Aripmav - Lost City Arc User


  • i havent really read all of ur forum post about ur new class idea, i sort of brought up a similar class suggestion in another thread after u, just saying that i think u have something good going, i appoligize if it sounded like i was copying u i just found it, but just wanted to know what was going through ur head about…
  • there is not a single game not worth playing that has dark elves in itb:pleased, introduced in this class can be a necromancer built with cursed and draining attacks, and the other...a veno's worst nightmare, a summoner, rather than catching pet, you use majic to summon elemental creatures to fight by ur side, and to make…
  • the purpose of all classpets is not only for decor, and for showing off ur rich dieties, but it also becomes a good destraction to pkers, so the pet gets targeted rather than you b:pleased
  • b:cry srry i didnt c this earlier ty rose and gratz to u too ^^