Well the question is you gona walk the whole way mostly afk running through world bosses getting 1 shoted lalalalalala. Feels safer in the skies!
Am a stalker!!! Most of the time yeah when the sins hp is too low and they asking for dragons at boss time am like hell no son stop trying to tank ****! Thats my job.b:angry
They did implement a new way to lv with all the dailies in morai u can get about 1mil exp oh and when u reach 1500 merit(SHROUD IDK IF OTHERS TOO)u can use 20 per day that will give u about 2mil so u making 3 mils exp a day ofc if u dicide to some pv etc....and the whole rest of lving dungeons. Good Day Too You Sir
Seing as their is only rank 9 axes...... takes the blade out of master should be axemaster!!! That is all.
Dont say the gear is pointless its only lv 95 wat u expect :P Now i use my new lv 95 pve plate and mobs hit me for less (inside and outside morai like for example i tested in warsong) then i switched to my lv 99 tt plate and i took more damage so they are actually pretty good, well they really aint good aps wise but i wana…
Found this on ecatomb, have fun!
Glitches, glitches all thats right i remember when they took ours all way goodbye 100%crit and fire damage >,,> pfft if we got our **** taken away theres should too ijsb:shocked
I find it funny how he says fix it asap cough cough dont think anyone listening.
just thought of something nice, why is the lving system so messed up this days ?_? too many sins selling frost (well any class can do it) know if u put a timer on that stealth what do you get ____________(ill let you guys figure this one out its not rocket science u know)
^^ dude you got a point but when 80% of server has a sin its gets to annoying >.> but now with the news for an expansion and (Skills Fixed)maybe the game will become more balance or maybe even worse. ULTRA PK MODE ?_?
Wow igonrant people appaerantly cant read well these those it say anything about removing skills in my post.... TIMER And also i found this *AWESOMENESS* Thank you kirby for finding such a nice video to prove my pointb:victory
DING DING DING the trolls are here the trolls are here >.> SAYS A 105 SIN GOOOOON MUCHb:chuckle and if you would have bother to read my post you would have seen unless you have some incredibly good gear lets say r9 then no (anal ointment) to you sir but who can afford rank 9 this days with the horrible economy oh wait you…
lol am thinking 1000 dq points for that and we get 1 mirage in return awesome we just made 10k lets go grind some more and get 10k mores VVVVIIIIICCCCTTTTORRRY b:shutup
well am not trying to put sin or anything but wat are u gona do wen an r9 sin pops up next to you >.> nothing at all unless your one of those ppl with 20k hp then you will survive but the rest can go get some anal ointment cause its gona hurt p.s maybe if we get enough ppl on this then frankie can pass the message along…
well u do got a point sometimes troll make the game more interesting get a couple laughs here and there with there comments b:laugh
Seekers *laughs* nothing to worry about the kite like archers shoot u with their magic attacks whihc does pathetic damage 1k 2k <<rank8 seeker sword +5 occult ice or roar+cyclone or wind shield =dead seeker althogh they are preety cool for froscovered better than barbs ijsb:avoidb:avoid
i just got 1 thing to say not everyone playing this game is age 20+ and can spend 50 bucks in this game monthly FREE TO PLAY HAHAHA IF U WANA HAVE FUN IN THIS GAME CATSHOP UR *** OF OR STEAL YOUR MOMS CREDIT CARD IJS