Aev - Harshlands Arc User


  • wouldnt pure dex be like pure FAIL bcuz Dex affects ranged attack and its a melee class? ull have alot of crit like archers but hit like a butterfly? just sayin idk if im riht or not buuuut ya
  • i agree they should be let up on on the new server at least for a couple months so the people that would actaully like to play the game can do it and have fun
  • well they can release a new pvp server AFTER december 30th so the oracles will be gone and like previosly stated everyone will be on equal footing
  • do u think the people that started on the first of the open beta haad help? no they had squads of peiople and they all got theirs done with out any help from higher levels u just need to learn how to actaully work and talk with ur squad instead of running in gun ho and tryin to take on the world i was one of the ppl at…
  • i agree some ppl might say " oh but the other pvp servers arent full so why make a new one?" but look at it theres 4-5 other pve servers and the only one thats "Close" to being full is HT cuz it was the original one. add a new pvp server and there will be so many more ppl going there instead of having to resort to pve.…