Angrydragon - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I find a balanced build only good on PvP servers. On PvE, there should be no reason why you don't focus 80%+ of your points in Magic. You don't need Vitality if you do enough damage to kill mobs in 2-3 hits. At lower levels, that should be all you need. MP becomes a severe issue around level 25. You'll find yourself…
  • The way I went is putting all my points into Magic, keeping an eye out for upcoming Strength requirements on gear. Later on, when you do a lot of group dungeon runs, the more Magic you have, the better healer you will be, and the more your group will love you.
  • The only problem I have with Teamspeak/Ventrilo is that it is not fair for many with disabilities, such as the deaf/hard of hearing, people with speach problems, etc. As well, many with slower computers have issues running a VoIP program while playing the game. Coming from heavy a heavy raiding guild in WoW, I find that…
  • Just wondering, does the metal debuff have a time limit on it, or does it stay constant? I'm none too happy that points consumed to cast genie spells don't auto-regenerate (even at a very slow pace). Plus, why do they call them genies. They look like sprites or pixies!