Adirel - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Well said.. PW is doing everything they can to resolve this issue but they are working against an unknown force. Give them time everything will be taken care of, I'm sure they have a department in their billion dollar offices that takes care of morons with nothing but time to kill. Don't let the whiney spoilt little kids…
  • b:questionb Why oh Why is the server down again? I guess it's a god job I was only grinding, I may still be alive even!! who knows lol Come on PW.. lets get on this...
  • I totally Agree. The programmers and and graphic artists take time to design and draw up these outfits and I'm sure on paper they look amazing. If I was a developer and I was in game and saw the outfit I created in all epic failness, because of the colors.. I'd be bummed out! There is no reason to give the option to the…