Thanks for this update. Please let us know more as you do. I am currently not even playing PWI until these issues are fixed, but I am still hopeful that they will be. Fix the DQ system adequately, and reset the damn maps. I DO like the idea of every 4 months. I think it would be splendid. It allows more wiggle room for…
I want a calendar that lists big events. Like TW map reset. That way when these idiots forget to do it- we can all point at the calendar and say, set your damn reminder next time.
There IS another solution. Channels. In new starter area you'll notice that they have a channels functionality. At the moment there is only 1 channel. If we added say 10 or so channels to pwi main map- and a few channels each of the OHT/Hell/Heaven/Primal/Morai... we wouldn't have this problem. Everyone could switch…
Free guided game tours when you pop on Heaven's Tear. People on PWI like a few things: Life on easy mode- teaming up to overcome challenges like TW... Making stupid music videos..…
Thank you Sparkie. Much appreciated. We do like our DQ pts rewards.
*watches awkward code-saber fight* *golf claps*
Different mounts. Green is anniversary present to 5 year players. Black is reward for tons of attendance. Pink/red/yellow are morai rewards. Blue is cash shop.
Shh... don't bring it to their attention. The site has always been glitchy- sometimes taking days or weeks to update. That's half of why they're removing it. If you don't mention it maybe they'll let us keep it a little longer till it updates again. I probably have half a million DQ pts pending. Shhhhh.... b:shutup
Oh no, Sparkie. Don't reply to this nonsense. This is just a QQ thread. She wants free stuff handed to her, which it already has been, and now she's complaining about it. We have a -lot- of these. Read the replies for indicators of if it's something to be actually concerned about. This... is not. Haha, nice effort though.…
Really? Because they're worth a million USD a piece. So how bout you buy us all a few orbs as holiday presents, since you're more loaded than Santa.
Maybe you are on Morai server? By the time maintenance happens there is always a maintenance thread in the forums. DURING the maintenance they put up a news post about new sales.
But it's both.
@OP- Morengo asked you the right question: Did you submit a ticket via the website or send an e-mail? E-mails are far less fast. Submitting via the website is the way to go. You CAN submit on THIS account for help with THAT account as well, don't be afraid to do so.
I feel you bro. PWI trolls hard.
DQs were originally designed for the Dragon Quest. The Dragon Quest used to be a lower level quest to obtain silver/bronze/ dragon orders which could be used to buy OP gear/mounts/junk. The only reason the DQs dropped was for this quest. Not for the NPC value. Not for the DQ point system. Even though they reduced the price…
The best way to make money is not grinding. It is still very easy to make money in this game. Make 10 toons and level them to 40. It should take you less than a day each. If you do all 10 Jolly Jones quests you have 5 mill a day. If you just pick them up you have 1m. Use that money to buy items at a LOW PRICE. It really…
Just send in a ticket stating exactly how much the points should have been worth and what you wanted to buy with it. They will mail it to you directly.
Am I the only one here who is grateful that they are giving us advanced notice on this? I think it's pretty cool that they are telling us in advance instead of just removing it without a word. I think 2+2=4 here and everyone is outraged because they think it =5 and they're getting shorted. They have probably done this in…
1.750 buying/ 1.8 selling currently on HT. Been pretty steady.
^ That is only on an Epic PW. *no reference to private server there /googleit*
Maybe you misunderstand OP. They have not said anything about removing DQs. They said the DQ ->rewards<- will be phased out. As stated in the other threads, the rewards were a response to the DQ prices being dropped to 1, which was meant for CHINA not for US, however we could not reverse it, so it was compensation. The DQ…
Dude. They are implementing an in-game bot. Astarelle already posted a link proving this. PWI is giving us a HEADS UP that they may be forced to remove DQ rewards as a result of this in-game bot, because it wouldn't be fair for people who pay the weekly/monthly fee to use said in-game bot to get something that others can't…
I wanna play :D Make 2 new races/4 new classes with gear not wearable by any other class. Make a new version of rank 8 that is WAY better than r9s3, and purely farm-able. Make in game bots, with a weekly/monthly fee. Cap APS to 3.33 Make -int available on rings with engraving... Hhahahahahha, oh wait...
Yea. You guys have no idea what they are going to do, so the correct solution is to quit... Also clearly none of you realize that botting has actually become such a large problem that people are not buying zen, but much much cheaper botted coins. Less than a third of a cent per million I think is the going rate? Feel bad…
Mine still havent updated in over a week. I vendored about 1600 DQs (35s) and still show 281 DQ points.
Fix the planet. Destroy all the current methods of transportation and power and permanently ban non-sustainable clean energy. Terraform third world countries with crop problems. Terraform overpopulated cities and develop less invasive methods of living. Metropolis cities inside skyscrapers to conserve space. Develop tiered…
f:kneel I miss when it used to update every 15 minutes
Can I just ask... wtf... Raccoons? How are the raccoons involved....
Oh dear GOD, Weapon Group 27 Bow makes me want to -comment removed for cruelty to hamsters- That thing looks ridiculous
f:hehe Sorry Bubbles