Is it all 3 or just the 35k one? Nvm, allready know. Cool! Thanks for this ^^
I'm also not happy with EU as BH. Every squad i end up in has no clue of what theyre doing and therefor it fails like every single time, the fact that it can only be done once a day really sucks!. Also I really liked snake BH, sad thats taken out...
I heard there's a story behind that one, something went wrong with the past pwi maps and the chronobike came out of one of the portals or something.
whoop its updating as we speak :) I hope the servers are up after my appointment \o/ Better before but hey, its pwi :P
Whoops, didn't think of that. Just woke up and still a bit sleepy. Will make a new screenie asap. Could have been a bit more friendly tho ;)
This isn't trolling, i'm just simply asking the pwe staff for advice on this. Asking advice doesn't fit in the dragon orb QQ thread because asking advice isn't QQ-ing.
Ooowwww him!! Yesss! Wow thats a long time ago! Hhahaha thanks for turning a smile on my face after a restless night (insomnia sucks). Yea sorry, wasnt pointing out to you, some other moron accused me for abusing. Ahwell i shouldnt let them get to me this much, i know i didnt abuse and thats all that counts i guess. Hope…
Hmmm just something that popped up in my head.. If they were planning on a rollback, wouldnt they have said something by now? Ahwell imma do something else, hope theres an update when i get back. Peace out and cya later! b:bye
Sweetiebot, thank you, you're cool!
Sweetiebot, i want a hug.
Pff i wish someone from pwe staff was on to give us an update..
Does anyone know when the gm working hours start? Its like 9.19 am now. Would like to see some updates.
Several things for me. Mainly its to find relaxation, to let out real life frustrations on mobs or whatever. Also i think its cool to communicate with people from allover the world and even tho i have never met them in real life, they have become good friends :) Also the achievements i make ingame feel satisfying :)…
I know, thats why they should send the code's out into the mailadresses or something so they can really only use it once per acount. Less spam and no abuse possible. I hope the gm's or whoever wake up soon so they can give us a headsup about all this.
I think the pwi staff gets up in about 2 hours and hopefully then we hear more about it.
<3 thank you :) I'm gonna eat it in bed tho :P catch ya later vairy ^.^b:bye
Yea i get that point, but i just wish it somehow can be done till before the code's started. One can always hope, right :) Just dont wanna loose everything i achieved that day and my guildies had quite some achievements too so i guess they would be sorta unhappy as well.
:o but but but *falls with head on keyboard and snores*f:tiredfoxy alone
Something tells me i spam too much... *hides* Gonna try to sleep some. b:bye
lol b:chuckle
Whaha ikr! How hard is it to read the starterpost. Ahwell. Sweetiebot, Basketball has never been my thing. Do you like basketball?
Sweetiebot, just read me a bedtimestory please.
Sweetiebot, that's allright, i need to fall asleep somehow ;) <3
Sweetiebot, could you read me a bedtime story instead?
Sweetiebot, can you sing me a lullaby?
yes b:laugh Seriously: no ofc not :P We are gonna live together so alot of work ahead for the next few weeks =)
yea hun scroll down in the first post of this thread, they had to disable the code for investigation.
But but but i have only this weekend to enjoy pwi :P After that i gotta move into my bf and my new house and such ;)
Ooowwww him!! Yesss! Wow thats a long time ago! Hhahaha thanks for turning a smile on my face after a restless night (insomnia sucks). Yea sorry, wasnt pointing out to you, some other moron accused me for abusing. Ahwell i shouldnt let them get to me this much, i know i didnt abuse and thats all that counts i guess. Hope…
If they somehow could remove it without a rollback that would be awesome but what about the people that allready used the orbs to refine?