Apothicus - Lost City Arc User


  • Seems to be alot of angst in this thread lol. Well I do agree that the Halloween event was really not based for the entire PW playing community. Paying Ole Jolly 100k or spending alot on CS angels to obtain the event holiday box was targeted to the those high lvl enough to afford 100K coin or those paying real money. But…
  • Cash shop prices are high cost, I agree. But not whinning. Was the myspace event intented to fail from the begining, probably not. But i do think that these 2 things are linked together. You have 100 people playing on the server, 25% may spend money on cash shop and 10% of the 25% may do so on a regular basis.(just example…
  • I agree that the bug needs to be fixed and should have a prioity over some other fixes. But fearing to even fly or go around Gouf is silly. I play on Lost City server and the GM's there do an outstanding job at being certain that a ban is warrented. Example: My twin was playing his character and just grinding on exp…