Astrelli - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Any skill to strip armor/decrease pdef by a % of equipment defense/etc. One thing that's noticeably missing when compared to assassin classes in other games D= That + stealth/backstab type skills.
  • haha yeah thats what i thought xD wasn't sure if the other items it could be traded for would make it worth more or less though. thanks =)
  • Hmm.. I'm not sure what the ceremonial fash is, haha. I've been away for a while. I'm mainly interested in Tideborn wings or mounts as far as trade goes, though =\ (e.g. have seen grand lobster for ~5m). OR last year's female christmas outfit (don't know the coin value of that, though; third set on this page:…
  • having EA (or just a few others) reveal assassin is fine with me, but having ALL classes reveal assassins? no thanks. teamwork!
  • (to the devs) Okay, I see now that the old Christmas event has similarities with my suggestions, but please consider using normal mobs for event quests/drops as well. You could keep 2 drop files - the event file (with event drops/quest drops) and the normal file, which could easily/quickly be restored when the event ends.…
  • It hid my friend =( He's in my faction + also was in my squad for a bit, don't remember if he was fully hidden while in squad (wasn't paying that much attention) but I noticed with 100% certainty that his dot on the minimap was hidden, as well as his name/faction name.
  • Wow... so much anger D= Do some of you try to do the "earn zen" offers? x_x I got 40+ gold worth of zen through just doing those.. it takes some time, but hey. It's one more option. ...But now I'm regretting spending (almost) all of those on fashion =|
  • For anything lower than lv. 5 armors/weapons, you can buy the shards from merchant NPCs (under the gem tab) and combine them at a jewelcraftsman NPC. You'll need 3 shards of the same level to create the next level shard - for example, 3 lv. 1 garnet shards to make a lv. 2 garnet shard. I might have calculated wrong, but I…