Aeyris - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm a vet who took a few years off and decided to try the game anew - are the quests in Astral Domain required? I mean, when you leave the area and return to the normal map, do you still receive the quests that you normally would a few years ago? I'm just a little confused.
  • Thank you so much, this is very helpful!
  • You can farm mats and various items for coin and buy them through the boutique that way if spending your personal money isn't an option. It just takes a long, long time and patience and dedication.
  • Thank you so much! <3
  • This tickled my funny bone. b:chuckle
  • People have been saying this game has been dead for over a year now, yet miraculously new people still come to play it.
  • Again, can't judge what I haven't experienced or witnessed.
  • Nuke_Cleric is not on my list because I've never had any experience with him/her, therefore I cannot judge on how good or bad they are. Yes, he/she is on many of the lists on here, but that doesn't mean I have to jump on the bandwagon and put them on mine because eveyone else has. Seems like someone is just pissy.
  • My list of best PKers, including TW activity and how they play their class: Blademaster: TheDan / zzzKyantezzz / _PROVIDENCE_ Wizard: blacknismoz / MagicChu / NephilmJade Archer: Asterelle / rfskkirby Cleric: Bluecakes / AuroraOmega / Nathamod / Scoleo Barbarian: GG_BIG_Y / Lycanthar / LordApophis (spelling?) / BigPunisher…
  • I wouldn't even call it casual, I would just call it lazy haha.
  • Not less fox skills, but more useful, interesting fox skills. Some really neat human-form skills as well.
  • If you find a squad of sensible, non-snobby people, they won't worry about your aps and worry about how you play your class. Nirvana is important if you want coin in your pocket or gear to show off. And I disagree with Chickpea, Nirvana gear is still really good; for casters some of the gear has some decent channeling…
  • Oh hypering at level 30 is nothing. Today I was looking for FCC squads and was squaded by a level 5 and a level 9, who wanted me to take them on FCC and solo it for them. I told them to do their mob quests and they informed me that they were "too hard to do", despite the fact that I informed them that they would only have…
  • I'm not a cleric, but implement a speed skill for them PLEASE. One, I'm tired of hearing them complain about being slow when people die and the barb doesn't care because he's rushing ahead, and two, it's only practical! You give the main tank class (barb) uber speed and leave the healer (cleric) in the dust with uber…
  • Dear OP, Join the club. I understand your frustration, because sometimes I feel it, too, but I'd be a hypocrite if I complained about power-leveling; I used oracles for my alt. But to complain about power-levelers and state over-proudly such things like, "I didn't even use oracles...I just did quests...I'm better because…
  • The one thing I love about the veno class is its flexibility. Personally I'm a vit/mag veno with 109 vitality, 330 magic, 19 dex, 62 strength. Pure mag sure does hit hard though, but I like the durability hp-wise of vit/mag.
  • My main is a veno, but my only active alt is my barb. The only difficulty I had with my barb is trying to break the urge to summon a pet b:chuckle I also get annoyed with chasing after some mobs, where on my veno I wouldn't have that problem since she's a caster. Other than that, I'm enjoying the differences XD
  • I guess by "screwed over" I meant in people's opinions of or need for them in squads, not so much their skill base in general. Because I know the biggest problem with trying to find Vana or FCC squads is the idiotic "you're not DD" response I get on a weekly basis. Makes me wonder just how little people actually know about…
  • ...OR you can do what I've done. Tame an Armored Bear (can tame/buy at 80), Kowlin (can tame buy at 60), and a Sawfly (can tame very early; can't remember the exact level), level them up to max in cube/grinding on mobs and you've got yourself a decent tank (Bear), land pvp/puller (Kowlin), and air pvp (Sawfly) pet. Yes,…
  • Yeah, pretty much what Chu said. If you've played this game long enough, you should know they have a history of not doing anything, and if they do do anything, it won't make much of a difference. They can ban all their mass consumers, but they'll need them back. And when they come back (if they don't rage quit the game),…
  • Oops, I stand corrected XD. Thank you for pointing that out to me. b:chuckle
  • Uhm, lol. The mass majority of those 105s you see are GMs. Just lettin' ya know.
  • I completely agree that the only way for them to "save face" would be to legitimize it. Besides, once you hit 100+ (mostly 101+), hte amount of exp you need to level is just ridiculous. Granted this is probably done this way so when the level cap is increased (if this game makes it to that glorious day), the levels will…
  • As some of you have pointed out (which I kind of hoped would happen), you don't have to be uber geared to do this glitch. Most are, at least from what I've seen. However, now what? Are the GMs going to ban the people that aren't their mass-consumers and leave their money-makers safe and sound? Maybe. And if this happens,…
  • Okay, let's get real here. Listen closely. The GMs won't ban the people exploiting this glitch and the reason has sort of been hinted at in someone's post. As stated, there are only a handful of people on each server who can successfully make use of this glitch. These people are probably uber-geared. Know what that means?…
  • PW taught me "***.hopper" from saying "grasshopper". Thankfully the poor bug isn't censored anymore lol.
  • Is it really such a big deal for English-speaking Europeans to have their own special English server? There are plenty of those, ijs, and it's not like there's much of a language barrier between Euro-English and American-English except a few 'u's tossed into words here and there. I guess I could understand if it's a time…
  • I think the main reason to Rank 9 a veno is the same reason as almost any other class; you don't stand half a chance against those who have Rank 9 in PvP/TW if you don't. Plus a veno with full Rank 9 (refines and sharding included; for me it would be savants and JoSDs/Garnet Gems), your HP unbuffed could reach 15k. (Again,…
  • I'd get the money through in-game farming and a few (probably a lot) of real life money. The pieces I'm specifically after for Rank 9 are the weapon and the ring (seeing as you have to get that one), and that would be the bare minimum. This character is my main, I use her for everything. Time for the ring and weapon...I'm…
  • Your cleric might have been more of an attack cleric. I've been in squads with several clerics who acted as the squad tank due to their build/gear and needed bramble. But yeah, bramble whoever asks for it, don't argue with them.