Not respect, the keyword is FUN. Ask yourself, is it fun to constantly hide in stealth, only to come out to chainstun and kill a player regardless of armor and level, and go back in stealth? b:cute
Which is exactly why we have pointed out that sage mage is that for people that merely aim to TW. I sincerely liked to have my fun in world pvp before i quit playing this character ;p. Ever heard of chi pots? I used those and i managed fine as a demon. You keep over and over talking about sage BIDS. The reason why anyone…
Let's be honest, there's no respected class in this game. Cleric - lol you haz heals, usuk. Sleep+debuff+ultimate=win or lose apparently Assassin - lol stealth 3xspark Mage/Psychic - lol kite unub BM - lol stuns Archer - lol oneshot Barb - LOL U HAS TOO MUCH HP D:. Veno - LOL NIX LOLOLCASHSHOPPER CANT WIN W/O BROKEN ****…
if you want to play deh serious pvp gamez, try Guild Wars. Instant max level on the real server, free armor on pvp characters and straight pvp, plus you earn better moneyz in pvp than pve. b:cute ps. biggest pvp der is 12v12. BRING THOSE SKILLZ MEN.
I believe that the 2 vit, 1 str and 7 magic per 2 levels-build is so far the best one for support cleric. You get hp to become less squishy and you still deal pretty damned good damage at the end game in case you ever get there. Then just shard some PDef and youre good to go.
ohman, hes the same age as me. wanna hit up? b:cute
11 cos me and asp were both worth half b:cute
dont forget elednor, asparagus and fiya b:cute what can i say, guild wars ♥
the heck would i do there by myself > : might just play some Guild Wurz
youre saying i dont exist? Q
OMG i remember that **** ;DDD hihi Elednor <3 wreck. by all means, send me all your videos. I WILL BE SURE TO MAKE A GREAT VID FOR THE MEMORY OF THIS SERVER'S FUN TIME. When it existed.
and my cleric is ugly. I can't live with that QQQ otherwise i might start playing with you, lol.
My 6x cleric has like 10k money and ****tiest gear ever ;D
What can we say, Wreck, you're just special. b:cute
Wait a sec Lig, all i heard was that you PvEd till 100. When did that PvP happen again? b:cute
♥ (Ohhowimisspendulumvent)
sorry, not gonna happen b:cute
rhyme ♥ call me when you get bored of your char look ;3
ohai there
oh em gee its teh epic swedish dude ♥ asp
Omg Wreck <3
..Cerize ♥♥
^maybe we just are/were too good for this game wtf some ppl still remember me. i feel honored uhh ligeia. im talking about even around 4x when we used to pz those groups of baddies while overnumbered and overleveled just FYI. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Rhyme. PZing those 9x barbs is pretty fun with him. // I cannot have very…
♥ pendulum
Pendulum. first lvl 40-50s in the server k
Hearing the word "fun" makes me remember extremely well the old vent convos with Pendulum people. ♥ trolling antihero
I'll carry you thro GWz whenever you want :D
- That's what i call good old days. Or this. .-.
i <3 wreck.
I dyed my hair blonde and i look less male now. I'm like the typical euro now!