Thanks for clearing out my post XD
Want to make a Barb angry? Fight him, when your almost dead, Shadow Escape and never return!
Just give it a break, Tideborns are just 1 month old, If you'd guys stop leveling so ridiculously fast you wouldn't be complaining for more weapons and Sage/Demon skills. I'm taking my time to level, it seems pointless to get to 90 without Sage and Demon.
Shadow Escape - Haha you can't kill me now :P
If you think double jumping is hilarious, wait till you jump off a 500 ft cliff and survive, now THAT'S hilarious lol!
Aww, It ain't that bad. You have a 4% chance to shatter in Dark Red, 3% in Red and 2% in Light Red. None of my stuff has shattered yet but repairing it isn't a bother to me either since I level my crafts alot. But yea, the no selling stuff kinda sux, that's why I wont set lock for more than 50 min. If you wanna PK with…
Lol! There's this guy I pked once and he said "Wow, your so cool Mr. Invisible" I took it as a compliment xD
Don't be so humble MagicHamsta, I bet you make ridiculous amounts of damage If you get the first hit.
I wanna see b:thanks
Can I be your cupcake Saitada? xD
Light Red = 1-7 Hours Red = 8-20 hours Dark Red = 21+ Hours You gain 2 hours for each white name you kill. You can shorten the time by killing monsters your same level or higher. The exact time depends on how fast you kill, I usually burn 1 hour in about 10-15 min without stopping to meditate.
LOL! Epic!
To beat assassins in PVP, you must kill them before they stealth, a Wizard is very good at this BUT, If we are stealthed and you wear robe, it's GG. And as for Barbs... Yea, feel proud of yourselves, your the Assassins weakness, anyways, I would just force stealth the hell away from them.
Yea, I really wish a PK counter would be implemented, many games have that.
If I get pked I just click "Release Corpse", there's no reason to whine if you joined a PVP server. On the other side, when I PK, I usually wait and see what the victim has to say. Some say very funny things and I don't reply unless the dude has a good sense of humour.
In all honesty, vs a Cleric, Wiz, Psychic and Veno, if an Assassin is the same level as them and he's stealthed, it's pretty rare they will survive that attack. We come out of stealth usually with Puncture Wound, Tackling Slash so they wont run and by the time we do Slipstream, they are dead already. But, if a Wiz,…
You should checkout your client, I got my safety lock set to 50 mins, more than enough to do a quest some grinding and then go sell my stuff. After that I just relog. Safety lock is your best PK friend.
Good choice, In my experience, at higher levels all I see are Blademasters and Venomancers, I supose those are the most played characters.
Puncture Wound + Deep Sting on a robe user leting them bleed while their asleep = Priceless. I also use that combination alot in PVP to kite Blademasters.
Wow, so every time PW makes a new instance and new gear, you can just gamble with your money and eventually buy the items off the boutique? Ridiculous, why don't you guys throw in the Ultimate Weapons on those packs while your at it, GG.
Does this patch means we will get new endgame content soon? In the last few weeks I've seen that the devs wants us to level faster by selling oracles on the boutique and now 3 BHs, and if i'm not mistaken, you can do 5 if you get the Bounty Orders as rewards? Am I right, or am I just doing wrong assumptions?
Assassins are here to balance out Archers b:chuckle
This is exactly right, in most, if not all, games ive played, assassin's in PVP take the role of caster killers. There is no such thing as a class that can beat every other class easily (That's called imbalanced). Yes assassins may beat a HA class just like a Wizard can kill a Cleric but that depends on the skill of the…
F2P MMORPGS is the best business model ever invented. People buy products that dont have manufacturing expenses, you buy stuff that can ONLY be used in a game, you spend your real life money on a world that's not even real and then people whine for a $70 mount... All I can say is LOL. A 70 gold mount ain't stopping me from…