b:laugh HH ( Holy Hall)= TT (Twilight Temple)
That is, if a mob gives 250 experience, then the server x2 and hyper x8 experience for mob will be like at x9, approximately 2250 exp. as giving? If so thank you. but that penalty did not know (have reduced experience is not 90% but only 50
the same message I wrote in the Technical Support Zone. before everything was fine and now this situation, Know what to do The problem is not functioning correctly Hyper mode. I've got less experience than specified in the mode, for example: As we wrote in a normal situation for Taurox Centurion gave 500 experience with x8…
thanks, but how to use I know. The problem is not functioning correctly Hyper mode. I've got less experience than specified in the mode, for example: As we wrote in a normal situation for Taurox Centurion gave 500 experience with x8 mode only 2250, but should be around 4000, And yet it is written and it was so "Exhaustion…