Logged in, but no event card



  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How so? I was informing you of what a bug was if you didn't know what it was. This is not rude, this is being informative. If you refuse to acknowledge that I wasn't being rude, but informative, then it's your problem.

    Okay, let's take an informal poll.

    Who here thought NRGLG was being an ***? Just for the sheer entertainment value of being an ***?

    \I vote yes
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I to will verify via personal experience that "none' of my toons above level 95 I have had on for hours, has gotten any mail for this event. I took a level 1 toon on a separate account and it got all the promised items in the mail in less then 5 minutes.

    This is "Fail" PWI!!! I want these items on my RA toon, "NOT" some useless alt I use as a bank! What is the point of sending B cards and a chance at an S card to toons we will "never" get to a point where they can use them? Yes, I can use the code to send a toon all but the Event Gold which for reasons not properly explained, we will "not" get with the code. What are people supposed to do if all the toons they have on an account are 95 or above? Is PWI punishing us for having all are toons 95 and above by not allowing us to have the Event Gold we were told we would get in your promotion of the event?

    At the least PW should also be giving out a code for Event Gold to compensate those of us who can not get it on an account because PW messed up the event by not checking to make sure "all" toons will get it upon being the one we choose to log on to the game no matter what the level of that toon is. If that means some people will get 100 Event Gold and those with all 95 an up toons only get 50, then so be it.
  • Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I got nothing when I logged in.

    I used the code. I got everything but the event gold
    What kind of fool pays for a free game.
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Toons that were logged in before now have been getting the mail from PWI on below 95 alts.

    Toons that only just log in are getting the mail on the toon they log in on, e.g. 5 minutes ago a 2nd RA BM got the rewards (including sage event card) on that toon.

    I got it on my Level 12 banker because I had been logged in for hours.

    Thanks PWI for constantly hiring incompetent staff.
    there are no stupid questions, just a lot of inquisitive idiots.
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yes, I just checked aswell, any character 95th and up (RA or not) doesn't get the sign-in package <b:surrender> but I was able to get it on my "70th lv Dusk Blade & 94th lv Veno (both non-RA)" <b:surrender>
    Just witf they are thinking about, by limiting this sign-in award part to characters who can't even use the "B,A & S-Cards" (when all those Cards require a 100th level character ~_~' to even equip them) is way beyond me...>b:surrender<

    Oh well, atleast the "Arc code~version" can still be able to get the "B,A & S-Cards" sent to some of the other characters that way...
  • Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Same as the others, no mail on main, but all my JoJ alts got it right away, ofc they are under 90.

    Kinda ridiculous but not surprised. Guess we should be thankful to get anything at all eh ><
  • Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well to those complaining, think of it this way...

    You can still get what you were supposed to get with the profundity scrolls, S pack, B chests with your main using the code, and a lower level alt on the same account can get you your demon/sage event card, which is all we were supposed to get anyway, and your alt can have some nice cards too.

    No big deal. It was all free anyway.
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Okay, let's take an informal poll.

    Who here thought NRGLG was being an ***? Just for the sheer entertainment value of being an ***?

    \I vote yes

    b:surrender I really wasn't...I like to help, not to hurt. I didn't know the age, gender, job, country, computer competence, etc. that the person in question resigned in. There was no way of me knowing how much they knew. From their previous statement, it made it sound like they didn't understand what a bug was. It wasn't meant to be condescending, sarcastic, or otherwise.

    On topic, why on earth didn't they just give the event code and skip the login bull****? Clearly the login thing has a problem, yet they went this route anyways. It does make me question who manages this stuff; because what it also did was allow some people to get 12 x B War Avatar Cards, 2 x B-A War Avatar Card Sets, and 20 x Profundity Scrolls.
    Kernal32.dll error? Get Arc XP for PWI because PWE Derpped -->http://www.nrgs.org/dev/arcxp/ArcXP.zip<-- (Don't select the arrows!)

    Forums. Where opinion is truth, truth are facts, facts are wrong, and wrong is an opinion.

    My site: >http://nrgs.org&lt; | Free and open source tools and utilities developed by me
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    So if my rb'd main cant recieve the event gift from mail i should make an alt on the same account? There was no lvl restriction stated in the announcement and yet reading back most of those having problems are either rb'd or more than lvl 90..

    Anyone from pwi on to clarify this or should we need to experiment on our accounts just to get what you promised us? And then get our accounts glitched or bugged like what happened with the stone last time then do the eternal wait for you guys to even give us a non system generated response on fixing it?
  • Posts: 929 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    A bit messed up, but I still got 2 A cards on different characters and a B card set on my cleric (which she can use).

    I ain't even mad. b:thanks
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't think anyone here is mad. Frustrated that the system is designed to **** over higher level players, sure.

    On a positive note, my Jolly Jones alt has cards they can't use and will never be able to use. Yay? One of the cards was an A card... b:surrender
    Kernal32.dll error? Get Arc XP for PWI because PWE Derpped -->http://www.nrgs.org/dev/arcxp/ArcXP.zip<-- (Don't select the arrows!)

    Forums. Where opinion is truth, truth are facts, facts are wrong, and wrong is an opinion.

    My site: >http://nrgs.org&lt; | Free and open source tools and utilities developed by me
  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This is not rocket science, although for PWI it may as well be. We have all played this game long enough to "KNOW" what PWI did.

    They did a reedit of the 95 leveling stone event and substituted in the 'Login Giveaway' items. Why you might ask? Because they are the laziest **** around to take half a moment to test the method of distribution that they KNEW didn't work the first-time around. It just makes no damn sense to have a giveaway like this and players cannot have the gifts sent to the account they would like. Oh wait, PWI logic (slams head on desk.)

    Well so sorry to the players who have all level 95+ characters, you just got the shaft so here is a little K-Y to ease the pain. But feel free to open a ticket(s) and maybe after half the players are banned for slamming the ticket system you might get a non-bot response saying...

    We are aware of the issue and it will be addressed at some undetermined future date.

    Thank You,

    PWI Support Staff-bot
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well to those complaining, think of it this way...

    You can still get what you were supposed to get with the profundity scrolls, S pack, B chests with your main using the code, and a lower level alt on the same account can get you your demon/sage event card, which is all we were supposed to get anyway, and your alt can have some nice cards too.

    No big deal. It was all free anyway.

    b:cry Actually not everyone can if its set up to where u have to be under lvl 95 to get the event gold card. All 8 of my characters on my main acct are 100+ and all but 1 is RA'ed atleast once...b:surrender guess I'm sol on the event gold.
  • Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I had to use the code to get anything. I sent it to my SB which is the one I logged in with.

    I have a sin that is level 7X and the only character on my account under 80. They got the mail eventually. They are my Jamba juicer, because you need one due to the scarcely comprehensible design decisions in this game regarding coins. As such they will not be using any of the cards, and I won't bother RA and re-leveling to do JJ again because I can't stand playing the class.

    I'm happy the code let me actually get the stuff to the toon I wanted though.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Will they redo this? I just logged in a character that got B and A cards that I won't ever use. The demon/sage card is nice because it goes to all toons, but still, the cards are worthless on the other characters.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Toons that were logged in before now have been getting the mail from PWI on below 95 alts.

    Toons that only just log in are getting the mail on the toon they log in on, e.g. 5 minutes ago a 2nd RA BM got the rewards (including sage event card) on that toon.

    Can anyone else confirm this? At least in my experience, this is not the case.

    I just logged in like an hour ago (which is after this post was made) and waited 1/2 hr on my lv101 and got nothing. I switched to a lv2 toon I never use and got the rewards + event gold in 5 mins. As far as I can tell, it's still not fixed.
  • Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I know I am not the only one who is a bit frustrated now. On both accounts I got 0 mail with the event gold card in it. I checked all the chars , even the banks, and zilch on the mails. I did however get the ever reliable "Server error. please log out and try again." message. Thanks PWI for reassuring me why I left the game. I have finally been given the Real Life prize from you guys *huggles*
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    After 2 attempts, both of which failed, I'm hoping a lesson has been learnt and they'll give up trying to use this "log in to get a prize" thing. The codes allow you to easily choose your character without having to sit for hours on end on whichever you want to get the prize on as the inevitable problems persist and the start time is pushed further and further back.

    Did not get log in reward. Do have code reward b:bye
  • Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well my alt DB ended up with 1 A card and enough B cards to make a free A card so I am really not going to complain.
  • Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Its free gift idk why you complaining
  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't think anyone here is mad. Frustrated that the system is designed to **** over higher level players, sure.

    On a positive note, my Jolly Jones alt has cards they can't use and will never be able to use. Yay? One of the cards was an A card... b:surrender

    that's awesome for you jolly jones altariffic cant make a dime unless its handed to you type of people.

    for F sakes people you still crying about event gold?Its like people crying for fake monopoly money.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    coz we can't get it free gift on ours main...i don't need this stuff on some noob just created on account
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Same happened here... On my lvl 79 barb account I received the mail right away, on my main account (lvl 101 cleric), no mail until now and I've waited long hours and re-logged a few times... b:irritated b:shedtear
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Looks like they fixed the bug while I was sleeping. PWE was on top of things at least.

    To those writing snarky messages at people complaining. What right do you have to sit here and criticize people who were only asking for fair and equal treatment? Free gift is may be, but how it was presented, it was treating people unfairly before; which isn't right.
    Kernal32.dll error? Get Arc XP for PWI because PWE Derpped -->http://www.nrgs.org/dev/arcxp/ArcXP.zip<-- (Don't select the arrows!)

    Forums. Where opinion is truth, truth are facts, facts are wrong, and wrong is an opinion.

    My site: >http://nrgs.org&lt; | Free and open source tools and utilities developed by me
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Looks like they fixed the bug while I was sleeping. PWE was on top of things at least.

    I don't think it's fixed. There was only one post in this thread saying its fixed, but I tried to get my event card around 3-4 hours after he posted (1st time account log in on a lv101) and ran into the same problem as everyone else.
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I made a goofy alt to run through the start area and get the event gold at least. Got bored and came back to my main and lo and behold it got the mail now (an rb2 lvl 101)
    Yet my friend (same level) hasn't gotten hers.
  • Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I just got the event gold on a REBIRTHED character, I believe they fixed the bug..

    That annoys me a little too though, just as I started create level 1 alts to get the event gold.
    ~ not that there is that much to see (yet?)
  • Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I just got the event gold on a REBIRTHED character, I believe they fixed the bug..

    That annoys me a little too though, just as I started create level 1 alts to get the event gold.

    Did you get it today? Like just now?

    Did you have to relog? Or did you get it on toons that were already logged in?

  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Did you get it today? Like just now?

    Did you have to relog? Or did you get it on toons that were already logged in?

    I did, literally just 15 minutes ago or so.
    I had logged off and was running an alt I just made on the mains account through the start area for maybe an hour or so. got bored, logged out, logged back in on the main and the mail was there.
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I just noticed mail but I been afking for a while so hard to say exactly when I got them but seems like its fixed now.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - mypers.pw/1.8/#132088 - Active
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