 I dunno 3 factions can't remember their names lol 40-90 Eminence (sister faction of Nef) Great place and people. Made lots of friends who are still in my FL b:pleased 90-95 Nefarious. Good times, great times, then it sucked but still the time were I learned about TW and server dominance. Made friends and some enemies…
Mini dun hold your breath for fun TW from Nef...those days are gone...we can only hope that the other TW factions play with us since Nef is too scared to against Regi b:chuckle
Fine I will humor u 128 b:bored
nice blue color ^^
archer mobs, no matter what lvl...the I shoot you while I die thing makes me mad b:angry And unless I am 20 lvls higher than em...or have triple spark ready....ANY type of Magic resistance mob...I might as well hit it with my magic sword -.- The boogies (or anything that dun move like the towerlings)...hit hard as hell and…
Here is my sexy alt veno b:pleasedb:victory
they suck less at 60...but I would say that after 70 is when things get easier (except in PvP) 80 you point and laugh at everyone kill mobs faster and don't get hit (well maybe once)...and from 70+ you start been a magic many times have I killed Mantavip...oh too many b:chuckle
Yes brooms like Harry P. LOL I walked but my hubby rolled a cleric soooo...I had my private jet take me everywhere until I got to 30 and got the ever-so-slow sword...and really how did PWI came up w/a flying sword...I want a broom b:chuckle Then after 60 I got my krin and spur it so I can wave good-bye now to all of you…
I leave them alone...or ask some other non-wiz player to pls kill...if one of them attacks me I use FoW and run away lol...If all are mag res and I need to keep killing to finish my quest and no-one else is around to kill them I switch to my veno, clean the area and come back as wiz b:chuckle
um question did u uneqquiped your gear 1st? you can't dragg it if you are wearing it to the slot...also if the shard was too high lvl for your gear instead of saying sucessful it would say it was too low...hope this helps b:pleased
Here my sexy veno ^^ robes and golem classic pic: sexy clothes: b:cute
my 1st ever signature b:pleased
Been a wizzie until I would say lvl 70 is HARD...and if you go pure mag you will die a lot...Up to 60 is very tough unless you squad...and is not a class to go 1on1 with all about timing, max distance...and yes running (blinking) away and putting some distance between you and that mob until you kill it...when you…
Here is my main character, my wizard, BarbiDoll (next to my husband ^^) Also here is my veno and my cleric...what you think of em?
ooo very many pretty toons...and some odd balls out there too b:chuckle Well here is my main wizzie...oh w/my hubby a cleric ^^ and my sexy veno: and my sweet pretty cleric with the veno:
Well I think this is how it goes: 1) need to go in and kill both bosses...then go to the NPC and he'll give u the water sumthing quest that asks for the water and fire orb 2) depending on your decision on that low lvl quest (i don't remember the name) the one to either let out the demon or say no way Jose...if u let it out…