whats happening
Destructoooo - Archosaur wrote: »At that point you had the option to either have good TW's every weekend with Nemesis that could result in either a win or a loss. But instead the leadership decided to get more OP people in so they were sure to not 'lose'/have a 3 hour TW again.
get more op people? really. Im seriously sick of seeing this comment.
In a matter of two weeks span, after you guys won that 3 hr tw. Nemisis had A HUGE mass recruitment. I saw people left and right from other factions join nemisis to beat defiance. Many well geared, OP people.
while you guys we're Mass recruiting and getting more people in your faction in hopes of finally bringing down defiance,
"Defiance' was getting a maximum of 1 app a month. Maybe 2 if lucky during that time.
They're numbers stayed the same. Infact it diminished down to be fairly honest. Out of the 5-7 op peopled Nemisis sucked in, defiance took in 3, if not 2. Thats it.
Whos fault is it, that people want to rejoin defiance on they're mains. You can't just say " no" to people. If the friendship is there, and the faction is okay with it, what the heck is wrong with re taking them in?
And what op people did Defiance take in?? Nemisis was taking in people from rogue AND flipside (being that flipside was "suppposdly" Defiances "ALLIED" faction) and please, don't tell me I'm wrong. I could see the players with the nemisis tags over there head, and where they we're previously before nemisis. Not to mention even Defiance members. Yes thats right, Defiance members left, to fight along nemisis, to bring down Defiance. Sad isnt it? They cant even keep they're own members on queue. They lose em to the enemy faction.
So don't even bring this whole Defiance had back up from other factions and players. What "back up", what faction was helping them. Not even Flipside aided them this season. Everyone was solo. Since the start of this season. Defiance only had Defiance, and the remaining loyal faction members with them.
Just realize Nemisis couldn't keep they're **** together. With each loss, it got worse. Each tw getting shorter, and shorter. You could even see it with leader ship changes, and officers to. I dont even care if real life was a factor. I could say the same for Defiance, I'm pretty sure they have MANY real life issues to, and from what I see they're still around, even after that shameful 3 hr defense loss. They got right back up, and hit nemisis back harder. Because thats what Defiance does. Because if your going to try to bring down the hardest faction on server, do it right. And EXPECT them to come back swinging. Thats how a real tw faction should be.
Nemisis couldn't bring to the table what they're members wanted. You had all the cards in your favor. All of em, what stopped you nemisis?
So yeah go ahead, use these excuses; "Defiance has all of the servers top players". fine. keep your excuses coming, I'm going to sit here and keep laughing at these pathetic excuses, when from what I see, Nemisis was doing the very thing they claimed against defiance before they gave up and disbanded. Even before the leadership ban. To me, This is just a bunch of hypocritcal nonsense.
and Defiance is not to blame for the servers current condition tw wise either. Defiance does defiance. To be champs means to take lands, and win, because the moment they're are brought down, the next top faction will be in the same shoes to. Its not just some Ulterior motive. Its just the realistic output ideal of being thee top faction.
Now how about we all step back for a sec and fix our own mistakes and issues within our own guilds, instead of pointing fingers at the other.0 -
Roeham - Archosaur wrote: »so I guess nemesis rolling darkness in 10 min tw's along with all the other small factions they rolled was all for good TW and not for land and coin seemed the 1hr to 1 1/2hr tw with defiance weren't good cause that was just to long b:laughRoeham - Archosaur wrote: »don't tell anyone that you wanted good tw. And if they really did want good tw they would have all gone to rogue and then rolled defiance, but instead they they all try to make tw boring for defiance and go to different factions. What happens when that plan doesn't work
pretty muchBarbski wrote:the fact is, Nemesis used to bid on Defiance when sid was their leader and when Nemesis had no shot at winning. But rather than appreciate them for giving you tw's, all you did was give them grief, power recruit, then celebrate when TW's returned to your 20 minute comfort zone.0 -
Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »You're assuming people are even interested in fighting D. The only people that were have now joined the rest of the server and have stopped caring.
Oh no, I'm not assuming people are interested in fighting Defiance. However, everyone who has been in Nemesis keeps repeating happily that...Rixoth - Archosaur wrote: »Ppl from Nemesis scattered around, Defiance can keep doing what they were doing without having to have any sort of TW.Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »You and your faction alone are responsible for however bored you become over the next few months of 0 TW's. There is no "they" out there with a mysterious "plan" to get you to disband.
Somehow mysteriously, you are so into whether Defiance is getting TW or not, that u have to keep putting it out there. But then again, you don't care right?Destructoooo - Archosaur wrote: »1) Nemesis never defeated Defiance, we had a 3 hour TW with them with 70 people. and considering 30 people from Nemesis went to Rogue and most of the best geared ones went to Flipside makes my post valid and not BS like yours.
Destructooo is on point here, best geared ones went to Flipside. To roll weaker factions in Defiance's allied faction in which they know they are safe from Defiance bidding on them. Smart bunch.Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »This is how TW's went over a 4-5 week period, from the very first TW where I had any role in helping Nemesis against Defiance after I came back:
Week 1: Nem loses in approx ~1:30 hours; Nem was getting organized, pretty good fight
Week 2: Nem won in a 3:00 hour defense;
Week 3: Nem loses in approx ~2:00 hours; against 6 catas, still a pretty good fight
Side note:
The fact is, Nemesis used to bid on Defiance when sid was their leader and when Nemesis had no shot at winning. But rather than appreciate them for giving you tw's, all you did was give them grief, power recruit, then celebrate when TW's returned to your 20 minute comfort zone.
So now, why would Nemesis - still the weaker faction - bid on Defiance again, when Nemesis was already getting at least one TW a weekend vs them?
It's okay that Nemesis wanted to take lands, build up their faction, and try to win to the extent that it let them grow and become competitive. That's totally reasonable. It's what was happening, and it was good for Nemesis and Defiance members. Here's the difference though between what Nemesis did, and what Defiance routinely does:
Week 4-5: Somewhere in here, Nem loses in 25 minutes; it was so obvious Defiance recruited more players when they were already stronger, including a 105 jaded seeker & co
6 weeks and you give up on Nemesis? Such effort indeed. One ofcourse is going to make a faction beat the current top faction in 6 weeks time. If it takes more time than that, the top faction must be using hax cuz they are doing better than you.
Or wait, maybe it's just quitting attitude because of not being able to handle losses.0 -
Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »1 And what op people did Defiance take in?? Nemisis was taking in people from rogue AND flipside (being that flipside was "suppposdly" Defiances "ALLIED" faction) and please, don't tell me I'm wrong. I could see the players with the nemisis tags over there head, and where they we're previously before nemisis. Not to mention even Defiance members. Yes thats right, Defiance members left, to fight along nemisis, to bring down Defiance. Sad isnt it? They cant even keep they're own members on queue. They lose em to the enemy faction.
2 So don't even bring this whole Defiance had back up from other factions and players. What "back up", what faction was helping them. Not even Flipside aided them this season. Everyone was solo. Since the start of this season. Defiance only had Defiance, and the remaining loyal faction members with them.
Just realize Nemisis couldn't keep they're **** together. With each loss, it got worse. Each tw getting shorter, and shorter. You could even see it with leader ship changes, and officers to. I dont even care if real life was a factor. I could say the same for Defiance, I'm pretty sure they have MANY real life issues to, and from what I see they're still around, even after that shameful 3 hr defense loss. They got right back up, and hit nemisis back harder. Because thats what Defiance does. Because if your going to try to bring down the hardest faction on server, do it right. And EXPECT them to come back swinging. Thats how a real tw faction should be.
Nemisis couldn't bring to the table what they're members wanted. You had all the cards in your favor. All of em, what stopped you nemisis?
So yeah go ahead, use these excuses; "Defiance has all of the servers top players". fine. keep your excuses coming, I'm going to sit here and keep laughing at these pathetic excuses, when from what I see, Nemisis was doing the very thing they claimed against defiance before they gave up and disbanded. Even before the leadership ban. To me, This is just a bunch of hypocritcal nonsense.
1) We got like what from Flipside? 3 People, maybe a few more but most of them left 1 or 2 weeks after. And yes you did lose some people to Nemesis, I remember this one app saying that he got kicked so someone else's alt could get invited to the faction. True or not I don't know and care but we got maybe 3-4 apps from Defiance people.
2) Not really backup more like a couple of factions Defiance put their alts in. One of them being a possible good fight in TW (Flipside) yet still Defiance resorted to attacking Rogue and now after this weekend probably Darkness. I hope I'm wrong and that they'll attack Flipside just to prove everyone on this thread wrong. If that happens i hope they will keep attacking them IF they really want the fun TW's they claime on top of server champ.
Not even gonna respond to the rest since that has been explained/commented on over and over already.0 -
fghjklasdg wrote: »Oh no, I'm not assuming people are interested in fighting Defiance. However, everyone who has been in Nemesis keeps repeating happily that...
... and your point is? it was brought up in response to a D member. take the tin foil hat off there, pal.fghjklasdg wrote: »Somehow mysteriously, you are so into whether Defiance is getting TW or not, that u have to keep putting it out there. But then again, you don't care right?
... keep putting it out there? no, just, no.fghjklasdg wrote: »Destructooo is on point here, best geared ones went to Flipside. To roll weaker factions in Defiance's allied faction in which they know they are safe from Defiance bidding
haha .. what, strong conspiracy. you sound all kinds of salty. are you a flipside member? is that why you're upset?fghjklasdg wrote: »6 weeks and you give up on Nemesis? Such effort indeed. One ofcourse is going to make a faction beat the current top faction in 6 weeks time. If it takes more time than that, the top faction must be using hax cuz they are doing better than you.
Or wait, maybe it's just quitting attitude because of not being able to handle losses.
>says 6 weeks
>pretends this hasn't been going on for 2 years
>of course defiance plays no role in why TW sucks, fdfdjsgdlskgjsd logic on display. soak it in, everyone.Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »get more op people? really. Im seriously sick of seeing this comment.
I know, it’s hard to believe when you already had so many.Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »In a matter of two weeks span, after you guys won that 3 hr tw. Nemisis had A HUGE mass recruitment.
Nemesis won that TW because we had better leadership. We were still weaker, and therefore recruiting from a disadvantaged role. What you refer to as a HUGE mass recruitment of a dozen players, was really only just enough to ensure TW’s stayed competitive with you.Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »I saw people left and right from other factions join nemisis to beat defiance. Many well geared, OP people.
No, you didn’t. You saw people like Stanrag join, and then acted like all of his faction merged with us. And the same goes for a few flipside.Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »in hopes of finally bringing down defiance,
You really are paranoid if you think that.Alesanja - Archosaur wrote: »Not to mention even Defiance members. Yes thats right, Defiance members left, to fight along nemisis, to bring down Defiance.
This bozo actually thinks firistkiller joining Nemesis had any significance whatsoever, and yet doesn’t point out Arix$on.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »they complain when we roll them, they complain when we have 1hour tw
... lol. nonsense, but I've come to expect that from youDeadulas - Archosaur wrote: »The simple fac is ...
the simple fact is … everyone had a blast in the month of 1+ hour tw’s that I enumerated in my earlier post, and those were nearly all losses.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »Then you say Nemesis didnt enjoy rolling darkness yet your tw turn out is even higher against them
the highest attendance Nem had in its last month or so was 70, and that was for a Defiance TW.
[quote=Defiance logic[/quote]
Because you don't like to lose![/quote]
no, nobody 'gave up' after losing a good fight. In general attendance dropped from 60 to 40ish, but again, only after TW was already 20 minutes and people saw what you were doing.Defiance logic wrote:herp duh derp!
look, you’re trying to say Nemesis’ lower attendance, lack of leadership, and all this other nonsense is what produced the 20 minute TW when in reality it was the 20 minute TW that produced the lower attendance and general apathy because you've done this before. and now we're all bored of you. congrats.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »you have to realize that alot of ppl in defiance have forged friendships even if we were to disband most would prolly end up in the same faction anyway.
everyone here has a ton of mutual friends. the difference is if you ask the few of us ex-Nem members (myself, jerry, logan, etc.) if we’d rather be together with all of our friends with no TW’s at all, versus split up, but see each other over the weekend in fun, engaging, competitive TW’s, guys like us will take the latter choice. people like you? which make up 99.99% of the server? you'd choose the former. welcome to PWI : )Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »Now i understand losing does discourage members from wanting to tw, but instead of doing something about it all I saw was nem members coming to the forums QQ'in about it every week.
no, you didn’t. these forums are dead. nobody was complaining, at all.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »Now you say defiance should disband and go to other faction, explain how that should happen? Can we force ppl to join nem? force them to join rogue?
you guys keep saying this but it’s not true. no one is asking you to disband. all I’ve ever said was that if you wanted good TW’s, you probably shouldn’t be accepting 105 jaded toons after its clear that you’re still stronger.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »Now on the recruiting, I kept hearing nem say "there no one left to recruit anymore you guys have everyone”,
no. there are obviously other people on the server. most of them don’t want to TW, though, because they’ve seen what happens whenever people fight Defiance. for the tenth time, you're boring.Deadulas - Archosaur wrote: »yet you then say defiance mass recruit. If ther is no one left to recruit how are we doing it? Where do we keep finding all these OP recruits
yes, there are people people out there, but they’d rather either not TW v.s. you at all, or just join you, and you guys will happily accept them, thus adding to number of “friends” there. translated: thus adding to the number of people that are content watching TW die.Defiance Logic wrote:It's all Nemesis fault!
>pretend there's a conspiracy against you
>blame the faction that doesn't exist
>paranoid because you think kattanyia will remake nemesis when she hasn't even logged in months
>act like the faction that doesn't exist ruined TW for other factions
>oh, what's that, literally nothing changed for other factions
>be salty because defiance might have to attack flipside if they want a good tw, but are afraid of trampling on their 'alliance'
>proski doesn't even play, but gets free entertainment from you clowns
brand new video guys, check it out : )
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ it was the b-e-a-t-i-n-g of my heart ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬0 -
its official your living in fantasy land, but please keep this going im laughing so much b:laughb:laughb:laugh0
Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »everyone here has a ton of mutual friends. the difference is if you ask the few of us ex-Nem members (myself, jerry, logan, etc.) if we’d rather be together with all of our friends with no TW’s at all, versus split up, but see each other over the weekend in fun, engaging, competitive TW’s, guys like us will take the latter choice. people like you? which make up 99.99% of the server? you'd choose the former. welcome to PWI : )
Oh, how did Nemesis people split up for fun TW? Please do explain, because it very much looks like people went with their own cliques only.Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »>act like the faction that doesn't exist ruined TW for other factions
>oh, what's that, literally nothing changed for other factions
>be salty because defiance might have to attack flipside if they want a good tw, but are afraid of trampling on their 'alliance'
>proski doesn't even play, but gets free entertainment from you clowns
So Nemesis blames Defiance for making them lose which gives them the right to join other factions with their own cliques to roll noobs and still say they want fun TW. Kden.
If you were aware of that other factions are bidding on Flipside, and which means Flipside would just noshow Defiance while defending others, and yet claim Defiance would have fun TW with Flipside? Even I can realize how that isn't gonna work.
Someone must have too much time on their hands to make 4 posts in a row here. b:shocked0 -
Multiposting is bad.
Talking about who was banned, when, and why is also bad.
Both of these should probably stop if this is to stay open. b:cute(Insert fancy image here)0 -
@ OP
seriously? just cause a faction is winning tw's
they must disband?
@ concerned nemesis parties
just get over it already
i understand y'all are upset and all
coming back to forums
trying to stir up drama
trying to make Defiance look like the evil spawn of the devil
but really, it doesn't work
if it did
nemesis would have been able to pull a full 80 in tw's
after their almost a year long anti-defiance campaigning
in forums, world chat and i don't know where else lol.
but in reality
not a lot of peoples bothered to join Nemesis
and even less bothered to showup for tw's
and lol @ all this quoting b:laugh
peace b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Anyone else wants some popcorn while we read this "interesting" thread full of "carefully articulated ideas." Ive got Extra Butter, Kettelcorn, Caramel, and Regular.Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
[SIGPIC][/Sigpic]0 -
Viktorian - Archosaur wrote: »Anyone else wants some popcorn while we read this "interesting" thread full of "carefully articulated ideas." Ive got Extra Butter, Kettelcorn, Caramel, and Regular.
One extra butter, please.
... Actually brb, going to actually pop some popcorn and reread this thread. b:laugh(Insert fancy image here)0 -
One extra butter, please.
... Actually brb, going to actually pop some popcorn and reread this thread. b:laugh
can i have some popcorn kossy<30 -
fghjklasdg wrote: »Oh, how did Nemesis people split up
there is no "nemesis." there was a loose group of players that followed each other to Rogue, who are now having decent TW with Darkness.fghjklasdg wrote: »for fun TW?
the only people without fun TW are defiance and flipside. attack each other or stay salty : )fghjklasdg wrote: »So Nemesis blames Defiance for making them lose
blame =/= laughing at you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBElHSJTc6g&spfreload=10 : )fghjklasdg wrote: »which gives them the right to join other factions with their own cliques to roll noobs and still say they want fun TW. Kden.
you keep using the plural where you shouldn't brahfghjklasdg wrote: »If you were aware of that other factions are bidding on Flipside, and which means Flipside would just noshow Defiance while defending others, and yet claim Defiance would have fun TW with Flipside? Even I can realize how that isn't gonna work.
what?Roeham - Archosaur wrote: »its official your living in fantasy land
lmaoFataIity_ - Archosaur wrote: »@ OP
seriously? just cause a faction is winning tw's
they must disband?
@ concerned nemesis parties
just get over it already
i understand y'all are upset and all
coming back to forums
trying to stir up drama
trying to make Defiance look like the evil spawn of the devil
but really, it doesn't work
if it did
nemesis would have been able to pull a full 80 in tw's
after their almost a year long anti-defiance campaigning
in forums, world chat and i don't know where else lol.
but in reality
not a lot of peoples bothered to join Nemesis
and even less bothered to showup for tw's
and lol @ all this quoting b:laugh
peace b:bye
I get the impression
you're breathing really heavily
while typing
settle down there friend, no one's out to get you0 -
Lomo - Vasilii 2014youtube.com/xArsonist18 : XCableX's TW videos
pwcalc.com/56b00d33a8c63c7d : Current BM Build for TW0 -
starve their content ayyy lmao0
Barbski - Archosaur wrote: »settle down there friend, no one's out to get you
considering the amount of time and effort you spend on Defiance
I won't be surprised if there is actually one out there to get me. b:laugh b:shocked[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
FataIity_ - Archosaur wrote: »considering the amount of time and effort you spend on Defiance
I won't be surprised if there is actually one out there to get me. b:laugh b:shocked
Not so much you as 'your barb'. b:bye0 -
guide: how to cause a ****storm thread
step 1: mention defiance0 -
Not intending to stir the pot again but I'll speak for myself as an outsider who has friends/history with people from both factions... however I'm pretty sure others in the rest of the server will probably agree in some respects.
Coming from one of those "noobs", "nonfactors" or whatever the popular term that members of both Defiance and {formerly} Nemesis have continually looked down on, in this & other posts and in game...
This? Still? Seriously?
I for one chose to walk away from ALL large factions and never looked back, simply because of all the politics & drama. The constant negativity was such a drag that it ruined my fun game play. I really enjoy participating in TW. I really don't care if I/my faction wins or loses. I really don't care if it's a face roll, crystal walk, challenge, 20 minutes or 3 hours. TW isn't all there is to do, IMO. As with any PVP I choose to participate in~ I go, I do my best, I move on. It doesn't really matter what anyone (aside from close friends) thinks of me or my abilities, what matters in the end is that I had fun.
With the exception of a very few, most of the former/current leadership in both factions have been downright A-holes to me and the rest of those you look down upon. I won't speak for others but personally, there isn't any incentive in the world that could get me to join either one. You know who you are and I'm sure you're thinking, "we don't want you either" and to that I say Great! We agree on something! Perhaps this is why recruiting is difficult? I digress, recruiting is hard for all factions, not just the factors. Some food for thought, though.
All this foolishness has made Archosaur a joke to the other servers. Are you so wrapped up in the name callling, blaming, fighting, naming and flaming that you can't see that? Some of you used to call each other friend. Sad what it has become.
Anyhow, like others have said, there will always be the top dog, maybe some competition, many underdogs. Spreading out won't fix it. Many OP tend to band together out of habit, friendship, whatever, that won't change. I sincerely hope the attitude changes though.
Special shout out to those of you that haven't been intentional jerks to others. I'm not perfect by any means, but at least I can honestly say it's never been my mission to purposely ruin fun gameplay for others.
Take it for what you will~0 -
damn so much hate in dad thread
u make lc server jealous much
i bet susa already joined ur server secretly b:avoid
stop recruiting our main CSers, unfair advertising is unfair b:angry0 -
When i made this post the first couple responses were good than the reality of the post sank in. the qq started some thought it was a recruiting ploy, Nah. Just a simple look at what the server has become. Leave it to the servers players to give OpKossey plenty to laugh about. No matter what is said in the post the fact still remains the one faction won t see a fighting tw nothing but 10 - 15 minute no shows. while the other factions on the server will quietly go about having their fun tw's. One day may be the people who posted here will understand the post. Thanks OpKossey for letting this post run it's course.0
Oh god, oh god, I should of kept better eye on these forums, this **** has been golden. We got all the biggest idiots with few new additions to the mix.
1. We have the guy who made his in game spouse at the time cry because she would not join his faction claiming "my friends arent decided by faction".
3. We have that one random Defiance member trying to apply game theory on TW factions with nonexistent knowledge thus getting fairly valid approach hilariously wrong. Though the idea of winning some empty title as a striving force behind actions on a video game is quite entertaining.
4. People bringing up Nemesis winning Defiance on 1 occasion this season. Which was simply a result of incompetent leadership on Defiances part.
5. And then we have our dear Defiance leadership with their insane conspiracy theories and storytelling. I love the "nem members coming to the forums QQ'in about it every week" when this thread is the first to marginally match the criteria this year. While the drama resulted can be considered as QQ, I really wouldnt call it such but lets give you that much. Too bad it isnt started by "nem member", lol.
6. Defiance recruiting the majority of factors/TW actives on server and blaming others for the lack of TWs.
Ps. Mikes video almost made me feel like logging on.
Pps. Defiance wants to troll like common people__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »-No-
Reminds me of:
We, who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than us, to accept you as our king and sovereign, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, no.youtube.com/xArsonist18 : XCableX's TW videos
pwcalc.com/56b00d33a8c63c7d : Current BM Build for TW0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Oh god, oh god, I should of kept better eye on these forums, this **** has been golden. We got all the biggest idiots with few new additions to the mix.
1. We have the guy who made his in game spouse at the time cry because she would not join his faction claiming "my friends arent decided by faction".
3. We have that one random Defiance member trying to apply game theory on TW factions with nonexistent knowledge thus getting fairly valid approach hilariously wrong. Though the idea of winning some empty title as a striving force behind actions on a video game is quite entertaining.
4. People bringing up Nemesis winning Defiance on 1 occasion this season. Which was simply a result of incompetent leadership on Defiances part.
5. And then we have our dear Defiance leadership with their insane conspiracy theories and storytelling. I love the "nem members coming to the forums QQ'in about it every week" when this thread is the first to marginally match the criteria this year. While the drama resulted can be considered as QQ, I really wouldnt call it such but lets give you that much. Too bad it isnt started by "nem member", lol.
6. Defiance recruiting the majority of factors/TW actives on server and blaming others for the lack of TWs.
Ps. Mikes video almost made me feel like logging on.
Pps. Defiance wants to troll like common peopleXCableX - Archosaur wrote: »Reminds me of:
We, who are as good as you, swear to you, who are no better than us, to accept you as our king and sovereign, provided you observe all our liberties and laws, but if not, no.
this thread almost had the potential to live up to this one, bahah
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-moQDd9iKk&spfreload=100 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Oh god, oh god, I should of kept better eye on these forums, this **** has been golden. We got all the biggest idiots with few new additions to the mix.
1. We have the guy who made his in game spouse at the time cry because she would not join his faction claiming "my friends arent decided by faction".
3. We have that one random Defiance member trying to apply game theory on TW factions with nonexistent knowledge thus getting fairly valid approach hilariously wrong. Though the idea of winning some empty title as a striving force behind actions on a video game is quite entertaining.
4. People bringing up Nemesis winning Defiance on 1 occasion this season. Which was simply a result of incompetent leadership on Defiances part.
5. And then we have our dear Defiance leadership with their insane conspiracy theories and storytelling. I love the "nem members coming to the forums QQ'in about it every week" when this thread is the first to marginally match the criteria this year. While the drama resulted can be considered as QQ, I really wouldnt call it such but lets give you that much. Too bad it isnt started by "nem member", lol.
6. Defiance recruiting the majority of factors/TW actives on server and blaming others for the lack of TWs.
Ps. Mikes video almost made me feel like logging on.
Pps. Defiance wants to troll like common people
and now the biggest idiot of them all the one who has lived in fantasy land forever now has finally posted this b:laughb:laughb:laugh0 -
Roeham - Archosaur wrote: »and now the biggest idiot of them all the one who has lived in fantasy land forever now has finally posted this b:laughb:laughb:laugh
I am curious, would you point out a single thing in my post that has not happened thus validating your claim of me living in fantasy world? Or is this, like usually, nothing more than your inability for rational thinking manifesting in this thread?__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0
This discussion has been closed.
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- 2K The Crafting Nook
- 4.9K Guild Banter
- 6.6K The Trading Post
- 28K Class Discussion
- 1.9K Arigora Colosseum
- 78 TW & Cross Server Battles
- 337 Nation Wars
- 8.2K Off-Topic Discussion
- 3.7K The Fanatics Forum
- 207 Screenshots and Videos
- 22.8K Support Desk