Alecsys - Sanctuary Arc User


  • If ure repair cost is bigger than normal i think ure doing smthing wrong... i'm grinding and make quite a nice sum... pity that all my money goes in skills for now. And crazy stones is not that expensive so u can cry about it.. its like 10k per day lol... i can make 10k in 2 min's lol.. cant really see a complaining motive…
  • indeed Sinister shooter (weapon or mold) is quite a problem to get... i searched 9 days AH and nothing... and if i saw them price was 1.5kk+ fortunately these days seems like they show up more often in AH.. now its time to make money and get one.. and fast b:victory
  • Idk why anyone would say that venos are overpowered... its a class from the game.. like it or not thats the way it goes.. the game was thinked to have balanced classes with "+"es and "-"es and if u cant get along with that u have always the "Delete" button on ur side... On the other hand my first character is an archer…
  • Idk how the high lvl players see this but... what's the fun in a new server when u can throw practically lvl 80+ characters there as everyone is asking for character transfer... i understand u dont wanna lose ure money that u spent on them and time and all that but... this is only ure problem... i just started playing 2-3…
  • I was about to make a thread bout this too... well i dont have any glitch but is it worth Flying mastery for archers? i mean is noticeable the speed increasing or should i just get a pair of boutique wings?
  • In the first posts i noticed a bunch of guys complaining about "girls get more exp than the boys blah blah blah" well here is my opinion... U go up there u get ure **** kicked by Mr. Jewels cause some high lvl think's is funny to "die for love" and it's luring him there, u click like a maniac to get ure 99 roses and u end…
  • wrong button srry double post
  • i've started a veno too and i was kinda bugged about the stats distribution but i think i found a decent one for arcane build 1 str/2 vit/7 mag for 2 lvl's... this will give me some hp so i can make my escape if my pet dies... if u guys find this build bad please point out why. Regards.
  • Hi guys... i have about 6-7 days since i joined PWi... first started an archer but i like more tanks :X... the thing i dont get is the stats build. Im curently lvl 11 and i have 35 vit, 23 str, mag 5, Dex 7. What i dont get is how u put dex/str at weapon/armours requirement... Can i just go to the Blacksmith and look at…
  • well first of all i want to say "Hi all" cause i'm new in this game and forum... i've started as archer on Sanctuary and seems to get large amounts of fun from this game ( though first i was sceptycal) i'm at lvl 9 and i liked to discover things by myself ... fortunately i've crossed up with a high lvl archer that teached…