Ash - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I'm not whining, or don't mean to be. I just don't like the way the game is designed. Especially professions and bosses. It's too limited and narrow minded. I also don't like the cash shop anymore as I've realized it revolves around blatant greed. I guess that's why I quit and haven't played since I posted that. I got my…
  • Lessie, I didn't delete them from my myspace because I didn't get rewarded for this one tiny single little event, I deleted them because as Neverwas said, I am deathly sick of these constant greed driven tactics that seem to run the show for them and are completely transparent to me and some others, if sadly not to…
  • Me too! Great post Neverwas!
  • So what was the definition of a scam again? Because I definitely think the nature of PWI's attempts to earn money from their players most certaintly falls on the shady side........ It's far from respectable or admirable, and there are businesses in the world believe it or not that conduct their business in ways that can be…
  • This is the problem.... when people think running a business/making sales means bad ethics/total lack of principles is acceptible or even positive. That such deceptive and shady practices are acceptible because it's a "business". Good businesses use good business ethics. Bad businesses/scam artists and cons use bad…
  • **APPLAUSE** Thank you! PWI hasn't got a clue how to run a company or their game, imho. Not to mention human psychology. If they keep going on with their current ways of doing things, they might achieve some momentary success, but they'll burn out fast. A business cannot truly succeed for long without LOYAL customers. And…
  • You are so right, my friend. Unfortunately I would not get the exp either now as I WAS one of the first 2000 people to friend them but I just now deleted them from my friends because they suck, plain and simple. For more reasons than just this. Such a great game design. Shame on them for being so GREEDY. It's in extremely…
  • It's ok, because we can delete them from our myspace again, which I intend to do. Yes, I feel scammed. By now I feel they're only in it for the money.. as I've been playing this game a while now. They're way too obvious about it, and if they'd focus more on making a great game and less on being all about the money, in the…
  • I'm definitely starting to think this game is all about the $$$$$$ and could care less about the players... for more reason than one. Which is a huge shame because it has so many great things about it and has so much potential... But as I get higher in lvl I find I'm starting to get bored of all the repetitive…
  • They should at least have a larger variety of better prizes... like Several different mounts, not just one.. and several kinds of weapons, wings, etc.. And zero or very small amounts of halloween candy and pumpkinhead pills, etc... Honestly. The way it is now is such a joke. At least if they had a variety of GOOD prizes…
  • Paradox.. you're not supposed to start a life of slavery... Learning a trade that is like a hobby you love to do, even if you weren't getting paid for it, is the trick. I make dolls and my bf is a musician. We're so glad we're not like normal people! The hardest part is finding something in the world that suits your…
  • OH NO. 25!! I'm 33. LOL But I'm just a big kid, and get told I look 19 all the time anyway. :D Age is just a number. Guess your state of mind has a lot to do with it. No one can tell I am 33. I know of someone else who plays online games and is 45, so I really don't think age has anything to do with it.... Isn't that why…
  • Nevermind. Problem fixed itself after a reboot whatever it was.. *shrug*
  • Oh wow.. That's really awesome. Thanks so much for the tip guys. Just tried it out right now. :D I saw that before kind of but had no clue what it was.. Now I know I won't have anymore headaches with not having enough money to train my expensive skills... as a dollar goes a long way.. Sure beats buying cash shop items to…
  • Is this legal? It won't get you banned? I thought I saw someone on these forums who said they got banned for selling zen....
  • Btw, to achieve the 6000 friends goal.. what everyone who has a myspace needs to do is put PWI in their top friends, especially the ones who get a lot of traffic... That might help.
  • It's for networking, spicyjack.. for people who can use that kind of networking for something productive, like to succeed in their career, sell art, join together for some common goal, whatever.. Also to meet people to date and find penpals and things? Not that I really care as they deleted one of my accounts that had been…
  • Wow. Thanks so much Gattsuru. That site is brilliant. You can even see a percentage of how often items are dropped and run searches. Love it. b:heart And thanks Amanai. That's such a help too. :D
  • I've noticed a quick reboot of my computer gets rid of that. Don't know why it does, but it does. Have you tried that?
  • Great, thanks! I haven't tried them yet. I'll try then! I did look at that database and tried some of the monsters and they didn't drop, though the names on the list seem to have changed since I last looked the other day, so I'm just confused now.. :D
  • Glad you found something that drops them. Shanlang Cutlasses don't drop them for me either.. :-( Seems nothing does.
  • Ok. I read Razor Feathers sucks so I haven't expended much training on it or tried it much, but if it allows you to affect multiple enemies at once, that's a definite bonus. :-) Thank you. :-) (Would be better if we could select multiple specific targets for some of these spells too, but oh well..)
  • I agree completely. This is a spectacular game design overall, but as I just said in my previous post... it is a bit too constrictive and limiting when it comes to things to do with the professions.
  • Thank you. Sounds like a good idea.. I'll do that. Because I know I don't have the greatest computer, but surprisingly everything worked quite well until recently when I got into the towns (mainly west Archosaur) and more people joined. Though actually the Malaysian server I played on for about a week before this one…
  • I've been willing to pay and have paid. But that stops at a certain point.... I don't intend to spend $100 a month on one little game when I could spend that money much better on 5-10 other games or REAL PHYSICAL clothes or much better other things! I don't mind at all paying the developers and designers what they deserve…
  • I have to agree. Also, prices this inflated start to make you wonder if the company isn't only about taking advantage of its players. Charging so much for necessary things like inventory and charms makes you wonder if the whole design of the game wasn't set up to be crooked from the start. This set-up allows them to…
  • Not everyone has that kind of money to spend daily on a video game though. Be grateful you do. The silver charms should be like 50 cents at the very most. The prices in the cash shop are way too high for everything... Honestly, if they keep it up at this rate and don't lower the prices, especially for things that are so…
  • My own fault?? That's why I'm still running out of space? No.. it doesn't scroll.
  • It's ok. I understand. ;P I didn't even realize they didn't have an option to rearrange the keys. Does strike me as strange, because most games do have that. And understandable it's uncomfortable to you! Also makes sense if you play other games a lot it would be better to have all the controls all the same because it's…