Not only the few sparkling crystals I did have vanished, but the one I got today and put the bank, has also vanished.
How many people are waiting until after maintenance to make one of the new classes before using this weeks codes for the dreamchaser pack?
I'm pretty certain they gave all out all of the past anniversary gifts to everyone last year, because they are going to do things a little different this year. I'm hoping for areogear or fashion, preferably the former.
I don't suppose there is a male version soon to be available?
Its a catshop outfit!
Pirate who is a ninja in disguise
Interesting. Not really anything I read. A while ago, I started writing some PWI short stories, but kind of forgot about it. PWI-Short-Stories-Series
What fan fics do you write?
SweetieBot, I am confused, I did say please.
SweetieBot, please wake up my wife and her other husband.
Sweetiebot, please analyze me.
I 2nd this request.
Fable: The Lost Chapters Dragon Age 2 Guild Wars 2
I hope they don't use this method next year.
No email yet. Will wait to see what I get compared to what I thought I was getting before submitting any tickets. Patience be my friend today.
Thank you for clearing that up. I'll stop looking at the status page now.
I'm trying to figure out if maintenance has started or not. I already did the manual update so I can't log in to find out. And that status site says the servers are online, but who knows, maybe its lying.
Looking forward to all of it! Are the servers offline yet? Looking at and they say they are online.
Just did Bh59 on my alt cleric. Started with 1 barbarian, 1 mystic, 1 wizard, and 2 clerics. It started pretty standard. Barbarian runs up and gets the mobs attention. Healers healed and added to damaged when they could. It was pretty normal through zimo. At Ofotis, it was just a barrel of laughs. We ended up dying there…
Hammerfall - Genocide
As much as I hate CAPTCHA, it should also be used for login too. A few other sites I log on to, use it.
First question accomplishment date doesn't work if you created a character, explored instead of quest, then stopped playing for several months. The My Account area use to tell you your join date.
Been wondering the same thing. Surprised more people haven't mentioned it on the forum.
There was a time, after packs were introduced, that the duke was silenced. I miss that that.
Bought 2 bundles of 10 reps at about 2:30pm PST which according to their announcement news page, is 30minutes before the promotion ended. Still haven't seen my boxes.
Believing my faction mates, that were running my veno through her fb59, that I would have to fight the lightning guy all by myself. I was clicking and clicking. Faction mates were laughing and laughing. I was kind of disappointed that it was just a joke, cause I was all ready to do battle. Didn't know male toons couldn't…
Found this statement
This is the only one that I know of
Books, because its more fun to get lost in the story by creating the world with my own imagination.
How about: One Who Sits On Fence No matter what toon I'm playing, I always manage to make my way to the fence at Cave of Rabid Wolves and sit on the fence. Thanks