Antigone - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Damm Starcraft 2 is so awesome!! I'll get back to it as soon as i put some sense into sadpuma's head b:chuckle 1. his gear (unlike u, i farmed for my gear) 2. he was always higher level than everyone (unlike u, i was grinding on Array Sentries instead of trying to figure out how to gear myself) 3. he learned to exploit the…
  • WoW. A pk thread. Since i love pking. i'll make this my first and last post on the forum b:cute I fixed it for ya =). this is why people "REFINE" their gear. think before posting. Sadpuma. really? hmm maybe he's the best now. what do i know about HT's TOP GUNs today. lets not talk about them. but from experience.. Sadpuma…