It was an auto response most likely. They did the same thing to me.
b:laugh Lol can't mention Pikachu on thats funny. Kossy is on it! <3 And my reply to the dumbass got removed :( was going to be so fun to point out how he made himself look dumb. Way to take the fun out of it. QQ
Unless you read everything I said, don't speak. I never said anything about going to a F2P (I will assume that means free to play). I did however say I would leave IF THE EXPANSION WASN'T GOOD. And if you read what I wrote in its entirety I said I would go to -removed-, which is not free to
First of all, that made 0 sense. Second of all, wtf is nerd raging? Third of all, how about you just keep your mouth shut if something is said that does not concern you. In no way, shape, or form did I mention your name, so ****. I am an un satisfied customer and I can rant and rave about me being unhappy all I want. So…
LOL!! Pwi put Dragon Orb Oceans on sale for 35 gold!!! No wonder Pwe only has a .06% gaming community with satisfaction rate, while -removed- has 54%! Only good thing that came from Pwe is Neverwinter (buying the certificate or whatever its called of course, not actually making the game.) BUT that one still didn't make it…
SERIOUSLY?!?! Hypers??? Can't even use that code man! Way to keep it classy PWI! That's it..... I've had enough... I'm telling Santa!
Might I suggest: -nope you may not-
I highly doubt they are going to be able to tell the difference between those that purposely spammed the code, and those that did by accident. And I do know what they are going to do in terms of compensation because they told me in a ticket which apparently I am not allowed to post on here. But, in short, only Arch is…
Going to be a Dragon Ocean Orb sale next maint. LOL, if they do that, I will quit. That would be such a slap in the face.
Well that is a bunch of bull****. They better hope this expansion is kick *** or its time to take an indefinite break from PWI. Right now all they have going for them would be that expansion. They stopped responding to my tickets regarding the code. Well, they responded one time last week when I first sent it, and now they…
So what is the update on this? Still jack **** going happen?
f:meh Do GM's or any PWI staff actually read these forums? Or do MODS just take a look and pass on info?
That just doesn't make any sense... #spellingishard What would totally be so funny though, is for the next maintenance they put Ocean Orbs on sale with the hopes that people that did not get to redeem the code will buy them to catch up to those that did... f:laugh
It doesn't seem that way though. Not from what they responded with in the ticket I sent.
That's my point, there is no way to tell the difference. So they are just full of it. As I calm the masses. They aren't going to actually do anything about this. Maybe extend 2x as someone said...but that's about it. Those who didn't get the code redemption (like me) are just **** out of luck.
For those of you saying to submit tickets: I submitted a ticket yesterday before I saw what was actually going on with the codes and all that and this was the response I got: AND just so you kind of have an idea of what I said in the ticket, I said: I am trying to redeem the code from your facebook page regarding the…
Holy Hell! LOL Man, that thread view count and thread reply count to this thread was totally dropped like crazy amount! No good at all lol. Way to make it look like its no big deal when this thread had more views and more replies than any other thread on here LOL
Le sigh
#beingamodishard b:chuckle
#beingamodishard b:chuckle
Is that poll that is on this thread legit from PWI? If it is, it says that it is open until 12/2...wouldnt that make it so much worse to wait that long if you did decide to rollback? Nevermind it was a player.
298! b:chuckle Aww *** someones comment was longer 298 -.-
I doubt they will. It was said that people that didn't mean to abuse the code did it because the page was not loading to the "Congratulations" page so they just kept entering the code until it did. I highly doubt there is a way that the GMs will be able to tell the difference between someone entering the code repeatably by…
This thread has the most views and most replies out of all the threads... whats that tell you b:chuckle
^ person that abused the code
I submitted the ticket before I read the forums to see what was going on with the code. So my ticket said that the code wasn't working and that it says on their Facebook page that it was going to be available until Sunday. The response I got from them was: -snip- So, everyone that got to the code before it was disabled got…
Then we are **** out of luck. We will get nothing, after they fix whatever it is they broke they will be only compensating the Arch server again as per the response from the ticket I submitted. Time to just contact your banks and to take back all the charges to Perfect World Entertainment and let PWI keep your toon because…