Autumn_Hope - Archosaur Arc User


  • Why does everyone think that PW trying to balance the game out to how it was suppose to be is dumb? I don't get it. Barbs are SUPPOSE to be the tanks, Clerics are suppose to be the healers and all other classes are support only. 3 years ago if you drew aggro and didn't know how to play your class (ie..letting the tank be…
  • Hahahaha see my point exactly! :D and btw..I am on 3 hours and still going with cable connection. Big update is all.
  • Well at least we won't have to listen to all the sins cry like babies and threaten to quit (as they have been doing the last week with the 2.0 aps rumor). b:thanks
  • Hahahaha Stud, I am guilty of this myself, well..I let everyone else buy it then pick it up for 1/2 price. Sadly, I remember the good ole days, before bh's, before sins, before lucky packs. The greedy suck the life right out of the game. :(
  • LOL for real? Started on dreamweaver, stayed about a year and went over to RT to get away from the ridiculous drama of dw. Moved over to Arch and I seriously have to say they had about the best people you could meet. Made many r/l friends that continued beyond the game, something I can't say for DW or RT. But Arch did have…
  • I agree, I wouldn't mind an area, that by choice presented a pvp challenge without the risk of losing gear, yet offered some small token to draw you to the area. However, it needs to be an area that isn't associated with quests or low levels needing to access. This would give players who have never pvp'd just a taste of…
  • Hmmm I wonder how all the high levels would feel if they had chosen to make the area outside FC a pk area? This would have been a far better choice. Give you all something to do while you waited for squads and also add a bit of challege to doing fc's over and over. It would have also made the playing ground a bit fairer.…
  • Lets give the guy a break. He is just the middle man and this whole mess was probably making him sick even before the post came out. He is just the public relations dude and has to do as he is told, despite his personal feelings on the topic. I think it is safe to assume that he does not have any new information to pass on…
  • I am not going to cry over it. I have the choice of staying or leaving. I also have the choice whether to line the pockets or not of a corporation that has proven time and time again that they ignore the majority while catering to the select few. How did that work last time for you PW? If I recall correctly, a large number…
  • LOL Stud...IKR? He was in our faction for my vent also. What do I think of him? Think he was a lonely man looking to fit in. Hope
  • Be realistic. Almost every change to the game recently has been to decrease your ability to make coins and increase the need to cash shop. It isnt about stopping the Gold Farming on the chinese servers, if it was, they would implement changes like Traz stated, but instead they continue to make it harder and harder to get…