^ Is a cake I like pie better >.>
^ I lose /10char
^ puts hair in grippie's cookies
Now let's all wait for the Big Time Rush blessing b:avoid @OP Don't worry eventually everyone will use up all the Jonas Blessings in the game, the boy band will die(yay), and the game will be back to it's terrible, unstable, pack-loving self.
Or you can right click > properties > highlight image url > copy/paste in new tab but it would be easier if they stretch the pages so i agree with this suggestion. wouldn't really be that difficult why not b:surrender
b:pleased /10char
- If you don't want people to say things like that, then GTFO you don't belong on ANY forum.
Somebody had all the fat... and muscle... sucked out and put in her ****...
None of what you said is news to anyone(and the former GM thing nobody beleives).