Aborted - Lost City Arc User


  • well if people didnt buy them the wouldnt be back so to the ppl on the forums that are having a moan about the packs and get with the times.... these ppl hooked on packs are puttin the pwi staffs children through college payin the house mortgages etc.. why would the drop they packs for a few people when 80% of the server…
  • barbs are ok for grinding venos are better but the better one i found for my style of playing was a wizard with a few channeling items equiped... you can kill most mobs your lvl before the even get close and with the range you can get nearly 3 kills by the time a barb gets 1.. form my exp anyway
  • well i watched a heavy amoured cleric lvl 82 complely own a lvl100 barb about 5 times and the barb had all the awsome gear and the cleric had like 2 socket +2 70/80s legendry gear...so you might have the best gear and most awsome weapon but goes to show.. its the way you play your toon not what its got.. but of course it…
  • i only use zeal genie with holypath earth flame alphamale and tree of protection and it works fine pve for me
  • not everyone really geeks out and sits in frost for 5 runs per day.. i think you have a hyper/crack problem...
  • its fine by me i only hyper 4-5 times per run so i can run it 2x and save 10mins for another 2 runs.. so if i think i got that right im makin more exp out of only do 2 runs per day..anyway thanks great update
  • criticism lmfao get outa the gms pocket.. whyd yopu even look at this and post with no info boring... and tyvm Aadi that was all i was looking for XDD
  • hey well the re install that i tried didnt go so well.. downloaded the client file and it wont even open..goin to try mess with it today to hopfully get working or else there 18months gaming and money down the drain... so much tech support thread huh not one gm or mod has posted in here.. too busy watching genreal thread…
  • yea im having the same problem.. need gameplay for this exp weeks.. but im re installing the game and ill post here if it works for me.. only thing i can think off XDD
  • yea i have this issue somtimes when laggin and iv jsu logged on somtimes can last for a 30mins depending on the lag issue... somtimes while running bh squads every squad member appears to be blademasters lol..but tis fine no hacker or anything just the classic pwi