Alkrivar - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • As a leader of a faction on Sanctuary. I wonder why people do it so much I made a rule against it. Though there is a common consensus among the factions I've been in that it's impolite, yet people still do it: Might be a difference between my way of running (right now i've been off the game and probably will be for a while…
  • I would say because.... why does a social networking site even need a forum to talk about it when there's facebook itself to post on. If you are asking for what i think you mean. I mean, beyond showing a facebook page what is there to say about it? My personal opinion aside, I don't use it for anything beyond PWI's uses…
  • Sorry for the late reply. It seems the faction is now largely inactive after some inactivity of my own (life, basically) but you sure can join! I'll try recruit you as soon as possible!
  • Woah. Tanky appearing too? This is good news. Glad to hear from you mate! We started up earlier, but due to life throwing things at me on and off since just before christmas, we had activity spikes and drops up and down like mad. Nonetheless it's good to hear from you! Right now I gotta fix the activity problems (I think…
  • wow. You're welcome to if you like! I've seen you around the forums. Don't worry, we're patient people (at least the leadership is) i haven't been on the game today, but I should be back on tomorrow. This thread should be used as a discussion thread more. oh and we do have a website in-production that needs improvements,…
  • oh hi! welcome! drop me an invite in game, I think we can find a time you're on at the same time. or if i'm not. shout out for an Exosphere officer, if any are on. They'll bring you in :)
  • Yes, this. I don't want to be told my only toon is useless. I know aggro is tough at end-game levels, but i sure as hell am not replaceable or useless, i can do other means in a squad too, than just buffing.
  • This would be bad for me if I played Heaven's Tear. Barbs are both wanted AND needed on Sanctuary. I guess its different on Heaven's Tear, but they are desired as much as Clerics where I play, I can attest to this because my only character is a Barb, and I get to play plenty in PVE. Since I got Sage Devour and Alacrity. It…
  • How can one do a 'Fake' FCC? if you want to buy an EXP room, make sure the way is clear first before paying, if there are mobs in the way, simply don't pay. if there still aren't any clear way to the EXP room at all, then do the run on your own or gather a bunch of people together, either by faction, friends list, or world…
  • I have a charm, but I don't rely on it, it's nice to have, but on the downside, it makes kids think you are invincible and don't need a healer, and the player lazy unless they have discipline, if i can, i arm myself with charm, crabs, best gear i can afford, and hopefully a good squad (most of the time I get at least ONE…
  • you all wouldn't mind a Barb, would you? So many nice characters here, nice diversity. its in his gear though, need to take one in his fashion.
  • and here's my updated screenshot! TT90+ Pan Gu, now a Sage with sage True Form.
  • nice images! heres this nice desert one I picked up on a flight to Archo.
  • LOL people must be mad to leave genie in bank, unless they're getting a new one but, really, never go on a high level instance without checking your supplies, Gear equipped: check Genie ready: check Charm/pots: enough for the run, check the thing I dread is the day when a cleric or mystic joins my squad, and refuses to…
  • Before this becomes a necro, i'm announcing that, despite a struggle and downfall in activity over the Christmas season, we are recruiting again! Simply drop me a pm in game :)
  • not too sure about this one. Snowmen are nice, fun to hit when you feel lazy, but one for every holiday themed to said holiday? That's going to be a lot of toll on the servers I think. Several of my friends have lag hell in Archosaur already and since the snow and snowmen its been a lot worse. Before I got my new computer…
  • I see this path that we are going down too. These things all happen in the world unfortunately, whatever people believe, every society has the crazy, evil, sick-minded individuals that do all these things, sexual assault, murder, torture, and so on, it's the nature of the uncivilized, but we can't allow ourselves to be…
  • This is one of my main gripes about people nowadays, although I haven't encountered it personally, I see so many squad calls saying 'link your weapon'. It makes me want to pm that person and tell them the gear they have does not equal skill, it just makes the character stronger, knowing your class is the ultimate decider…
  • I fully understand the reasons for the OP making this, and why it shouldn't be treated as lightly as it is said, but it is unrealistic to expect people on the internet to have a consciousness for such things in society, especially the immature idiots of pwi. But to start a fire publicly over the word is just as bad as the…
  • I have no idea, It's easy if you have a squad of players who can work together well, granted they'll be new, but with a cleric I could tank my way through so long as i was buffed, and had cleric support with DD's. I was a bad barb but serious;ly, you won't learn anything if you don't fail and learn from it sometimes. Hence…
  • Both ideas are flawed. How will people do their bh's? i've been doing bh69 through my 80's. each bh is for a fb 20 levels below them. I don't agree with getting a end game/ high level to do everything for you, but this isn't the way to do it. It'll just made this game harder and people won't do them. That will result in…
  • post above. this! I'm hoping that happens, rather soon for a good reason^^
  • about two days ago. i'm starting to get really acquainted with FCC now, met some nice people. So, we have a flawless run with a squad of people I'm started to really like. We get to exp room, we fight boss, and just as he dies i press flesh ream. and even though i didnt click tab. the flesh ream goes and hits the explosive…
  • I honestly see no problem with the way this forum is run. I been in many in my internet years since end 2004. Many too lax, too full of trolling, flaming and trash talking, some of which had trolls who spoke of X-Rated content when the forum was clearly against it. Some where politics became a heated debate. One of those…
  • Wow. This is good news it's being considered. Good luck to you V4! This could certainly bring around new changes and make our lives easier navigating all the tedious drama that just isn't needed in World Chat. I personally don't like having people who get involved in this riddiculous behaviour when it becomes sexual in my…
  • story seems really generic. I know a lot of people love manga but really, Manga ideas dont work great in other genres, a lot don't understand this and push for manga type things in other mediums. Its not a Japanese based MMO. PWI is loosely based off of chinese mythologies so this kind of story wouldn't work. If anything,…
  • Dear lordy indeed. These saddos need to get off an MMO and get a life if they're so deprived they resort to such behavior in a public chat. Was on the verge of telling them to stop it or take it to pm's. Worst of all, it was in the middle of Plume, where I often do my stuff after BH69 or 79. The worst of it is in…
  • A good idea. These would not be GM's, or have any game powers that are special. Just the ability to mute bad chat. I agree in sanctuary its bad, and im sick of having to wade through the trash talk and perving just to do my business of trading or recruiting for faction. Then again, i'm not asking for censorship of the…
  • Shame, counter-trolling sounded fun for a moment there. For now I guess theres no solution, and we defintely don't want a big solution that would attract the wrong sort I already mentioned in previous posts, also its sad but some of the most influencial WC chatters and players are actually these kind of pervs. It's even…
  • This actually sounds like a neat idea, if theres no moderators, ask to take it to pm, if that fails, blue wall the pervs with trolling until they get stop or get driven away from the game. Sounds like an internet protest to me, might do good. if they are kids, prepare fotr WC Drama though.
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