Bahria - Archosaur Arc User


  • Here you go, 4 variations: Normal, resized: 3 Transparents: Orig, a lil choppy on resize: Gold, Clean: Rainbow, Clean:…
  • I'm sure, once the game introduces Mages, they'll take care of this problem. Until then, watch out because the Wizzes are stomp ya :D
  • Nioce. :) I did this today, and finally made it past the EX. Thank you! Just that little pause between holy paths made all the difference :)
  • Ty. :) With me, it's not the hands that get me, it's normally some random bug that grabs me before I can activate the die now. Even pulling as far into the corner as I can, where the die says "Not in requested area", those lil buggers still seem to be able to get a bite on me every time. I need to invest in OFF insect…