So TW season is over. How does your server's map look? Part Deux

Posts: 6,118 Arc User
edited May 2014 in General Discussion

Crimson - 21
Infamous - 14
Mayhem - 14
Kylin - 1
BankaiGOD - 1

I'll save the commentary for later. Just don't turn the thread into a giant *****fest over your respective servers.

For reference: last season's thread.

"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
I <3 Subtraction.
/blatant sig copy is blatant

105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
Post edited by Eoria - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    efiance - 27
    爿傲世灬皇朝ノ - 12
    RogueXXX - 5
    Flipside - 2
    Darkness_ - 2
    Nemesis - 2
    SentineI - 1

    Things should be a lot different next season b:pleased
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Assassin PK/TW/NW videos
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    TW map of Morai

    Revision - 27
    Requiem - 10
    Templer - 7
    Elysium - 6
    Originals - 1
  • Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sanctuary Map

    18 - Legendary
    13 - Hoorah
    13 - Vindicate
    4 - Enelysion
    2 - Kakumau
    1 - Solace

    Was fun season, looking foreword to the next b:pleased
  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Raging Tide's TW Map :-

    1).QQme- 29
    2).Levithan- 15
    3).Vicious- 6
    4).Crush- 1
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    efiance - 27
    爿傲世灬皇朝ノ - 12
    RogueXXX - 5
    Flipside - 2
    Darkness_ - 2
    Nemesis - 2
    SentineI - 1

    Things should be a lot different next season b:pleased

    You'd hope so but the desperation of spawn killing and code abusing to boost players characters kinda makes it obvious every season who will be top b:chuckle
    takes 3.3m
    takes 6.1m
    takes 7.1m
    takes 6.0m

    OVERKILL b:victoryb:dirtyb:victory
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    efiance - 27
    爿傲世灬皇朝ノ - 12
    RogueXXX - 5
    Flipside - 2
    Darkness_ - 2
    Nemesis - 2
    SentineI - 1

    Things should be a lot different next season b:pleased
    You'd hope so but the desperation of spawn killing and code abusing to boost players characters kinda makes it obvious every season who will be top b:chuckle

    Well we know the one faction won't be coming back as their leader was given the perma b:bye from PWI, which means they won't be able to bid on lands; and unless efinace has a mass exodus of players I can't see them being taken down, they are just too well geared.

    But you do have to give them props for mostly going after other big named faction, it seems like normally they leave the lower level faction to fight among themselves and attack faction that have better geared players. Many other factions don't give a damn about that and pick off the lower leveled factions for the easy kill, rather than wanting an equal/fun fight
    I looked to the stars, my aim true.
    Heart peirced, the light flowed.
    And from the dust of Sagittarrius,
    I crafted a bow.
  • Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    But you do have to give them props for mostly going after other big named faction

    Like hitting Darkness for two weeks in a row for those awesome and competitive 10-15 minute facerolls, instead of 1+ hour TWs with Nem?

    TW/NW Videos:

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Just don't turn the thread into a giant *****fest over your respective servers.

    Didn't even get to page 2. b:surrender
    full r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss

    Current build:
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Like hitting Darkness for two weeks in a row for those awesome and competitive 10-15 minute facerolls, instead of 1+ hour TWs with Nem?

    I'm not in efinace (or any faction at the moment) so I can't say for certain what is going on, but just from watching how they attack and the TW season I think I've figured out their strategy; they either attack the strongest faction or the faction with the most land. Darkness had more land than Nem, so they went for them. I'm also thinking that Cursed is a bit of a chess player, he's not just thinking about this weeks TW, but two or three TWs in advance. They position themselves on the map in a way that gives them the best advantage in future TWs, and it's really smart. Many factions end up failing at TW not because of their lack of players/gear but because of poor planning; they don't think ahead.
    I looked to the stars, my aim true.
    Heart peirced, the light flowed.
    And from the dust of Sagittarrius,
    I crafted a bow.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Tempest - 21
    Dynasty - 20
    BootyCamp - 5
    Kindrid - 2
    BlackList - 2
    TheFold - 1
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Tempest - 21
    Dynasty - 20
    BootyCamp - 5
    Kindrid - 2
    BlackList - 2
    TheFold - 1

    Wow, that's a close one. Was this weekend the deciding factor for the winner? Were they tied before, or did Tempest have lead going in?
    I looked to the stars, my aim true.
    Heart peirced, the light flowed.
    And from the dust of Sagittarrius,
    I crafted a bow.
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    Oh, oh, I wanna join that faction b:dirty .
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sanctuary Map

    18 - Legendary
    13 - Hoorah
    13 - Vindicate
    4 - Enelysion
    2 - Kakumau
    1 - Solace

    For the most part this was a very boring season on Sanctuary. Things only got weird at the very end.

    Vindicate was extremely dominant for 3/4 of the season. Nobody came close to challenging them. Then a group of them left to join Legendary to try and even out the TW power a bit, and another group left to form a new faction, Descended. This was a pretty drastic power drop for Vindi and they soon found themselves losing battles left and right. They got the group back from Legendary towards the end of the season but they're still in a rebuilding phase currently. If the season had ended at the 6-month mark they would have been the champions.

    Legendary recovered well after their abysmal finish last season. They took over the southern part of the map, wiping out Hoorah in the process. Towards the end of the season they were able to take lands from Kakumau and the weakened Vindicate and hold onto them for their first TW season win.

    Hoorah was still strong at the start of the season but they made quite a few enemies. Both Vindicate and Legendary bullied them early in the season and eventually knocked them off the map entirely. It looked like they were ready to be counted out but several strong people from Regicide joined them. They restarted at the far north of the map, taking lands from Enelysion while they rebuilt. Good recruiting combined with Vindicate weakening eventually gave them the upper hand, and at the end of the season they were actually the strongest faction, to the point where they were rolling Vindicate.

    Enelysion had a poor season compared to their last few. Losing members to other factions and apathy led them to barely field 30 people per TW compared to their usual 70+. They were working their way south to fight Kakumau but got ganked by Vindicate and Legendary and ended up being cut off from the south part of the map entirely. They ended up taking the north part of the map away from Solace, and in turn lost more of their lands to Hoorah and Vindicate. Their numbers and morale improved at the end of the season so they should be back to normal for next season.

    Kakumau had the most exciting TW season by a large margin. They were constantly getting ganked by Regicide, Corvinus, and Legendary, and held their own admirably. Later on in the season they lost some of their group to other factions and ended up coasting in to the finish with the lands they had remaining.

    Solace took over the north part of the map while the heavy action was down south. At one point they had nine lands. Enelysion systematically dismantled them and they were removed from the map and forced to start over in smaller battles down south.

    Other noteworthy news is the demise of Regicide. They lost some of their strong people to Hoorah, leaving them unable to match up with Kakumau. Then near the end of the season they had a divisive split. Half of the faction wanted to merge with Corvinus and the other half didn't. That half formed a new faction called Reunite instead, while the other half joined Corvinus. With Regicide pushing up daisies, that leaves Legendary and Enelysion as the only year-one TW factions that are still active.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Wow, that's a close one. Was this weekend the deciding factor for the winner? Were they tied before, or did Tempest have lead going in?

    I'm thinking that it was, but I am not 100% sure, I haven't really paid attention to the tw scene in a while.

    I remember not too long ago like last week people in world chat or... on the forums (not sure where... or even when exactly, but...) they were saying that tempest and dynasty were tied at 21 each, so yea I am definitely guessing this weekend was the deciding factor.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Wow, that's a close one. Was this weekend the deciding factor for the winner? Were they tied before, or did Tempest have lead going in?

    Dynasty was the lead for 6 month
    After those 6 month Relic and Tempest merged and build pretty up OP (Tempest got stronger but Relic died)

    2-3 weeks Was not much bidding from Dynasty side (no1 was really sure if TW will end or not) But Tempest kept bidding and gained on land count.

    So this Saturday it was still tie (20 and 20). But after all TW it end as 21 and 20

    short story xD
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    HL commentary:

    Infamous is technically still the #1 guild after this weekend. Crimson is the #2. Mayhem and BankaiGOD are effectively equal and Kylin is #5.

    Infa spent the majority of the season being stacked by Dark (which was the former #2), Crimson, Mayhem, and sometimes AfterLlfe (which would be a hypothetical #6 in current standings). Instead of just defending everything but Dark and retaining the coin, we instead choose to defend Dark and then whichever weaker guild we could (always AL and once Mayhem due to mistakes in bidding times) so we could actually have fun TWs. Literally at one point we were down to like 2-3 lands since we were no-showing the Crim+Mayhem wars in order to show to Dark and win.

    Dark then ended up disbanding over drama and stack ended. They basically went between a few guilds before most settled in either Infa or Crim with a few staying in Bankai.

    And before this season, Crim and Mayhem were allies for years, but they finally broke it off in the last 1/3 of the season in an attempt to win Mayhem the season which didn't pan out. But yeah...

    Season ended with a good hour and 15min war between Infamous and Crimson that Infa won and then a 3 hour war between Mayhem and Bankai that Bankai won due to them being the defending guild and time running out.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well we know the one faction won't be coming back as their leader was given the perma b:bye from PWI, which means they won't be able to bid on lands; and unless efinace has a mass exodus of players I can't see them being taken down, they are just too well geared.

    But you do have to give them props for mostly going after other big named faction, it seems like normally they leave the lower level faction to fight among themselves and attack faction that have better geared players. Many other factions don't give a damn about that and pick off the lower leveled factions for the easy kill, rather than wanting an equal/fun fight

    anyway, this quote "I can't see them being taken down..." is the reason most wont go for defiance. people believe they are too strong and dont bid once defiance surrounds them.
    Also, Nemesis was holding for longer and longer against defiance. With TW reset and ppl leaving factions for new ones, who knows? Defiance may lose next season
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Hoorah was still strong at the start of the season but they made quite a few enemies. Both Vindicate and Legendary bullied them early in the season and eventually knocked them off the map entirely. It looked like they were ready to be counted out but several strong people from Regicide joined them. They restarted at the far north of the map, taking lands from Enelysion while they rebuilt. Good recruiting combined with Vindicate weakening eventually gave them the upper hand, and at the end of the season they were actually the strongest faction, to the point where they were rolling Vindicate.

    Map reset should have waited few more weeks, so it would have been my faction that would get the panda knight b:scorn
    This is a test
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Many factions end up failing at TW not because of their lack of players/gear but because of poor planning; they don't think ahead.

    Seen this happen on Morai too - though it had a little help there. Factions that were kinda "in the middle" with lands bordering many other factions ended up getting ganked. In the end, Revision was the only faction with the numbers to successfully fend off such a gank (and they subsequently booted the instigator of it off the map). DeStress, Requiem and Absolve weren't so lucky... Tho Req made a fair comeback.

    Starting out in a corner and consolidating your terrain, limiting the amount of factions that can attack you at once... it's a sound strategy if you're going for a win. Any corner will work - there's usually 2 major cities in range of them (1K/Lost top left, Archo/Etherblade top right, Tellus/Plume bottom left, Tides/DWP bottom right).
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Dynasty was the lead for 6 month
    After those 6 month Relic and Tempest merged and build pretty up OP (Tempest got stronger but Relic died)

    2-3 weeks Was not much bidding from Dynasty side (no1 was really sure if TW will end or not) But Tempest kept bidding and gained on land count.

    So this Saturday it was still tie (20 and 20). But after all TW it end as 21 and 20

    short story xD

    Outbidded? b:laughb:laugh That what happened when ya try to attack an empty faction.(Fail)
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sanctuary Map

    51 - Hoorah
    0 - Vindicate
    0 - Enelysion
    0 - Kakumau
    0 - Solace
    0 - Legendary

    EDIT: O sorry, wrong season, thats next season
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sanctuary Map

    51 - Hoorah
    0 - Vindicate
    0 - Enelysion
    0 - Kakumau
    0 - Solace
    0 - Legendary

    EDIT: O sorry, wrong season, thats next season

    So bascially everyone with some wits quit for a better game? b:chuckle

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Cursed is a bit of a chess player, he's not just thinking about this weeks TW, but two or three TWs in advance. They position themselves on the map in a way that gives them the best advantage in future TWs, and it's really smart. .

    I can see where you're coming from, but I gotta level with you, the game hasn't been that way since infancy. our TW map is a reflection of drama - who it affects favorably/unfavorably, and to what extent - not strategy. in fact, there isn't any room for strategy because, naturally, you're bounded by what and how many choices are even available in the first place, and that is both limited and without much variance on a weekly basis. in other words, there are no consequences for wherever the best faction decides to bid, because what is true of their strength hitherto will remain the same for well into the future. what I'm getting at is if you can win any tw, does it really matter where you bid? of course not. you can fool people into thinking its strategical on your end, but there's nothing to it.

    it's why you can reasonably predict 5-6 months of a TW season in advance, because your normal ebb and flow cycles of recruitment won't make up the gear differential between D and N. only a handful of TW's are genuinely competitive and thus difficult to predict (a good thing), but that is the culmination of months and months of drama finally materializing unto a point where enough well geared players and their friends shifted loyalties so as to impact the fight.

    only self-deluding and pretentious nerds who have a penchant for reading books like the art of war will tell you otherwise. this is the simple truth. defiance is good because a long time ago they convinced a lot of sheep they were the contrast from the standard nem prototype (the try hards, the stiffs, the 'refined community,' etc). that is not to say they are any different. there is nothing innately better about the nerds in D over the nerds in N, but perception is reality.

    the only way season 4 (4, is it?) will be any different is if N can now convince enough people they are the anticipated contrast from D. you don't need to know the game to pull that off, you just need to have a personality to attract people and enough chillness to reconcile your differences/silly drama (see, it goes both ways, it can move players out from a faction or prevent them from being in a place where they may have otherwise been an asset). what typically winds up happening instead is a little cohort of self-entitled _ (your choice of word) threatening to leave the faction if one person they don't like gets in, and everyone unfortunately loses out for it.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Sanctuary Map

    51 - Hoorah
    0 - Vindicate
    0 - Enelysion
    0 - Kakumau
    0 - Solace
    0 - Legendary

    EDIT: O sorry, wrong season, thats next season

    Next season is running for a year? lovely assumption b:laugh
    Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

    Green vegetables would be so much more popular if they tasted like bacon.
  • Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ...Factions that were kinda "in the middle" with lands bordering many other factions ended up getting merged....


    tho gz to the TW season winners b:pleased
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Tempest - 21
    Dynasty - 20
    BootyCamp - 5
    Kindrid - 2
    BlackList - 2
    TheFold - 1

    Dreamweaver Commentary:

    From the eyes of DarkSkiesx
    Tempest – Marshal
    Previously: Relic – Leader/Director

    Prior Season: This season was the birth of two new young fiery factions Vex and Relic, amongst the historic established leading rivals Tempest and Dynasty. Vex formed from a splinter group of Regenesis, Relic formed from a splinter group from a faction called God, and both started recruiting strongly with friends and fighters from all four corners of Dreamweaver rallying behind these new banners, disrupting the older established factions with players seeking balanced longer TWs shifting across.

    These two collided head on with a flurry of wins for either side but the strategic advances of Relic started to show and their victories became more and more decisive, internal struggles started in Vex and their numbers and strength started to dwindle and Relic became stronger and stronger.

    The other group from God shifted across to Dynasty who became the strongest force on the map and their victories over Tempest ensured them a season win.

    This Season:
    Relic strived for a worthy adversary and started on the road to Dynasty. Their first encounter took Dynasty by surprise, after a two and half hour brawl Relic emerged victorious. With the absence of any rotation agreement deals being struck and Dynasty choosing to defend instead of attack Relic, Relic decided to attack Dynasty every week and ignore the comparatively weaker Tempest, which although not successful, as Dynasty learnt to defend better with several fights going to three hours, was what the majority wanted. Vex crumbled, the leadership went across to Dynasty and the tides started to turn. Dynasty moved to cut a path between Tempest and Relic, plucking lands from Regenesis, Kindrid, and Troya, whilst getting better and better at defending Relic. Tempest expanded across the northern lands.

    New Horizons dawns, with all the new dailies and spirits many casual TW players throw in the towel, signups drop from 100+ to barely 60. A server wide phenomenon, many smaller factions like Regenesis and Troya finally retire and groups flock to other factions, Dynasty becomes yet stronger. With Tempest and Relic both struggling to make a dent in Dynasty’s well seasoned war machine, suffering rolls after rolls, things look bleak, hope wavers. The vultures circle ominously.

    One dark stormy evening in Tellus city, in the corner of a noisy smoky inn two strangers meet, a deal is struck, a union is signed, the biggest migration of force the server has seen in a long while begins, and shock waves emanate the server throughout. Word travels fast, Tempest and Relic have merged.

    Now a busy bustling faction, with high levels of activity and new friendships, Tempest’s campaign resumes in earnest, an initial almost embarrassing unsuccessful attack gives food for thought, battle plans are drawn up, legions are redistributed, and communications are bolstered. Followed by a chain of consecutive victories, each more decisive than the last, to which Dynasty has no reply. It can but delay the legions as they advance determinedly with catapults in tow.

    Tempest thus emerges as the strongest force on Dreamweaver, but it is humble and respectful to its old adversary, the citadel of Archosaur is not sacked. Horns resound throughout the empire,the GMs have spoken, the reset is confirmed, and the season is won, by the smallest of margins.

    Congrats Tempest.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 3,079 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    Tempest thus emerges as the strongest force on Dreamweaver, but it is humble and respectful to its old adversary, the citadel of Archosaur is not sacked. Horns resound throughout the empire,the GMs have spoken, the reset is confirmed, and the season is won, by the smallest of margins.

    Congrats Tempest.

    And many Toga Parties were to follow b:chuckle
    The best season on DW I feel we've ever towards the end had if I may add.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<3 by Silvy
    Reborn ditzy archer with a serious oreo addiction =3

    '...cuz my IQ is just above what is required to function as a human' - tsumaru2
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Tempest - 21
    Dynasty - 20
    BootyCamp - 5
    Kindrid - 2
    BlackList - 2
    TheFold - 1

    Dreamweaver Commentary:

    From the eyes of DarkSkiesx
    Tempest – Marshal
    Previously: Relic – Leader/Director

    Prior Season: This season was the birth of two new young fiery factions Vex and Relic, amongst the historic established leading rivals Tempest and Dynasty. Vex formed from a splinter group of Regenesis, Relic formed from a splinter group from a faction called God, and both started recruiting strongly with friends and fighters from all four corners of Dreamweaver rallying behind these new banners, disrupting the older established factions with players seeking balanced longer TWs shifting across.

    These two collided head on with a flurry of wins for either side but the strategic advances of Relic started to show and their victories became more and more decisive, internal struggles started in Vex and their numbers and strength started to dwindle and Relic became stronger and stronger.

    The other group from God shifted across to Dynasty who became the strongest force on the map and their victories over Tempest ensured them a season win.

    This Season:
    Relic strived for a worthy adversary and started on the road to Dynasty. Their first encounter took Dynasty by surprise, after a two and half hour brawl Relic emerged victorious. With the absence of any rotation agreement deals being struck and Dynasty choosing to defend instead of attack Relic, Relic decided to attack Dynasty every week and ignore the comparatively weaker Tempest, which although not successful, as Dynasty learnt to defend better with several fights going to three hours, was what the majority wanted. Vex crumbled, the leadership went across to Dynasty and the tides started to turn. Dynasty moved to cut a path between Tempest and Relic, plucking lands from Regenesis, Kindrid, and Troya, whilst getting better and better at defending Relic. Tempest expanded across the northern lands.

    New Horizons dawns, with all the new dailies and spirits many casual TW players throw in the towel, signups drop from 100+ to barely 60. A server wide phenomenon, many smaller factions like Regenesis and Troya finally retire and groups flock to other factions, Dynasty becomes yet stronger. With Tempest and Relic both struggling to make a dent in Dynasty’s well seasoned war machine, suffering rolls after rolls, things look bleak, hope wavers. The vultures circle ominously.

    One dark stormy evening in Tellus city, in the corner of a noisy smoky inn two strangers meet, a deal is struck, a union is signed, the biggest migration of force the server has seen in a long while begins, and shock waves emanate the server throughout. Word travels fast, Tempest and Relic have merged.

    Now a busy bustling faction, with high levels of activity and new friendships, Tempest’s campaign resumes in earnest, an initial almost embarrassing unsuccessful attack gives food for thought, battle plans are drawn up, legions are redistributed, and communications are bolstered. Followed by a chain of consecutive victories, each more decisive than the last, to which Dynasty has no reply. It can but delay the legions as they advance determinedly with catapults in tow.

    Tempest thus emerges as the strongest force on Dreamweaver, but it is humble and respectful to its old adversary, the citadel of Archosaur is not sacked. Horns resound throughout the empire,the GMs have spoken, the reset is confirmed, and the season is won, by the smallest of margins.

    Congrats Tempest.

    I remember seeing Tempest and Dynasty around way before I changed servers. Nice to see it having equal footing for the top 2 factions on there, unlike in RT lol.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Beast Domes comic soon to be under contract.
    People that act tough in this game are the lowest people irl...
    2nd RB Veno 103/TooLazy/TooLazy (I will update.)
    2nd RB Sage Barb - Lrugtasc (Active)
    Youtube/Castgurl - PWI
    Facebook/BeastDomes and you can find it on Google+
    If you flame me or disrespect me I will BL you. No questions asked. b:kiss
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    For the most part this was a very boring season on Sanctuary. Things only got weird at the very end.

    Vindicate was extremely dominant for 3/4 of the season. Nobody came close to challenging them. Then a group of them left to join Legendary to try and even out the TW power a bit, and another group left to form a new faction, Descended. This was a pretty drastic power drop for Vindi and they soon found themselves losing battles left and right. They got the group back from Legendary towards the end of the season but they're still in a rebuilding phase currently. If the season had ended at the 6-month mark they would have been the champions.

    Legendary recovered well after their abysmal finish last season. They took over the southern part of the map, wiping out Hoorah in the process. Towards the end of the season they were able to take lands from Kakumau and the weakened Vindicate and hold onto them for their first TW season win.

    Hoorah was still strong at the start of the season but they made quite a few enemies. Both Vindicate and Legendary bullied them early in the season and eventually knocked them off the map entirely. It looked like they were ready to be counted out but several strong people from Regicide joined them. They restarted at the far north of the map, taking lands from Enelysion while they rebuilt. Good recruiting combined with Vindicate weakening eventually gave them the upper hand, and at the end of the season they were actually the strongest faction, to the point where they were rolling Vindicate.

    Enelysion had a poor season compared to their last few. Losing members to other factions and apathy led them to barely field 30 people per TW compared to their usual 70+. They were working their way south to fight Kakumau but got ganked by Vindicate and Legendary and ended up being cut off from the south part of the map entirely. They ended up taking the north part of the map away from Solace, and in turn lost more of their lands to Hoorah and Vindicate. Their numbers and morale improved at the end of the season so they should be back to normal for next season.

    Kakumau had the most exciting TW season by a large margin. They were constantly getting ganked by Regicide, Corvinus, and Legendary, and held their own admirably. Later on in the season they lost some of their group to other factions and ended up coasting in to the finish with the lands they had remaining.

    Solace took over the north part of the map while the heavy action was down south. At one point they had nine lands. Enelysion systematically dismantled them and they were removed from the map and forced to start over in smaller battles down south.

    Other noteworthy news is the demise of Regicide. They lost some of their strong people to Hoorah, leaving them unable to match up with Kakumau. Then near the end of the season they had a divisive split. Half of the faction wanted to merge with Corvinus and the other half didn't. That half formed a new faction called Reunite instead, while the other half joined Corvinus. With Regicide pushing up daisies, that leaves Legendary and Enelysion as the only year-one TW factions that are still active.

    This was well written, shows that you were not taking any sides and also good to see Legendary still on the map:P
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No Lost City yet? :(

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |


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