Adela_Lee - Harshlands Arc User


  • Blah. Can you try to trash the quest and then retake it?
  • All money spent on PWI is seen as donations. Sue'ing is pointless -> waste of your money. I hope this wasn't serious.
  • Personally I love using stealth, but hate when people use it against me. I think it's only fair that assassins, being, y'know - assassins, keep their stealth. In my opinion, it's really what makes the character. I just get over it when other sins use it against myself, it's just a game - no need to be butthurt over being…
  • I'm reposting with the actual photos and no links! (: Alright, so here we go! This is my assassin, and yes - the dress is a little bit of an ugly shade, but that's just the random color it came in via the Botique. Anywho, for her I plan on buying dye &; fashion - my ideas are for a red dress with black or white shining…
  • Alright, so here we go! This is my assassin, and yes - the dress is a little bit of an ugly shade, but that's just the random color it came in via the Botique. Anywho, for her I plan on buying dye &; fashion - my ideas are for a red dress with black or white shining feather heels, and black fingerless gloves. Tell me what…