Was on break/New gears/Update

Joshuason - Raging Tide
Joshuason - Raging Tide Posts: 98 Arc User
edited April 2015 in General Discussion
Hello PWI! I was off the game totally for almost 3 months for various reasons(real life, no net, my hard drive went, LOL) and just as i come back, we get a bunch of free stuff(B chests, event gold and now, a big bunny to boot, LOL). I just want to say thanx PWI, All my higher toons will have the extra stats from the B cards when they hit 100. plus I've been checking out the new gears you can get from the Quicksand forges and I like the adds and complect bonuses. I'm somewhat close to end game, but not overly concerned with finishing it ASAP. All it'll take is a little time(a few FWS with a good squad, sum full lunar runs, blah blah blah b:chuckle ). I'd rather take a little time n gear up my alts(probably part TT90 gold and part 85 QM gear. Anyhow, just wanted to throw this out there, see you all in game! b:victory
joshuason/Seeker(leader of VaGaBoNdZ, Sage): 101/102/102(or is it 102/102/101? b:chuckle ). Anyways, pres. lvl 101
tjoshua/Seeker(2nd in command, Demon): lvl 87, RB1
Wolf_Vaughn/Barb(Vit build): lvl 80, done w/Jolly, Woof b:pleased
\\Joshiki// /Assasin: lvl 80, soon to be relieved of Jolly as well xD
Jeshu/Mystic: lvl 70(has most of his 85+ gear already! \o/
Lil_Jo_Barb/Barb(Str build): lvl 70(he already has his WoE b:victory
This is part of my small army. Happy grinding b:victory
Post edited by Joshuason - Raging Tide on


  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Welcome back! b:laugh
  • Joshuason - Raging Tide
    Joshuason - Raging Tide Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thank you, thank you! BTW, how do I set up a signature, it shows up below your posts? b:thanks
    joshuason/Seeker(leader of VaGaBoNdZ, Sage): 101/102/102(or is it 102/102/101? b:chuckle ). Anyways, pres. lvl 101
    tjoshua/Seeker(2nd in command, Demon): lvl 87, RB1
    Wolf_Vaughn/Barb(Vit build): lvl 80, done w/Jolly, Woof b:pleased
    \\Joshiki// /Assasin: lvl 80, soon to be relieved of Jolly as well xD
    Jeshu/Mystic: lvl 70(has most of his 85+ gear already! \o/
    Lil_Jo_Barb/Barb(Str build): lvl 70(he already has his WoE b:victory
    This is part of my small army. Happy grinding b:victory
  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thank you, thank you! BTW, how do I set up a signature, it shows up below your posts? b:thanks

    can be done by clicking on User CP and ofcourse via edit signature

    (below the signature I'm using for many months now... could be years too... idk)
  • Joshuason - Raging Tide
    Joshuason - Raging Tide Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I tried edit and save, does it take awhile before it starts posting? Also, do I need to do it through Arc browser?
    joshuason/Seeker(leader of VaGaBoNdZ, Sage): 101/102/102(or is it 102/102/101? b:chuckle ). Anyways, pres. lvl 101
    tjoshua/Seeker(2nd in command, Demon): lvl 87, RB1
    Wolf_Vaughn/Barb(Vit build): lvl 80, done w/Jolly, Woof b:pleased
    \\Joshiki// /Assasin: lvl 80, soon to be relieved of Jolly as well xD
    Jeshu/Mystic: lvl 70(has most of his 85+ gear already! \o/
    Lil_Jo_Barb/Barb(Str build): lvl 70(he already has his WoE b:victory
    This is part of my small army. Happy grinding b:victory
  • Joshuason - Raging Tide
    Joshuason - Raging Tide Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Finally figured it out, had too many lines i think, let's see! b:shutup Yay, success finally!
    joshuason/Seeker(leader of VaGaBoNdZ, Sage): 101/102/102(or is it 102/102/101? b:chuckle ). Anyways, pres. lvl 101
    tjoshua/Seeker(2nd in command, Demon): lvl 87, RB1
    Wolf_Vaughn/Barb(Vit build): lvl 80, done w/Jolly, Woof b:pleased
    \\Joshiki// /Assasin: lvl 80, soon to be relieved of Jolly as well xD
    Jeshu/Mystic: lvl 70(has most of his 85+ gear already! \o/
    Lil_Jo_Barb/Barb(Str build): lvl 70(he already has his WoE b:victory
    This is part of my small army. Happy grinding b:victory
  • Poopinpanto - Heavens Tear
    Poopinpanto - Heavens Tear Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Welcome back to this place..the place where things change but nothing really changes.Yay you got some free stuff..yay.

    Place is like a prison cell,you might get a new picture to hang once in a while,maybe some new sheets but its the same ole prison cell.After your done doing stuff then your stuck on the bottom bunk looking at the springs.