(Edit: Disclaimer: I havent played in over 6 months, I might be a bit out of date when it comes to rep badges, arent they on sale 24/7 now? That might make them worthless to sell but who knows, there's millions of items to sell if they are a dead end.) Sell rep, always sell rep until you learn what you're doing. Its easy,…
Did you just say you spent $4,000 and can do aba and sot easily! Wow, never knew a CSer can do BH100 easily! THANKS FOR CLEARING THAT UP! You're an idiot. And thank you for not reading it. Because you clearly don't know very much about this game. Level 100+ culti requires you to finish the OHT quest chain to become…
It's a list of things PWE has done to **** over players. Not things that are wrong with the game, or things players do to **** off other players. Simply a list of 18 things that PWE has done to intentionally **** over their players.
They wouldn't care. They'd show me last quarters earnings and show me to the door with a smirk on their face. i don't know how to feel about this. You're happy only experiencing about 10% of what this game has to offer. Tha'ts either sad that youve accepted your fate as someone who will never be a factor player in TW,…
Lol new server? The servers are dead and empty as it is, no need to water them down evenb further. If anything the servers should be merged together. So the game doesn't feel so dead.
PWRD/PWI its all the same. CN has to approve everything that happens in this game. They are the ones who pulled the 11 and 12 stars from the boutique, they have the power to change anything they want. Yet they don't. So to me they're both the same. They both caused this to happen, they both deserve the blame, and neither…
Added to list. I already addressed this was a QQ thread. Thank you captain obvious :))
Youre a level 100 cleric, collecting your nirvana talisman, and turning it right back in gives 5 mirages a day. Takes 20 days to get 100 mirages doing JUST THAT. Stop exaggerating.
The auction house makes this so simple and easy to do I sometimes wonder how many people do it. Imagine, with R9+12, a 4 aps sin can easily solo nirv during 2x, if he doesnt leave his computer he could easily make a bil in a couple days... dude thats like $800. Spend $2000 on this game and start farming and make your money…
You should probably pick a West Coast server though, east might give a little lag.
Always thought you were a girl...
Oceania is a geographical location on Earth. Not game content.
BootyCamp beat Tempest. :3
It doesn't have to be Red!!
LOOOOOOL was just thinking the same thing...
Dont leave Kindrid out of it xP
Are you serious? He got a new computer in March of the year 2009 which allowed him to play this game good enough to have fun. His old one probably wasnt up to par. You must be really dumb.
To me, R9 seems so much better than the competitors there's no reason to get anything else. Unless of course you can't afford that extra 400mil. But tbh you're going to end up spending more on the recasts for g15/r8r than if you just buy R9 outright...
Lol at the related videos to the tag "pumping iron"
No, they make a cleric to DD. Trust me, or any cleric I've ever ran an instance with while on an alt. They'll vouch for me.
Youre kind of killing that joke...
For some reason your posts never cease to irritate the fuucking shiit out of me. Youre so ignorant and blind to everything everyone is talking about all the time. Its like you listen to half the convo then pipe in with some stupid *** reply that takes everything out of context. Anyways, the game is already dead, there's no…
I hate when I'm wrong b:cryb:cryb;cry
At least it's not 3 minutes like that one time they faced Gladio...*cough* b:bye
Stupid idea from a stupid kid.
I like 2x drops, in moderation. There's no point to having perm 2x drops.
Then how come it doesn't show up when you search Bounty Hunter in PWdatabse? D:<
I will win the Scroll of tome... of these years.
He IS serious...
I like the censored version (This one isn't as good as the original, but apparently all the RB videos got removed so eh. Original was funny as hell though!)