depending on what class you are there is a trainer in your home city. ex. if you were a barbarian you would go to yuan fe the barbarian. or whatever his name may be. once you go to him you will be able to learn skills depending on how much spirit and money you have. you are also going to need to do your spiritual…
I did this quest a long time ago so i couldnt be certain, but there are two possibilitys here. 1) your having extremely bad luck and just need to keep killing. 2) the egg actually drops and you need to pick it up. 3)your killing the wrong kind of lynx... not a strong possibility but i figured id throw it out there.b:victory
lol she cantb:chuckle
absolutely no reason for a fox tank. the werebeast is a million times better.. the entire purpose of a tank is to steal aggros from mobs in order to protect other members of the party and then be able to take hits effectively. a fox tank cannot take hits NEAR as effectively as a werebeast and holding an aggro on a were fox…
you actually CAN get married on this game. be prepared to pay with real cash though its like 60 bucks worth of zen or somthing
I think axes are pve and claws as far as i know are the least powerful weapons known to bmsb:sweat swords are a better choice for pvp.
Aeronth, 7/10
you can find any information you need on materials at
i have never seen a fox mount but if you want one im sure you going to have to buy some zen with ingame coin or real cash. ingame coin amounts to 100,000 for 1 zen :D so if you want that fox i suggest you buy it with real money. why? because really it would take alot more time and heartache to make that much ingame money…
Friends from school I ride with
My favorite past time activity b:victory
Very true, I dont think there should be any reward for Kill stealing whatsoever. Parties are there for a reason. I would say that giving ANY exp at all to a kser is a crime. there should be no reward for it, and since there is one it is promoting Ksing in itself. Full exp should go to the player who dealt first damage to…
1)yes you can be a male winged elf Cleric, or archer 2)your example is the only time when this is true. The untamed are the only race that is limited by gender. only males can be Barbarians and only females can be venomancers. other then that there are no gender restrictions in game.
You cant however what you CAN do is use the coordinate system to track where it is you need to go
Prices vary greatly. you could go out and get a decent one for $100. Nvidia is my reccomendation once again
Hisui: i want you to know that i wasn't generalizing your guild. I was talking explicitly about The 3 or 4 members who are shown "ksing" in the screens and video... Now that being said, your right.. I have no buissness posting in this thread because there is a rivalry that i was unaware of when i first made my post.…
Absolutely! i think this is a great idea. There are of course guild alliances already, but there is no good way to communicate and its not organized. Great idea and i dont know why its not getting more attention -free bumb- for full support b:surrenderb:laugh
the bell of pwnage LOL
Downloaded mmo's endlessly tell i found this one.. very gratifying to find a game worthwhile
people like this belong in the runescape community with all the other trash b:angry
you get your first spiritual cultivation quest at lvl 9 i believe. Go talk to the elder and the Taoist. Hit c and check in your character box to see what your spiritual cultivation lvl is. but by 17 you should have done at least one spiritual cultivation quest.
You buy graphics cards. You do not download them. just like you don't download any other piece of hardware, a graphics card is not software it is hardware. therefore you just buy an adequate one and download the software it comes with. if your having problems that don't pertain to graphics then i doubt your graphics card…
No kidding. Quite frankly i think this thread has turned into somthing that it wasnt intended to be. I don't see any reason to bash someone for spending money they earned themselves on anything that they so choose to buy. Talk about the topic at hand!! b:irritated. It is not unreasonable for someone to expect quality in a…
It sounds to me that you have no internet connection at all b:chuckle are you sure thats not the case?
Great idea! this is a common complaint among the untamed. I luckily am a tiger because i think tigers look the coolest. but i definitely relate to you. transforming into a tiger when your a panda wolf or lion doesn't make much sense. this however isnt very high on anyone's list of things to change, therefore its gonna take…
I suppose.. but there is an amazing amount of materials laying around. the whole map would be blue b:lipcurl
you dont download video cards :D you have to buy one. i would suggest Nvidia
Spiritual cultivation b:chuckle you have to be a certain cultivation lvl to get skills
Have you tried changing your graphics settings?b:puzzled