That SUCKS..... You should just give it to me!!
IGN: LordSnow Class: Human BM :)
so basicaly its worth like 10298023957912838941023948 coin
how the hell did you think we would be able to translate that?!?
this is wrong, the stars do increase the bower of the weapon but the weapon does not need gems to glow. Weapons glow as long as they are Legendary, HH, or 3 STAR.
It Was Pandora!!!!!
That little ****er better be STACKED with the best gear and items and rich as hell!!! He better buy me some heiros!
if your complaining about lvl 41 your going to HATE lvl 42. Grinding is going to become your main source of lvling soon. That as well as your daily. My advice is join a guild with the intent to help other players. The more help you give to other people (fbs, mob quests, etc) the less annoying your grinding will be. At…
Dual Swords PVP based
so its kinda like a PWI facebook?
if hes not holding a weapon and his hands are glowing then they are fists. and to my knowledge gems dont have an efect on the glowyness of weapons only 3 star/legendary/twilight. but i could be wrong but i am yet to find a clear answer for it
ill send you screan shots if you send me pics of alone time! b:laugh
I guess ill play Names Nathan, Live near Chicago IL 20 yrs old and in game name now adays is LordSnow or Esmi.
lol i didnt know thye had bots for this game. although i guess people will try in all games so it doesnt supprise me
becouse you screwed up
what build are you going with? full int or LA or somthing else?
wat? im guessing you dont know what skillz you should lvl? What weapon type are you useing and whats your stat build?
As a sword user i would have had you add more dex, you might not hit as hard but you crit A TON more times. I am only lvl 51 and on average im criting atleast once per mob most of the time twice and have seen 5 crits on one mob. of course you could switch to axes for more damage but you accuracy goes down alot and you will…
Did that guy pull out a spear while fighting? It sure looked like it but maybe it was a skill of some sort. if he did how did he pull it out so fast?
is there a significant difference in damage between LA and full int? or am i not really going to notice it?
So i started a wiz and i origianly went for LA build. Is there really a significant difference in damage between LA and full int? or am i just fretting about nothing? I plan on doing lots of pvp so i want what will be best for that and i figured it would be LA but if im not going to 1 hit somone till lvl 90 becouse i went…
And what is your skill points like, I dont remember having that much trouble at lvl 20!
I see where your coming from, I am the same way. Not only do i not have enough coin for that but i do perfectly fine with my sutra skill that i dont neccisarily need a charm. In some cases it would be nice but a waste of money in most cases for me.
NOOB QUESTION: "But basically from 60-70+ I zhen'd instead of aoe'd." <-- what is zhen'd?
^^ AMAZING :drool: ^^
does fashion ever get dropped?
what are dragon molders?
for the most damage keep vit and strength at a min and keep pounding away at the dex for a mix go min strength and then average out vit and dex, i did this but im not sure i did it correctly. I dont think my build turned out all that great.