And here's another drawing that I did in my spare time a veno in the beach...XP hope ya like it!!!!!!!!!!
other draw.... hope ya like it
hi hi again... XP long time heee!!! well i ll leaveother draw that i made... a cleric in combat hopa ya like it
also some lesb. romance as well elf X veno
hi again, long time no see ya guys... here a new draw.... this is how a motorcycle should look... XP
Hooo i forgot 2 more...XP
Ufff long time heee!!!:.. well im back and with new sketches hope ya like it
INDEED... i used Zbrush. i made the model with Zspheres and fixing with dynamesh. some accesories i made them with shadowbox and extract. also i use Maya for others accesories like the jean shorts. topogun for retopology and.... hmmm i guess thats all. i made the textures in ZB. well have fun ZB... XP
Uffff i havent been on for long time... XP i enjoy that u like my draws guys... well i found a bi of time to draw a mystic with her hmmm pets?? allies?... XP hope ya like it
XP... thx now my archer...XP
now i wanna introduce u my cleric.... hope ya like her... XP
wuhaaaa!! thx alot the pic for sig... hmmm i dunno what to choose so many of them plz choose at ur will "HERE"
Now other sketch.. a party Archer,Cleric,BM and Barb... XP
Glad that ppl likes...XP n go ahead ppl... u can color them... now mi cleric... XP hope ya like it
muahaha an extra ...<.< well this quick paint .... XP
long time i havent been here,,, XP well i bring a quick pen draw..
Why Not.... a second one... XP here is the original draw that i made.. click on the image to resize n here is the result
Hey Ppl.... i bring this new draw that i did for the screen loading contest... here is the outline its pretty dirty.. but i just focus on the color so the result
well this is my last entrie..... XP so i draw a xmas and here is the large file... u can use it as wallpaper... lol
thx thx all.... by the way something i forgot to ask..... how many entries can some1 submit ????
i call this..... hmmm... i still working on that... XP but its something like this??? or did i misunderstood the rules?? XP
Other Day of training in frozen lands... poor of my bm... XP
Reika bring a seeker... so i bring a Mystic portrait XP
BOYS BOYS!!!!! lol hope ya like .. XP
hey hey!!! i bring other draw... this one was inspired by the song I Love Grows by Nobou Uematsu soundtrack from FF8 ... XP I was listening the song .. n then this pic appear into my head... so i had to draw it.. XP so thats why ill call this draw Love Grows ... lol XP
WHOAA!!! next one... a seeker with her Nirvana Gear... O.o and Mystic with her gennie ... XP
nop i do not... XP maybe in a future anyway go head post it... XP
Pretty nice colors.... XP DA!!?... hmmm its that a kinda f secret code...O.o?? lol... anyway... very nice work!!!! keep moving... my veno... that likes to fly n fly.... XP!! MORE !!! MORE !!! FASTER!!!! ... XP hoo well i was watching TV ... n from nowhere this pic apear in my head n i had to draw it... XP HR __
lol... srry i dont have any reference at all its just a sketch out of my head... XP if u wanna paint it... go head... but for the ambient i was thinking something like tiborn area.. blue colors.. etc. XP
Here Here my Asse taking a nice bath.... XP Wanna Join... XP Carefull.... shes armed... XPb:pleased