i lold with the wolfkin that was wrong and kiij at the face
GMs plzwe have terible customazation and terible transformationss id love my wolf to turn into a wolf and a wolerine would be be awsome also totaly this is the suggestion on the forums and also he isnt even asking for any thing in return cmon at least take a look and discuss it
ok well i really didnt read morgullord post but i do think there should be limits to ksing
But im not gunna say i nvr ksed b4 cuz when i was like lv 12 i was ksing alot and this girl i ksed called one of her guild members she waas in helping hands and he sraightened me out and i did curse him out but im really happy he did that.
i gotta say i definetly agree im only 13 and ive been playin mmos for about 5 or 6 years now and i personlly hate KS'ers they relle **** me off and i think they should make it like endless online were whoever got the first hit gets the monster. so when your fighting the monster they cant touch it.
Call me a care bear all me whatever but to those idiots who get pissed off when there randomly pkd then just go to a diff server sure you gotta sart over again but its worth not losing mounts cloths money so you be the judge
to say this straight and right if ur buying at such high prices it means you eithier really need it or ur juss a nooob like me but like i bough a log for 2.7k cuz i rellenedded it i new the price tho
And honestl;y healers are the most important part of a squad
Honestly ima tank and i dont think its necciary to make ppl pay i met these to ppl named tygrah and tuscan_tusk they are both lv 69 and are gr8 they helped me so much and would keep the aggro when i was lv 4 and would help me wid my quest uts relle good to tank in numnbers and have your wizzard or cleric behind you to hit…
i have an ipod touch and a sklx and yes i spoing off my parents but cmon big deal if you have the 20 dollors to spend y not
yea ittottaly agree like im 5% away frum being a lv 20 and last week i bough 10 gold and bought a opolor bear so now im gunna go and by 10 more gold so i can make polor bear a lv 20 to use so yea relle the prices are somewhat in the wow facter but when you look at the price you have to pay for world of warcraft a month…
Whoops wrong one lol and no only i think 20 dollor and up have bounus other than thaty no :(
But then again i used the 10 dollor one like my paybycash acc balace is 00.01 b:laugh so yea LOl
HAHA yea same thing happend to me but i figured out if you use a diffent email it works i truied like i bought 10 doller and told me i had 6 bucks topay bough another used a diff email and it works
i saw some panda guy who looked compleatly black thats y i chose a barb cuz i thought i could be a black bear but i ended up being a wolfb:pleased
tottaly aggree we are PHAT