Nobody cares.
Notice how he won't reply to me, because he doesn't know what an acronym is. Poor guy, shame he can't cash shop himself a brain, or he would be sorted.
You know you're a ****ing idiot when you put 3 acronyms for laughing in 1 sentence.
If you play games a normal amount then you don't need to do such things to sort your life out.
Anyone got a BR > English translator for this thread?
[chriscrocker]leave Dork_one Alone! I'm Serious![/chriscrocker]
What's "grammer"?
If Siva worked for the same amount of time that he plays this game he'd be ****ing made.
Hey Dark One, you accidently put 2 "E"'s in your signature, you better fix that.
Haha hopefully, but maybe A1on will have less drama so rage comics won't be needed :p And nuuuuu my rage-avatar! D: I've got loads I cant use because of their size :( This is my fave 1 at the moment:
SugarCookie, clearly.
I think you should play Aion
Aw, they think they're sexy. It must be hard to look in a mirror though with Icons **** obstructing the view.
if you think sending an NPC after someone and running away is real pk, I lol in your face.
I did quit b:sad
Only because the irony of your post brought me so much joy.
You're* Thanks.
No wonder this server is as good as dead, not only do KD zerg people in-game due to lack of skill, they also zerg people on a forum due to lack of intelligence. Seriously, enjoy it Kingdom, you've got control of the server for 2 months, before everyone that actually matters is gone, and you're left with a bright red map,…
Looks pretty lame, what **** game are these graphics from?
Who cares about KD anyway As soon as Aion comes out they will be PvP'ing against themselves since only Icon and hit butt buddies will be left playing this farce of a server. Better move to LC guys before you waste too much of your time here. b:bye
If you guys like PvP I found a game which is much better for it than PWi Check out:
Icon craps on you and your silly opinion! Money is everything!
Nebah! b:sad
I quit playing a week or so ago, I just lurk on the forums now, like a good little troll b:cute
Why even blank out the names if you can't do it correctly? Easy to see on the 4th screenshot it's "Bittersweet" and "Misaka" hiding behind the white blocks in the chat window.
Don't worry, only 3 months left <3
I know. *Licks a window*
I have *Claps*
*Wonders what special sales PWi has planned for September 22nd to help PWi maintain members* Maybe every class will get weapons which 1 shot everything, then PvP will be really fun, especially if you can buy it for $200, right?
At least [removed] wont have fail nixers flying around everywhere, pushing 1 button to **** anything in it's sight.