Raging Tide (PvE) Faction List

Asone - Raging Tide
Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Tideswell (East)
Raging Tides Faction List

Hey all! Welcome to the new list for 2014-2015.
*Please note that this thread is constantly in the process of being updated.*

There are two lists for factions. One is for players of PvE. The other is for factions that love to participate in Territory Wars. Both lists are in alphabetical order.

There is one thing I ask when you post on this thread though.

NO mouthing other factions. NO debates. This thread is meant to be a source of information and nothing else.

Status of thread.
*Updated when new information is made available*

Updated information for factions "Volt", "Kumori", and "AK47". Added the faction "Calamity" to the Territory Wars list.

Modified numbers in the Color Code section after gathering feedback. Color Code for the faction "Volt" was changed to Red.

Update information for the faction "QQme".

Color Codes
*Numbers may vary*

Private: Personal factions not open for recruitment.

Pending Review: Unknown active status.

Low: 1-10 players online at any given time of the week.

Fair: 1-15 players online weekdays, 10-20 players online weekends.

Moderate: 15-25 players online weekdays, 20-40 players online weekends.

High: 20-35 players online weekdays, 25-50+ players online weekends.

*This section is in a test run stage and may not stay on this list. PvE section is based on observation. TW section is based on weekly participation as well as observation. Feedback is welcome.*

Note: Now this system is not completely accurate, since it is impossible for any one player to be in all these factions or have complete knowledge of how the activity level of every faction is. So I observe players of different factions in populated cities and maps to get a rough estimate of how many are on. This is mostly based on my own playtime which is what time I have on my days off from work. Of course if the color code for your faction is wrong, please let me know and I will correct it.

Faction List Sections

PvE: Posted in this section are factions that mainly focus on the PvE aspect of the game. Not to say that the players in them don't like a little kill time with PvP now and then.

Territory Wars: Factions posted in this section are generally PvE, but tend to participate in the weekend event that allows factions to fight each other for the land of the overworld map.

must post in order to be added to the list. Trying to give me information in-game just becomes complicated.

If you wish to add your faction to this list please include the following:

1) Faction name.
2) Name of faction Leader.
3) *optional* Name of faction Director.
4) *optional* Names of faction Marshals.
5) Level of the faction.
6) Level of faction base (if the faction has ownership of one).
7) If there is a faction site address please provide a link.
8) *optional* A slogan or motto that befits your faction.
9) *optional* Any extra info you wish to add.
10) Is it PvE based or TW based?

To save you guys some time and typing, here is a crude form you can highlight, copy, and paste to fill out the information.
Faction Name:
Faction Level:
Base Level:
Faction's Slogan:

*Select a section you wish to place the faction information in.*


Territory Wars

Faction Notices

Leviathan: Slogan is an old copy and paste from years ago. Let me know if you want an update.

By the way. I'm open to suggestions on how to make this thread seem more user friendly. I appreciate feedback since I plan to edit these posts anyway.

PvE Factions (occasional PvP)

Faction Name: Cyanure
Leader: Colum
Director: MissChristy
Marshals: Rintarou, Psylky, Scaeth, shawtybaby
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 12
Website: http://thecyanure.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: We're helpful and active family faction that wants to let the people feel accepted and cared about. All levels and classes are welcomed. We have an info thread on the forums here.

Faction Name: Ethereals
Leader: TheNextHero
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://ethereals.forumshome.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: FearUs
Leader: Whoz_Nutz
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: (private)
Website: (currently private)
Faction's Slogan: "FU" (we abbreviate FearUs)
Notes: Our symbol is the giant Pink Bunny Head. We greet and are greeted by saying our Faction Name first, like "FU, Raging Tide" and "FU, Nutz." We are a private family alt faction that may, some day, offer membership to friends' alts. We ARE NOT RECRUITING at this time.

Faction Name: FranTic
Leader: JonnyBoy_
Director: Aryannah
Marshals: Savannahstar, Vencyla
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 16
Website: http://franticrt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: lnfected
Leader: Khairith
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://infectedrt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Spread the Infection worldwide, Kill 'em with Kindness!"

Faction Name: JEDI
Leader: Cad_Bane
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://jedi.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Kitty
Leader: Kittysama
Director: Keisari
Marshals: None
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: None
Website: None
Faction's Slogan: "All hail Kitty, the Empress of Raging Tides!"
Notes: Kitty's faction icon ish Kitty's irl-pic. Kitty consists of Kitty's mains so Kitty ish Kitty's private faction, created around spring 2013. Kitty tends to declare wars on factions Kitty doesn't like. Kitty usually TWs after resets. PVP-TW W/L-ratio 1/3 atm.

Faction Name: Kumori
Leader: FalcoVeno
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://kumori-rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Malice
Leader: LuckingFoco
Director: ShadowRuler
Marshals: BriiAngel, Kimmu, ERAF
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 12
Website: http://www.malice-rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Morior Invictus"
Notes: Family faction. Values decorum and good morals. Helpful faction. Accepts all levels, new players, and veterans.

Faction Name: /\/tense
Leader: Balfrit
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://ntense.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: NiteAngel
Leader: xultragodess
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 19
Website: http://niteangel.shivtr.com/ (seriously hope this is the right site)
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: Family faction. Expect polite and friendly behavior. Only requirement to join is level 70 or higher.

Faction Name: P!rate
Leader: EleganceSong
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: ?
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: RedCross
Leader: TaintedNight
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 15
Website: http://pwiredcross.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Starfall
Leader: Sinderelly
Director: cosmolady
Marshals: Dwatte, Puff_Puff, StellaNova, ZentDreigon
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 11
Website: http://starfall.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: (varies)
Notes: Always looking for new friends to join the family. No restrictions regarding skin, scales, or tails. We aim at being friendly and helpful. The more, the crazier.

Faction Name: The_Club
Leader: _Grandpa
Director: *position available* (we vote on this position)
Marshals: Masterock, Piratewolf
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: (private)
Website: http://the.club.shivtr.com/ (no need to sign up, site is just a service)
Faction's Slogan: "Have fun!"
Notes: Faction activity can be low; our members voted to 'remove' toons if they didn't get online in 12+ months. Some members have multiple alts in this faction.

Faction Name: _Undead_
Leader: KwallemeJojo
Director: Spoetnik
Marshals: SirVeno
Faction Level: 1
Base Level: None
Website: http://undeadrt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Halloween is the time of the Undeads"
Notes: Our faction is for alts only. Recruiting is mostly done by the Leader, and our Executor (ClayPoopy). We have our fun PK event every day! -> "Kill the Barb!"

Faction Name: Unstable
Leader: MedAlert
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: ?
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Valkarie
Leader: _Thor_
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 25
Website: http://valkarie.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Home of Immortals"
Notes: At map reset TW is an option.

Territory War Factions (also does PvE)

Faction Name: AK47
Leader: ?
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://ak47.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: (Brazilian faction)?

Faction Name: BlackList
Leader: SSORRY
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://blacklist-pwi.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: BloodBath
Leader: Arrowpierce
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 19
Website: http://bloodbathpwi.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "One Guild. One Family. One Blood."

Faction Name: BwareofUs
Leader: Jesters_Jinx
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://bwareofus.rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: CRUSH
Leader: VAARSH
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 23
Website: http://crush.pwi.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: Family faction. Can make PvP fun for newcomers. Helpful faction.

Faction Name: Calamity
Leader: Masumi
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://calamity-rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: LEGIONES
Leader: jviera
Director: _Leliana_
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://legionespwirt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Querer es Poder"
Notes: (Language; Español y Portugues) Somos una fac latina dedicada principalmente a TW pero sin dejar de lado las necesidades de los miembros (NW, BH, FC, PV, Eventos y demás), contamos con personas de varias partes del mundo, los idiomas principales en FAC CHAT son el Español y Portugués, algunos miembros saben Ingles lo que ayuda para comunicarnos con otras Fac.

El objetivo principal es DIVERTIRSE, pasar un rato agradable, trabajar en equipo, y poner en alto a los latinos. Bienvenidos!!!

Faction Name: Leviathan
Leader: SuperSlushE
Director: jenisky
Marshals: FallenNix, Jack_Ryan
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 28
Website: http://www.leviathan-rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "TW faction with only one rule: -No drama-"
Notes: One of the largest TW factions of Raging Tides. This faction is nearly as old as the server.

Faction Name: LOLIANCE
Leader: Cyranise
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://loliance.guildlaunch.com/ (older site? only one I found)
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: LostTears
Leader: YamamoriYuki
Director: Eboifkkss
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 9
Website: ?
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: Hope to meet some old friends and make new ones. No level or class requirements, just be active, friendly, mature and helpful (or at least self-reliant to a great extent).

Faction Name: MYRMIDONE
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 15
Website: http://myrmidonesguild.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Marine
Leader: Darkwraith
Director: JunoEclipse
Marshals: Risinga, giannix, Mehana and Mr.Riddle
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 19
Website: http://www.marine.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "Semper Fi" (Short for Semper Fidelis, latin for Always Faithful)
Notes: No drama, TW's for fun. (an aside: Darky & Juno met in this game and will be married in RL this month. :) )

Faction Name: PILIPNAS
Leader: ?
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://pwi.pilipinas.shivtr.com/ (older site? I found two, but this one is more recent)
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: Prophecy
Leader: erzascarleto
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://newprophecy.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: QQme
Leader: PureCat
Director: Eolos
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 30
Website: http://qqmert.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "One Game. One Guild. One Purpose."
Notes: One of the largest TW factions on Raging Tides.

Faction Name: Vertu
Leader: Vyt
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://vertu-rt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan: "This....is....VERTU!!"
Notes: We are a pretty laid back faction that likes to smash things from time to time. Looking for more bodies for TW. We drink beer with our friends, we send our enemies to hell, and if you think you are above being made fun of, this probably isn't the place for you (a good sense of humor is a requirement).

Faction Name: Vicious
Leader: Revenge
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://viciousrt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:
Notes: One of the largest TW factions on Raging Tides.

Faction Name: Volt
Leader: AdiLynnRose
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: http://voltrt.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: WalknDead
Leader: Chemae
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: ?
Website: http://www.walkndead.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: WillKraft
Leader: MasterReefer
Director: Sarrcoid
Marshals: Kage_Tora, jJessica, Riphll
Faction Level: 3
Base Level: 11
Website: http://willkraft.shivtr.com/
Faction's Slogan:

Faction Name: YouTEK
Leader: ?
Faction Level: ?
Base Level: ?
Website: ?
Faction's Slogan:

Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
Post edited by Asone - Raging Tide on


  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited October 2014
    For now, I'm waiting a bit til you have either more people getting listed or have this a bit more complete before it's stickied (and so you can have an easier time using the outdated one for quick reference). Once this has a bit more content, it's replacing the current sticky.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Will do Kossy. I wasn't expecting reply's (if any) for several days yet, so it's cool. Thanks for the heads up though.b:victory

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • LuckingFoco - Raging Tide
    LuckingFoco - Raging Tide Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Malice
    Faction Leader: LuckingFoco
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 12
    Website: http://www.malice-rt.shivtr.com
    Faction's Slogan: Morior Invictus
    Notes: Family faction. Values decorum and good morals. Helpful faction. Accepts all levels, new players and veterans
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • Zarkin_Baxil - Raging Tide
    Zarkin_Baxil - Raging Tide Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Vertu
    Faction Leader: Vyt
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: err let em get back to you
    Website: http://vertu-rt.shivtr.com/
    Faction's Slogan: This....is....VERTU!!
    Notes: We are a pretty laid back faction that likes to smash things from time to time. Looking for more bodies for TW. We drink beer with our friends, we send our enemies to hell, and if you think you are above being made fun of, this probably isn't the place for you (a good sense of humor is a requirement).
  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    For Cyanure u can update the base level to 12 thanks. b:cute Other than that everything seems accurate.


    To notes you can add:

    We're helpful and active family faction that wants to let the people feel accepted and cared about. All levels and classes are welcomed. We have an info thread on the forums here.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • StellaNova - Raging Tide
    StellaNova - Raging Tide Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Starfall
    Faction Leader: Ariel - Leader char is Sinderelly - same person tho
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: Can't remember it, and isn't in game atm xD
    Website: http://starfall.shivtr.com/
    Faction's Slogan: ?
    Miss my Avatar b:sad

    Starfall Marshall b:victory
  • ZentDreigon - Raging Tide
    ZentDreigon - Raging Tide Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Starfall
    Leader: Sinderelly
    Director: cosmolady
    Main Officers: Dwatte, Puff_Puff, StellaNova, ZentDreigon

    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 11
    Website: http://starfall.shivtr.com
    Faction's Slogan: varies
    Info: Always looking for new friends to join the family. No restrictions regarding skin, scales, or tails. We aim at being friendly and helpful. The more, the crazier.

    Added a few things. b:avoid

    P.S.: According to our crazy leader I just ruined our faction by mentioning I'm in there. That's all. Thank you for your time.
    > A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
    > Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Added a few things. b:avoid

    P.S.: According to our crazy leader I just ruined our faction by mentioning I'm in there. That's all. Thank you for your time.

    ROFL! Well I hope she wasn't too hard on you. b:laugh

    Anyway I didn't plan on putting more officers as a requirement on the thread, so I'll just leave it open as "optional" for people that want that info in I guess. No way in hell am I putting in Executor though, I think that might be too much. If it gets to be too confusing I'll just edit it out again. Still working to get this thread organized for most people after all.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • ZentDreigon - Raging Tide
    ZentDreigon - Raging Tide Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Our leader is in love with me so I'll survive. b:laugh I'm gonna pay for this.

    Yes, Executors are many and tend to vary a lot. Marshals have been in guild for longer and are more likely to remain for some time without the need to change so much.
    > A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
    > Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming
  • _Kamaria_ - Raging Tide
    _Kamaria_ - Raging Tide Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Valkarie
    Leader: _Thor_
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 25ish
    Website: http://valkarie.shivtr.com/
    Faction's Slogan: Home of Immortals
    Notes: At map reset TW is an option


  • JaviMaster - Raging Tide
    JaviMaster - Raging Tide Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction name. LEGIONES
    Name of faction Leader. jviera
    Name of faction Director. _Leliana_
    Level of the faction. LVL 3
    link. http://legionespwirt.shivtr.com/
    slogan. Querer es Poder
    language. Español y Portugues
    Somos una fac latina dedicada principalmente a TW pero sin dejar de lado las necesidades de los miembros (NW, BH, FC, PV, Eventos y demás), contamos con personas de varias partes del mundo, los idiomas principales en FAC CHAT son el Español y Portugués, algunos miembros saben Ingles lo que ayuda para comunicarnos con otras Fac.

    El objetivo principal es DIVERTIRSE, pasar un rato agradable, trabajar en equipo, y poner en alto a los latinos.

  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Since Zent started this..

    For Cyanure, you can add

    Director: MissChristy
    Marshals: Rintarou, Psylky, Scaeth, shawtybaby
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Clergywoman - Raging Tide
    Clergywoman - Raging Tide Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    corrections in red:

    Faction Name: QQme
    Leader: seeler
    Director: badbud
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 30
    Website: http://qqmert.shivtr.com/
    Faction's Slogan: "One Game. One Guild. One Purpose."
    gear and genies: mypers.pw/1.8/#145766

    pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
  • Facerolled - Raging Tide
    Facerolled - Raging Tide Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Correction for QQme PvE Faction only PVP they do is on Events. R9r+10-12 people sit blue name all week. Guess they TW pay must suck since they say they cant afford charms and GS to PK.
    boogiepanda | Demon Archer || Facerolled | Demon Wizard

  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Correction for QQme PvE Faction only PVP they do is on Events. R9r+10-12 people sit blue name all week. Guess they TW pay must suck since they say they cant afford charms and GS to PK.

    I don't have a PvP only section listed. I only have "PvE" and "Territory Wars" and I'm not going to be adding a PvP only list because technically it's not needed. I put QQme in the "Territory Wars" list because I know they do that event and hence they will stay there until they have deemed otherwise.

    Edit: The "Territory Wars" list is does not mean that the faction is only concentrated on PvP. Only that the factions in that category love TW, are able to afford it, and have enough able bodies for that event.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide
    Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: FearUs

    Leader: Whoz_Nutz
    Marshals: yes

    Faction Level: 3 w/ icon

    Base Level: private

    Website: currently private

    Faction's Slogan: FU (we abbreviate FearUs)

    Notes: Our symbol is the giant Pink Bunny Head. We greet and are greeted by saying our Faction Name first, like "FU, Raging Tide" and "FU, Nutz." We are a private family alt faction that may, some day, offer membership to friends' alts. We ARE NOT RECRUITING at this time.

    Territory Wars Optional
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    Notes: Our symbol is the giant Pink Bunny Head. We greet and are greeted by saying our Faction Name first, like "FU, Raging Tide" and "FU, Nutz." We are a private family alt faction that may, some day, offer membership to friends' alts. We ARE NOT RECRUITING at this time.

    FU FU!

    ... Sorry I couldn't resist. b:laugh
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide
    Whoz_Nutz - Raging Tide Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    FU, OPKossy b:laugh Long live the Giant Bunny !!
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Territory Wars Optional

    Um that got me a little confused, so I put you guys down in the "Territory Wars" section since you gave me that option first. Let me know if you would rather be moved to the "PvE" section.

    Edit: Never-mind I reread the notes. I put the info in the "PvE" section instead.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • voravat23
    voravat23 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Vicious Leader : FallenOne
    Vicous Director : Revenge

    Leviathan Director: SuperSlushE
    Leviathan Marshals: FallenNix, Jack_Ryan

    I like Leviathan b:thanks No Drama when I join about 1-2 years I love Jeni she's great leader b:cute and all are friendly to me TY so much b:bye

    Marine Leader : DarkWraith

    Frantic Leader : FOCKOFF (but he join TW faction then his alt is leader)

    when map reset Frantic will join TW b:victory
  • furryballz
    furryballz Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    voravat23 wrote: »
    Vicious Leader : FallenOne
    Vicous Director : Revenge

    Leviathan Director: SuperSlushE
    Leviathan Marshals: FallenNix, Jack_Ryan

    I like Leviathan b:thanks No Drama when I join about 1-2 years I love Jeni she's great leader b:cute and all are friendly to me TY so much b:bye

    Marine Leader : DarkWraith

    Frantic Leader : FOCKOFF (but he join TW faction then his alt is leader)

    when map reset Frantic will join TW b:victory

    this post has no sense at all.
  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Oooo... I should sign in on this forum more often. Didn't know there was a 'new' factionlist for 2014. Here's my info:

    Faction Name: The_Club
    Leader: _Grandpa
    Director: position available (we vote on this position)
    Marshals: Masterock, Piratewolf
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: (we allow people to be lazy and have a rl)
    Website: the.club.shivtr.com (no need to sign up, site is just a service)
    Faction's Slogan: have fun!

    Notes: faction activity can be low; our members voted to 'remove' toons if they didn't get online in 12+ months. Some members have multiple alts in this faction.

    edit: PvE
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    voravat23 wrote: »
    Vicious Leader : FallenOne
    Vicous Director : Revenge

    Leviathan Director: SuperSlushE
    Leviathan Marshals: FallenNix, Jack_Ryan

    I like Leviathan b:thanks No Drama when I join about 1-2 years I love Jeni she's great leader b:cute and all are friendly to me TY so much b:bye

    Marine Leader : DarkWraith

    Frantic Leader : FOCKOFF (but he join TW faction then his alt is leader)

    when map reset Frantic will join TW b:victory

    I'm very sorry, but I don't know if I can rely on this being good information when:

    1. No offense, but your posting on an account with only one post count. That, in the past, has been a popular method for trolls.

    2. Some of what you have given me are names which I only have down as optional. Therefore I leave it for the faction officers to tell me if they want that info put in or not.

    *I have already had Marine's leader down of day two since I started this thread. I did however have it typo'd, so I fixed that.

    *I will, however, be adding Vicious's new leadership in since I ran into him the night before. I hadn't realized Nuff_Said wasn't leading anymore.

    *I won't be adding in Frantic's faction just yet because I have only seen one member of that faction on in the whole of last week. When I receive a post from them I will gladly put that info in.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Keisari - Raging Tide
    Keisari - Raging Tide Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Faction Name: Kitty
    Leader: Kittysama
    Director: Keisari
    Marshals: None
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: None
    Website: None
    Faction's Slogan: All hail Kitty, the Empress of Raging Tides!
    Notes: Kitty's faction icon ish Kitty's irl-pic. Kitty consists of Kitty's mains so Kitty ish Kitty's private faction, created around spring 2013. Kitty tends to declare wars on factions Kitty doesn't like. Kitty usually TWs after resets. PVP-TW W/L-ratio 1/3 atm.

    Kittysama - Raging Tide in APS-barb disguise, when avatars were bugged. Now posting again as Kittysama.
    Deleted old mains on Feb. 2014, back with every viable build covered, majority of them at or above non-rb 100.b:cute
    The Greatest APS-Panda on RT! 'Cause there's too much food in tables of Imperial palace.b:surrender
    Kitty's current average lvl ~94 b:shocked
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    FYI & spelling:

    Faction Name: Marine
    Leader: Darkwraith
    Marshals: Risinga, giannix, Mehana and Mr.Riddle
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 19
    Website: http://www.marine.shivtr.com/
    Faction's Slogan: Semper Fi (Short for Semper Fidelis, latin for Always Faithful)
    Notes: No drama, TW's for fun. (an aside: Darky & Juno met in this game and will be married in RL this month. :) )

    Territory Wars: yes, especially on Thursdays...

    b:chuckle b:bye
  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    *I won't be adding in Frantic's faction just yet because I have only seen one member of that faction on in the whole of last week. When I receive a post from them I will gladly put that info in.

    But that info was true. Currently this is the info you'll need:

    Faction Name: FranTic
    Leader: JonnyBoy_
    Director: Aryannah
    Marshals: Savannahstar, Vencyla
    Faction Level: 3
    Base Level: 16
    Website: franticrt.shivtr.com

    Pve, TW, NW

    edit: as for reply below - no, not a member anymore but helpful to any FranTic's if needed.
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Ok sjampie, you gave me information properly, so I will add Frantic to the list. I'm guessing one of your characters must be in that faction anyway if you've got that much info.

    Edit: Since Frantic is inactive in TW for now I put it in the PvE section. Let me know when they are ready to take it up again and I will move it, or if they prefer, I will add something in the notes for them.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 631 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Ok sjampie, you gave me information properly, so I will add Frantic to the list. I'm guessing one of your characters must be in that faction anyway if you've got that much info.

    Edit: Since Frantic is inactive in TW for now I put it in the PvE section. Let me know when they are ready to take it up again and I will move it, or if they prefer, I will add something in the notes for them.

    Thanks. Think they will do TW again when the map resets and going for the "Wamp of the Wraits".
  • bruinvis
    bruinvis Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    action Name: _Undead_
    Leader: KwallemeJojo
    Director: Spoetnik
    Marshals: SirVeno
    Faction Level: 1
    Base Level: 0
    Website: undeadrt.shivtr.com
    Faction's Slogan:

    • faction for alts only
    • recruiting mostly done by Leader and Executor (ClayPoopy)
    • fun PK event every day -> kill the barb
    • PvE

    current slogan: <Halloween is the time of the Undeads>