haha, thanks for the strategy; i'll try it when i decide to fight dismal again. the only thing i dont have is the mp charm. dunno if my pots will be enuff to save my mp. but i'll most likely be in a party so they'll have done some damage to dismal b4 they die and maybe i'll be ok soloing it then. thanks again b:thanks
Wow, can't believe u solo'd dismal shade alone. good job! :D how did u do it? what lvl is your purify skill? it would be a big help if you could tell me what you did cuz i tried fighting that thing with a party as the healer but we ended up dying miserably. b:surrender
I don't appreciate U.S. times being called ****, but FYI, the snowman tamer quest is not working for me either and I live in the U.S.