This, due to the horrible botting issue they had -before- auto-cultivation was introduced. On the other hand, we do appear to have gotten a fully functional edition of the limiter for primal, for whatever reason.
50 extra for one day logged, 100 extra for more than one day in a row logged, so technically up to 105 a day. But why you'd waste money on them from the boutique, that I don't know.
Simple answer: Level isn't your issue, try putting your inventory in scroll mode. In dock mode, it's apparently convinced your last 32 inv slots aren't part of your inventory.
Also bear in mind, if you want the L100 version of this skill, despite what the skill tree says, it's no longer called Soul Shatter. Both skills are now called Soul Link. You have to read the description on the Soul Link book to ensure you get the right one.
A, toggle the lights for certainty, then C, grab the nearest aerosol can and a lighter. If it looks wispy, it's probably not a fan of incendiaries. Worst case, it's all an illusion or prank and I still get to make fire. There's no downside here.
Any class can do it with an autopot stone. For seeker, I put Blood-Thirsty Blitz at the start of my macro and use chi poultices of death on autopot to keep my mana up. In my case, I go for AoE grind zones, so that's rather necessary, but with 1200 poultices per void honor, it's not a hard hit. BTB regains 20% of my max hp…
Looks good overall, but is there any chance of the card drops being restored to OHT2/3/4? I can't honestly see any reason they were taken out, and it's a major inconvenience to many of us.
Well, first off, yeah, that. Can't teleport in, can't fly in, instance just won't allow entry. Second off... why would you call it "Abba" if you spelled it correctly a moment later? There's only one B in Abaddon. Makes no sense to me.
The biggest downside is with gravel blade. Obtaining that skill consumes the parchedblade and soulsever skills, which means you lose your ability to proc those stances via aoe in any way. For any seeker who's used to pulling large groups of mobs (should be every seeker), that's a fairly large nerf. On the other hand,…
It's likely lag causing the issue. That can happen sometimes, and it'll show it as an interrupt. I think it occurs when lag causes the client to think you have two skills going off faster than they're supposed to be able to. Using instant-channel skills in your macros will also break it, but it doesn't sound like that's…
Look closely. It also drops battousai's cooldown from 4s to 3s in the process.
5: OHT mobs need to start dropping cards again. Removing that is idiotic and makes obtaining high quantities of perfect stones a royal pain. 6: Give us back the pill daily mayhaps. I don't use it that much, but I know many who did it religiously, and it was a nice bonus for those who cared.
I hit Bloodlusted Loon the instant it dc'd me. Ate a guardian scroll, would have lived if I had hit him half a second later :/
Most of the break blade options are too slow or too weak to be viable. I'm aiming to get it on my Drizzy, due to the speed. Even still, I'm not going to shell out faction base prices to make it tanky. I don't think it'd ever really pay off.
They started putting three hour maint times to get people to shut the hell up about running over an -estimate-. Personally I think they should just say "we'll be done when we get around to it".
Great PvP mood. Too bad it happened on that pet. Ah well, could still be fun to play with.
Those are faction base pet scrolls. Locked price, no way to make it cheaper. They cost 32m coin and 24k contribution each, but they're stronger than the normal version of each at max level. All five are one-hour selfbuffs. They're also tradelocked and stashlocked, so you have to earn them on the character you want them on.…
My main and my alt are both on a private mail server. My main got the email, my alt didn't yet. Chances are they're just taking their sweet time sending them all out.
Take note of the last post date. This is known as a necro. Start a new thread.
Pre-lycaeum my goal was to get a derjan and deck him out with atk, pdef, mdef, and bramble base books. It'd cost 128m to do that, but the stats you'd get would have made him obscenely powerful for an unevolved veno pet. Post-evolution I'm not sure I'll do that anymore, but he's definitely worth evolving. He's a powerhouse.
I pull 950+ or 1000 runs every time with only 6% -chan, because I'm too lazy to get more right now. I could use more -chan, but the only gear dependent aspect of it seems to be the tortoises. Hate those things.
Explains all those unbound Astral Ballads on wc though, doesn't it? :P
This. The couple times I've said I was going to afk, it became "Well, I'll just activate this guard... and kill that sly fox... I might as well do the second wave while I'm here..." and before I know it, I'm slapping the boss around. x.x
I got my Bewitch (Tiger) for 750k. Squirrel I've seen offers at 20m, sales may be a bit over that. Some people will pay more simply because Tiger is much easier to obtain.
There's one exception to this. TT-derived nirvana gear binds only because the pre-nirvy gear is autobind. The only one that -doesn't- is ☆Dragonslayer, Annihilation. As a seeker, any weapon you make should come from that. Lunar is more expensive, other TT options are autobind and usually more expensive anyway. I would…
It's rare. Rare = valuable. Even when that's completely irrational.
Exactly this. This is why intelligent seekers will sometimes ask about stance levels of other seekers at the start of a run. Having someone running L10 soulsever and someone running sage usually means neither will end up activated. Better to have the levels understood.
- That's an accurate view of the "drop rate" on the quest reward. I could go for some of that luck... 1.0348% chance is pretty low indeed.
Still worth it as demon. The crit debuff is pointless, but no longer losing MP on foxform is easily worth having.
27 instead of 35, assuming you're stating the difference between min and max scores. Not that it's that major of a difference.