ok I know people usually hate drows.. However Im gonna take a chance. Its sad that most of you on here were negative and kept cutting each other down. Heres mine whether you like her or not she landed a very hot looking drow who married her :P
Heh thats what Ilike about it .. the clear bigger eyes. They are not that big. Very clean features! I rate it a 1 being super pretty. Most eyes that are a rose color or red just dont look nice.. You pulled it off fabulously! Great job!
I love pandas!!! Pandas rule espcially in that outfit! Perfect!!
Yes Id combine the two the first ones hair with the seconds skin! Great job!! Please show us the results ok??
Hope you enjoy this one^^
Imight try sending a few mails in game as well. thank you for whispering me Belial. Wish I had saw it. I will send you a mail on hre with my email addy in it. thanks for the reply^^
Wow I just posted an add looking for a guild just like this!! You have everything I am looking for and the AGE thing is a must as well! You have Rules, a web site, can voice and all the above! Here is a copy of my thread I just posted. Please contact me. I believe I am good candidate for Nocturne. I espcially love the…
Mmm I dunno the whole I dont need any rules thing is a BIG reg flag for me.. Every guild needs structure starting with a web page or forum and set of rules.. sorry I'll pass.
Just bumping this to see if anyone knows who I can contact for this guild. Or perhaps the guild called Faithful. Looking for a guild that might think about doing TW in the future. Thanksb:thanks
thats what I meant. I need to sell the gold and you cant just trade it to another player which sux. Thats why I wanted a tutorial on how to use the auctioneer. I want to sell the gold for in game coin to pay the match maker. Everytime I click ont he auctioneer I dont see the list of people or an option to make an account…
So to be clear if I wanted t sell my gold to a player I cant do that. I have to offer to buy them the item they want from the boutique? efor each gold I use I can charge them 100 K for it correct?
So If I advertised in World chat How would I give one of my Gold for 100K coins? I Dont think I have ever even seen where its actually stored. Can some one explain or point out the obvious??
whats WC? thanks for the info
Oh yeah how do you use the afk mode???
aww well Idont want to **** anyone off or hurt feelings. I have tried asking them to give me a few seconds before the pounce and that didnt work soooooooooooo Just thought I would see if ther is anyway I can uncheck the name so I can log in with peace :P thanks for the replies I appreciate itb:pleased
So exactly how much is divorse in american dollars?
So how much is it?? None of you ever said!
Ok that makes sense thankyou all again for being so patient with me!! This is gunna Be fun!
If you watch the monsters they follow a traced path and usually dont stray off that area they are marked for. I am still having a little bit of trouble believing this.
Sweet thanks!!
Ok great so you need ten slots open^^ thanks so much!!b:pleased
Wow so pretty!! thank you!! I read somewhere you have to have 8 spaces free in your inventory to open the pack is this correct? What about rings? does the pack come with them or should you make your own?
thank you I left a mesage with Lightbinder and I think Deadly i hope they can get back to me tonight.
Is Lightbindres still the contact person for Empire 2 until Im big enought o join the regular Empire?
How about new hair styles? Put something interesting in the cash shop or better shoes with the curly asian toe at the end. Or maybe just diffrent makeup? Maker scrolls are a rip off. I personally think half the dresses in the cash shop are ugly compared to the high level dresses in game that are low cut in the front for…
Wow still the fact you even had 500 k amazes me^^ Thanks for the tip about the archer. My PW hunny is an archer and I will keep that in mind ^^
Wow thats cool!! Thank you for the long post about it. I am going to copy this into word so I can review it. Its awesome the system notifies you if the deal goes through. I just read in another post that the going rate is 100 K for 1 gold piece of zen. I have been on game a couple months, I am not on here 24/7 and it took…
Im just curious how people get 100 K so easily in game? I have done the shop thing and fought alot to get gold and it still took me a while to gain just the 112K I have! The only thing I am thinking is these people have no job sit on thier butt ALL day and play pw to get that kind of in world gold! I was going to try to…
I agree its too expensive if my zen went further id be encouraged to keep blowing money cause you get alot of stuuf that makes it WORTH IT. Here is an example In SecondLife you pay 4.09 for 1000 lindends or play money. In game that 1000 gets you alot more stuff like most hair runs between 100 to 450 . you can get whole…
aww bummer well thats good to know^^ thank you for letting me know