20 seconds*.
I tested a L10 MDef on a Heavy Amour BM. It changed his resistance % from 31 - 26%. Magic Debuff L10 - 5%≥ more power to your elemental attacks for 30 seconds. If it were twice as good, I still wouldn't use it.
Mind telling us what your faction name is going to be?
Are you guys saying that the Celestial spell (+10mp/hp recovery rate) will negate the mana/hp gained from pots purchased from the Apothecary?
You're an idiot.
Don't forget New Zealand! There's at least 4 New Zealanders (inc. me) on Lost City.
It still seems very premature to call yourself an attack cleric at that level. And how fast can someone reach level 90?
What effect did the glitch actually have?
Why the **** have you got 'Attack Cleric' in your sig? A level 12 can hardly be an 'Attack Cleric'.
Yay! Have you heard their replacement singer? He can actually do alright. Well, better than expected ...
"if you don't care about other people's problems how can you expect them to care for yours" The subject's are 'you' and the 'problems' of which other people are facing. 'Them' refers to a subject of which there is 'you' or the 'problems'. It doesn't actually specify which thus the sentence is incorrect and can be…
Trolling/flaming is why the internet was invented.
I'm not them.
You're a gigantic fagg0t.
I don't care about the other peoples problems.
The server is down; please bring it back up.