I tried to do that via a ticket this morning and had the reply that they "will not be able to change your account's registered email address." Try submitting a ticket and see if you have any better result. Good luck!
It's possible that there is a delay in billing somewhere. It's taking a very long time for the payment I just made through paypal to be processed too. Ticketing is defintiely the best option, or patience :/
Lol Sky.. nice work! b:chuckle
ok. thank you :) I'll try not to gnaw the legs off my desk until then. b:laugh
My female cleric has been balding since yesterday! b:chuckle Couldn't find the specific info, as i seem to have a heap of characters listed >.< anyhoo... as she is: and how she should be:…
5g? A bargain at twice the price! b:laugh
yup yup! they are!
Yay! manual patch is up!
I would definitely get one of those!b:laugh
Probably because we're all trying at once!