My thoughts on TW and the state of PWI



  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dynged wrote: »

    there's at least two examples of times i've pointed out that you're wrong about inner politics in those particular factions. I really don't want to keep this going as drama, im just sick and tired of you and a few particular others acting like im nothing more than Fenrir's lackey.

    Hes my friend, not my master. I left for my own reasons, he left for his. Was he a reason i went to dyna? sure. Was he the reason i left kindrid? no. After i left i preferred to be where my friends were rather than be in a faction alone somewhere without them, something im sure everyone here can sympathize with.

    As for my reasons, there were some serious issues within the faction that wouldn't be resolved so long as i stayed there, so i took myself out of the situation. I'd also like to point out, at least in Kindrids case, we didn't abandon the faction. We all left alts there so we could still help with tw. Fen was thrown leadership without his say-so in a veritable ****storm when obly left and he kept everything together; but as anyone who's done it can attest, its difficult running a faction, much less one you were basically thrown. The only reason i don't currently have an alt with Kindrid still isn't for lack of trying, but me and the current leader don't see eye to eye over certian things, so to prevent further drama i removed my cleric from the faction.

    Kindrid is, and will always be, a significant part of my time on this server and i won't let its name be slurred wrongly over a misunderstanding of motivations.

    Cheers for taking the time to dig those up.

    I can relate to that quite a lot actually, when Plague quit I was pretty much thrown leadership too, I didn't ask for it nor wanted it but there was no one else to step up for it. I had to make a call on what I was going to do and what was best for Relic also. I know all about the kind of ****storm that can happen when a leader especially a founding leader leaves and the politics and drama that can ensue so I can sympathise with that certainly. There were some bad apples that were kicked/left Relic shortly after this and then the merger happened where I did my level best to take everyone that was active and wanted to TW across with me, some people didn't get in like Evangile and her crew but I wasn't about to sacrifice something that would be great for 99% to keep 1% happy.

    We too all want to play with our friends, which is why it's annoying when some people from Dyna suggest that we need to 'spread out across TW factions for balanced TW' why would I ask my friends to leave and go somewhere they don't want to be so that other people can have fun, just doesn't make sense. A better solution would be a Dynasty/BootyCamp merger but we know that is unlikely to happen due to politics or not wanting to share power.

    I'm not on Tempest's 'coat tails' I have a Marshall position and have enough influence there to get my ideas across and agreed with. DP and the officers are really awesome people to work and play with and touch wood we've had no conflicts or drama since the merger. No one's raised concerns to me about not being happy there and if they do feel that way I'm more than willing to listen and help.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Cheers for taking the time to dig those up.

    I can relate to that quite a lot actually, when Plague quit I was pretty much thrown leadership too, I didn't ask for it nor wanted it but there was no one else to step up for it. I had to make a call on what I was going to do and what was best for Relic also. I know all about the kind of ****storm that can happen when a leader especially a founding leader leaves and the politics and drama that can ensue so I can sympathise with that certainly. There were some bad apples that were kicked/left Relic shortly after this and then the merger happened where I did my level best to take everyone that was active and wanted to TW across with me, some people didn't get in like Evangile and her crew but I wasn't about to sacrifice something that would be great for 99% to keep 1% happy.

    We too all want to play with our friends, which is why it's annoying when some people from Dyna suggest that we need to 'spread out across TW factions for balanced TW' why would I ask my friends to leave and go somewhere they don't want to be so that other people can have fun, just doesn't make sense. A better solution would be a Dynasty/BootyCamp merger but we know that is unlikely to happen due to politics or not wanting to share power.

    I'm not on Tempest's 'coat tails' I have a Marshall position and have enough influence there to get my ideas across and agreed with. DP and the officers are really awesome people to work and play with and touch wood we've had no conflicts or drama since the merger. No one's raised concerns to me about not being happy there and if they do feel that way I'm more than willing to listen and help.

    All in all im just so damn sick and tired of everyone coming back to the same **** over and over again both inside Dyna and from what folks in Tempest say in the public eye. When did we forget that its supposed to be fun?

    I'll level with you, this whole drama **** between Tempest and Dynasty and just tw in general is driving me from the game. Like i tell people in wc all the time, i have enough **** going on in my life right now (aunt and uncle up for a murder charge and the media circus my family has become, cousin's not quite a year dead, constant threat of eviction due to our home on the bail for said aunt, trying to figure out where our next bit of grocery money is coming from et c). I know i can't be the only one getting sick of it. I never started pvp or tw or nw for winning, i don't care about winning, i just enjoy a damn good fight with both sides enjoying themselves'; so just for a little while i can forget about all the **** and just unwind and enjoy a nice deathmatch.

    I wish we could all just drop it already and get back to what a game is supposed to be, having fun.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dynged wrote: »
    All in all im just so damn sick and tired of everyone coming back to the same **** over and over again both inside Dyna and from what folks in Tempest say in the public eye. When did we forget that its supposed to be fun?

    I'll level with you, this whole drama **** between Tempest and Dynasty and just tw in general is driving me from the game. Like i tell people in wc all the time, i have enough **** going on in my life right now (aunt and uncle up for a murder charge and the media circus my family has become, cousin's not quite a year dead, constant threat of eviction due to our home on the bail for said aunt, trying to figure out where our next bit of grocery money is coming from et c). I know i can't be the only one getting sick of it. I never started pvp or tw or nw for winning, i don't care about winning, i just enjoy a damn good fight with both sides enjoying themselves'; so just for a little while i can forget about all the **** and just unwind and enjoy a nice deathmatch.

    I wish we could all just drop it already and get back to what a game is supposed to be, having fun.

    I agree the drama and hatred is unnecessary at times, most of us don't mean any harm by it, from either side, it's mostly jest and rivalry spilling out into wc and forums, none of us really know the full story so assumptions are made and opinions formed which is natural.

    A lot of people play MMOs as a form of escapism from rl, that's one of the reasons why I started playing when I did, we should have fun and respect our rivals, and I'm always up for a healthy debate it's just sad when it turns to trolling and flaming.

    There's plenty of people that hate ex-Relics for various reasons, most of which are linked to a small group of people and even those people I know pretty well and are actually a nice bunch that stick together and protect their friends. I've got no regrets or guilt for things that I've done or said because my intentions have always been innocent, I'm just looking out for my friends and their name, same as anyone else would do.

    Sorry to hear about your rl troubles, I can't begin to imagine what that must be like having to go through, and I'm sure the server would join me in hoping that things work out for you and your family soon.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Sorry to hear about your rl troubles, I can't begin to imagine what that must be like having to go through, and I'm sure the server would join me in hoping that things work out for you and your family soon.

    I sincerely appreciate that, and I want to apologize for saying I hate/despise you. Not that it's an excuse for being a jerk, but the kindred talk had been wearing on me for a while >.<

    So let's shake and call truce?
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dynged wrote: »
    I sincerely appreciate that, and I want to apologize for saying I hate/despise you. Not that it's an excuse for being a jerk, but the kindred talk had been wearing on me for a while >.<

    So let's shake and call truce?

    Sure, no hard feelings from me, and don't worry about it I'm not easily offended but thanks for the apology all the same. Cheers for filling me in on what really went down. Keep your chin up lad, hopefully rl things work themselves out.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    "In terms of lording over everyone else, that's a phrase RedMouse used to use to describe people"

    That is a totally false statement, I have never said that. It's not a phrase I use.

    I would appreciate if neither one of you put my name on the forums, particularly when i have nothing to do with the topic.

    Enjoy your handbags at dawn, gentlemen.

  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    That's a false assertion Red. I distinctly recall a vent conversation where you specifically said the two words "lording over". Iirc it was after a NW we ran together.

    Your second point however I agree with; I shouldn't have named you since you have nothing to do with what was being discussed.

    Cheers, and hope you're well.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The realization of the exact points raised by Aeliah in the OP are why I left. Sorry guys but he is right. Thank you for posting this Aeliah.

    Edit: Derp, didn't read the date. My bad.
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    The realization of the exact points raised by Aeliah in the OP are why I left. Sorry guys but he is right. Thank you for posting this Aeliah.
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