CTRL+F12 Bot Causing lot of Trouble



  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Since the update it seems like anytime I kill anything, people drop what they are doing run over and stand on my drops until I grab them or they can pick them up.

    Which is no different than before the update but at least now I assume they are afk b:chuckle

    I threw a fit about it, among other things the other day, but OPKossy poofed it. Which I actually do appreciate, it shows that someone around here is doing their job well f:grin

    But yeah, the bots are just icky f:kneel

    that's a bot, when they stand looking at your coins heh.

    OK, I am the bot hunter on RT. my cleric lives out in the woods. everyone has seen her in morai farming. I see everything out in th ewoods so I see the bots. but being out with bots, actually starting in avalanche..i have learned how to use the bot to help me farm.

    just yesterday the leader of a faction was botting rhinos by the tree by the crimsonfin bulls..u know some bats and iridescent beetles too.

    he was a well geared sin with 3.3 wings. he did hit and kill in 3 hits every rhino
    so when he came to my coins I aske dhim if he was a bot..no answer of course
    then I told him ima f u up right now, still nothing.

    so test. i watch which mob he heads for. 3.3 wings are NOT fasterthan casting a cyclone.
    my cleric is 101 and maxxed more for arcane damage when I am farming, so I can hit harder than him, but I had to be fast.

    once I hit the rhino for over half its HP, it is my kill, but im ok with letting the bot finish the job. then I pick up the dq and all but 1 coins

    he stands there waiting for it to timeout. this gives me a sec to get reset and get ready to blast whatever he heads to next when he times out waiting

    after an hour, he helped get a ton of loot and he got some arrows n sht

    I would volunteer to quit being a player and just be a sneaky azz GM not really showing off in west arch like a little punkazz brat with an ego problem, not really showing up at all. staying stealth so no one blows my cover, and all random so everyone could expect me at anytime any day any server. I will test the bots, then ban them on the spot.
  • Incansin - Archosaur
    Incansin - Archosaur Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    china doesnt run this game for one and for 2 all the ppl complaining about auto cultiviation just havent figured out how to benefit from it all you ppl do is qq if i was a gm id hange myself and kick the game out from under me
    when life gives you lemons...
    PAINT THAT S*** GOLD!!!!!
  • Cawcawwww - Archosaur
    Cawcawwww - Archosaur Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    china doesnt run this game for one and for 2 all the ppl complaining about auto cultiviation just havent figured out how to benefit from it all you ppl do is qq if i was a gm id hange myself and kick the game out from under me

    Lol inca I saw ur corpse down by them 106 archer mobs the other day >.< f:cry

    But yeh, people always been botting and now I can too. If they don't have the resources to ban the bots then I'm glad they've made it easy for all.
  • enlil
    enlil Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    reading this it appears most people have no clue how to run a bot and run a bot correctly. I will speak of this culti-bot only as its for everyone and will no doubt be improved. After all surrosoft made a lot of money selling their bot and pwi wants that money. Surrosoft shot itself when its lifetime bot became a monthly fee bot reneging on the free for life promise. So i bet someone at pwi got a little pissed and got the bot put into the system.

    Now how does the bot work.

    1.) set an area, a good choice is 120 meters or less. otherwise you bot will hang up on something somewhere and port back to town.

    2.) You got to repair and sell items. Even advanced bots where sucky at this and this bot its you that does it. So every 1 to 3 hours check your bot. usually 2 - 3 hours your inventory will be full.

    3.) the only class that really is good with the bot cost wise is Sin and Barbs and Clerics, not sure about psychic yet. Reason is this. They each have a basic heal.
    a.) Sin has bloodpaint. put it on set the assiting skill to go off every 20 mins and its will just keep on going.
    b.) Barbarians are the fastest killers of all and i have tested my claw barb with hammer vs aps sin a lot. The reason barbs win is they move from 1 target to another faster. Dex (claw barb) is best as it crits like crazy and hits really big when it comes to farming , but regular barb is good and you won't cry. Yes sin can kill it in 2 hits, barb takes 3 or 4, but it don't mater as barb gets to next target 3 times faster than a sin when botting. so no sin / barb i have already spent hours testing and the winner, not by a lot , is my barb. Yes i botted 2 sins, 2 barbs, 2 clerics for a long time, even bm too. but to move along lets move along.

    With this culti bot there are some problems. The BM skill diamond sutra causes it to stall. So that puts my BM out from using it. The goal is to use the bot with no pots or no hp charm use.

    HP CHARM is just there in case you want to make sure you stay alive if disconnected, but the goal is to use no pots, no charm.

    When you focused on leveling and not farming then pot away, xp is what you want don't worry. Sins use anything hardly, Barbs are my most cost effective farmers.

    So as far as using the bot:

    Sin : bp and set area and timer about 2 to 3 hours. set attack as macro and set as main attack sequence. open all (start) and sit back.

    Barb: set a normal attack in the macro and set it as you attack sequence macro, set sunder for 30 second interval as assisting. open all and watch it go.

    cleric: You do use pots, so get an autopot orb, you can buff or not buff. use cyclone and shot as a macro, for your assisting skill set IH to trigger every 15 seconds. I run HA with AA gear when need to farm ele mobs or HA when going against archers or other phys mobs. AA you will die when the bot screws up and you aggro a cabillion physical attackers. so stick to ele if AA. unfortunately there is not much you can do at lvl 100, upper level cleric farming sucks.. So HA makes that possible and remember this is just for fun. don't care about pvp , just pve. Besides a pve HA done right can own the game easy. Not to say AA is bad.. I like it, just sayin when you go afk don't be surprised when you come back and find your killed. Just my experience botting is all.

    always seems no matter how long a bot has been running when you afk it finds some way to get stuck, aggro all hell, and so forth.

    So for now I have had good farming with Cleric (my favorite) Barb(my fastest) Sin using the culti.

    Veno i don't know of any good bot for veno but if you do i would love to know.

    wizard i have botted but only with a assisting cleric bot that heals the wizard and flys up and away form the wizard then flys back to heal. Otherwise the cleric will get aggro and die.

    All in all I love the new bot. I hope it gets developed more. I can see them charging us for the modules such as a module to say which mobs specific you wnat to farm.

    Don't be a rude botter however. It does annoy me. I don't mind bots overlapping as they generally will split apart after a couple of kills. Try not to bot quest mobs.

    Botting is people who dont' really want to play anymore but really just want to work on the character. its like model building. the meager coins and drops can pay for upgrades but usually you will still kick on some bucks to make ends meet.

    Botting won't make you rich in the game it will just burn hours of your time. I work from home so I can bot while i work. I check on them every hour and look to see if someone is pming with an issue.. like (Hey I neeed these mobs).. etc.

    pwi is too costly a game to play, but many like myself have over a dozen toons and have evolved them over 5 years. So they are like hobbies.

    This bot pwi has is still young. it runs off cliffs.

    PWI bot is smart in that if it can't get to a target it trys a different target. Pwi bot is smart in that it does patrol its area looking for targets.. that is why you see them going crazy looking for targets sometimes.

    PWI respawning of mob patterns. if a bot is set to 100 then it will respawn most mobs outside that area after a while. So botting up against a neighbor is beneficial. Even if you cross over each other a little. This makes the mob respawn in the area you have set.

    Leveling with bots. Can be fast. Get three of you together and farm and area and get the forth that needs leveling and position it just above the other three. Usually set the three for areas of about 50 and the this will level the **** out of the little toon. as well as give your starting toon some loot. Cause you can't bot the whole game you gotta play it sometime.

    what i would like to see is if pwi expand the autopot to include 1 skill at least. but for now the macro assist will do.

    PWI bot does not let you use your keys so using another key program will not work.

    pwi bot helps with .. TELEPORT FEES, DAILY FEEES, you can set the bot to run for an hour or so and make enough for repairs the fees you are gonna use that evening.

    You can farm to your hearts content but the good news for the anti botters out there. IT GET BORING and people will just do it, or only do it when they need something. Its way easier to go to 7/11 and buy a game card or charge through pwi .

    have fun botting, but bot responsibly.

    oh and i don't care if i misspell anything. just have fun. Botting back to level 100 makes it easier after rebirth. cause that going back to level 1 stuff.. scks.
  • resja78hfi8
    resja78hfi8 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    You can click M and more spots of the mobs will appear as purple flags.... Ik that quest well and there are quite a few spots
  • enlil
    enlil Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Lol inca I saw ur corpse down by them 106 archer mobs the other day >.< f:cry

    But yeh, people always been botting and now I can too. If they don't have the resources to ban the bots then I'm glad they've made it easy for all.

    funny you mention those 106 archers. botting over the years i have foudn no one would attempt those archers.. So i built an s2 HA cleric to own those bstrds. the only reason i did it. Players can do it yes, i seen psy do it, sin do it, bm do it, but they where actual players. Bots do stupid stuff like run into about 15 of those archers.. that hurts. My HA cleric was able to stand in them all 15 or so.. and live. Took it awhile cuase it had to keep healing itself.

    That being said. pwi bot is not up to that level yet. That was another smarter bot program. pwi bot needs a heal skill when health drops below a certain level before it would be very useful.

    many many games allow players to write scripts in the game, im glad pwi did this at least.

    Also note the actual macro engine in pwi is a newer engine. it trys the skill if it is not available it moves to the next skill in the list. Before it would stall if the skill was not ready so this is a big improvement in the back end engine of pwi. One that was necessary for pwi to make a better bot.

    Archers.. i forgot.. I did use my archer with PWI bot, but of course it needs to pot as it has no heal skill.

    take care have fun. its a game.. for programmers like me.. I prefer writting scripts to play than playing.. so hoping pwi will allow us to script some of our motions in the future.
  • Incansin - Archosaur
    Incansin - Archosaur Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    dats ok caww no exp loss b:pleased i fixed that with a recovery stone for mp anyway and a demon spark in my combo
    when life gives you lemons...
    PAINT THAT S*** GOLD!!!!!
  • Cawcawwww - Archosaur
    Cawcawwww - Archosaur Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    dats ok caww no exp loss b:pleased i fixed that with a recovery stone for mp anyway and a demon spark in my combo

    Yeh I use spark as well, and my apoth is whatever the mobs drop. Medium magic potions are plenty of mana for any non mag class, I will never buy or make herbs again for archer, sin, or barb.
  • Evryn - Morai
    Evryn - Morai Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    Drop a small trail of 1 GP. CTRL-F12 bot prefers pickup over attacking, and is a little dumb in determining that it actually can't pick stuff up directly. Dropping 1GP every 10 seconds completely stalls out any bot in range that's set to pick items up.

    Alternatively, drag a boss to the bots using Zeal or another weak aggro skill. Bots attack anything in range, and the first hit causes the boss to aggro on the bot. Without a human mind in front of them, the bot is unlikely to survive.

    As for heal skills, don't forget weapons with heal or mana regen on-hit. Triplespark helps too (for archers even more so, since they've got a spark-reset skill).
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Incansin - Archosaur
    Incansin - Archosaur Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeh I use spark as well, and my apoth is whatever the mobs drop. Medium magic potions are plenty of mana for any non mag class, I will never buy or make herbs again for archer, sin, or barb.

    *facepalm* why didnt i think of that
    when life gives you lemons...
    PAINT THAT S*** GOLD!!!!!
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Someone needs 2 find out what makes the bots crash, so we can deal with pve *******s botting on quest mobs or generally mobs that are needed on a daily basis for all people.
  • Cawcawwww - Archosaur
    Cawcawwww - Archosaur Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Someone needs 2 find out what makes the bots crash, so we can deal with pve *******s botting on quest mobs or generally mobs that are needed on a daily basis for all people.

    From what I have noticed from watching my bot, it is challenged the most when it is at the outer reaches of its range. Sometimes my bot kills something that is out of its range limit and struggles on what to do about the drops.

    When I have encountered bots at the BQ mobs I kill a few mobs just outside of the bots range, and it gets distracted with the drops.

    If a bot is not picking drops or coins I don't think there's anything you cando to influence it except kill mobs before it does.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    From what I have noticed from watching my bot, it is challenged the most when it is at the outer reaches of its range. Sometimes my bot kills something that is out of its range limit and struggles on what to do about the drops.

    When I have encountered bots at the BQ mobs I kill a few mobs just outside of the bots range, and it gets distracted with the drops.

    If a bot is not picking drops or coins I don't think there's anything you cando to influence it except kill mobs before it does.

    For me killing than other people is no problem, what i`m thinking about are those who can`t dish out sick dmg and take some time to even kill a single mob . b:surrender
  • bangis2010
    bangis2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    well reading all those comment have all good suggestion to continue to your daily quest.. but the thing is most of comment came from the set up loot all drops+coins . what if the bot set up is to gain xp?(means bot set to kill mobs only no loot).. droping coin will not work for this set up right?
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    bangis2010 wrote: »
    well reading all those comment have all good suggestion to continue to your daily quest.. but the thing is most of comment came from the set up loot all drops+coins . what if the bot set up is to gain xp?(means bot set to kill mobs only no loot).. droping coin will not work for this set up right?

    Right, if a bot is set up to pick up nothing (no coins, no drops), you can't stop it in any way. The only option then is to kill mobs in the opposite direction to the way the bot is traveling. That's easiest to tell on non-range bots. Archers in this case would probably be the hardest to counter, if they're botting in morai chance is good they don't have to move much at all while having range on a large area.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Right, if a bot is set up to pick up nothing (no coins, no drops), you can't stop it in any way. The only option then is to kill mobs in the opposite direction to the way the bot is traveling. That's easiest to tell on non-range bots. Archers in this case would probably be the hardest to counter, if they're botting in morai chance is good they don't have to move much at all while having range on a large area.

    Sage Winged Blessing f:sweat
  • Hisiala - Morai
    Hisiala - Morai Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Look, I have nothing against botting. It's a way for someone to farm/level up for people that don't have much time to actually do that. I would do it myself if I had very little time to play.

    The problem is how certain people use this bot. I mean... things like botting on mobs in a daily instance like sky owl where there are only 8 or so mobs at a time is plain rude. Especially when the botter is OP and the player that tries to do something like questing is not so op.

    I have a g16 +10 magic sword with one heck of tanker pet (that does tank for me since my armor isn't really good), yet it took me 15 minutes to kill 4 mobs because the bot killed them in 1 hit, max two (and I need 3 or 4).

    Again, stupid people ruin a possibly useful feature...
  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Primal world mobs aren't even good to bot on...

    with fail gear no, but there are several groups of mobs that have a high respawn rate , high drop rate of dq and for pre 100 give decent exp
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • IshidaUryuu - Raging Tide
    IshidaUryuu - Raging Tide Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    LOL that bot is awesome you should stop complaining its not that hard to get mobs. Just go buy a nooby item and drop it then the bot will try pick it up the whole time while you finish off your quest xD.

    It just takes some brains to fix small problems -.-
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2013
    LOL that bot is awesome you should stop complaining its not that hard to get mobs. Just go buy a nooby item and drop it then the bot will try pick it up the whole time while you finish off your quest xD.

    It just takes some brains to fix small problems -.-
    And when the is set to just kill while ignoring drops then what?

    This isn't exactly a solution nobody has come up with for the bots it does affect.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • bangis2010
    bangis2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    LOL that bot is awesome you should stop complaining its not that hard to get mobs. Just go buy a nooby item and drop it then the bot will try pick it up the whole time while you finish off your quest xD.

    It just takes some brains to fix small problems -.-

    It take sometime to read previous post before you comment. you just repeat what other posted and noone saying that bot is not awesome.
  • OFate - Heavens Tear
    OFate - Heavens Tear Posts: 497 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    See if you can hit it at off hours ...

    I'm farming third map of OHT with my Harpy. I'm bothering no one, not pulling mobs to me, just basically sitting in one place in fox form /bramble on - and letting my Harpy aoe as mobs run to her.

    Yet I have these bots running over to me, kill stealing me and so.. I watched them, figured out their boundaries and stepped outside of where they could go. That seemed to help a lot.
    Ying - 101 Sage Venomancer RB2 // No Alts // Perfect World Player Since: May 2008
  • jspwisex
    jspwisex Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We already saw that in progress (though he wasn`t on auto cultivation probably since you can set DB anywhere and let it do all the work but now every1 can do similar things even just by auto attacking mobs that people need), today a r9 +12 of course - wizzie piece of **** DB`ed @ quest area for Defending Green, as a result people couldn`t complete the quest unless you have fast chan skills with the ability to 1 hit the mobs or at least deal dmg more than 50 pct its hp, I managed to kill but it wasn`t easy, imagine people without OP gear, most times you didn`t even have enough time to target the mob as it was dead when spawned in the DB epicenter. Yet another feature abused, misused and just pissing off a lot of people, I can see it now being done in various areas, what I don`t get is why would someone do this, were they ill treated s a child, or what was the problem, to me it`s disgusting and foul, "oh here`s an idea i`ll set a constant aoe to target and kill mobs people need to do quests and probably carve my palms with a dull blade while I watch them rage, that will give me sick pleasure...."

    Already sent a ticket about it, but as that person is a massive cser, he won`t be banned! PWI won`t bite the hand that feeds.

    How is this even related to the topic about bots? And about your comments, DB actually takes 3 seconds interval between each attack and 12m radius of it doesn't even cover 1/3 of the whole quest area where the quest mobs are spawned and scattered around. I was there and did my quest sure it took more time but that was also because there was like more than a dozen people than the usual few users and a bunch of people PKing in there. Saw you there and expected you were cursing and insulting in world chat and normal chat like that's acceptable courtesy or ToS. Not many others were like you. Some classes are given fast channelling/casting skills than others and yet I see plenty just stand there and whine about it.

    Most of the posts you keep hating on PWI's management, glitches, expansions and so on and yet you're still playing it and also emailing their support staff. If that is so please stop QQ and work on your gears instead of assuming someone with +12 weapon only = CSER. I do know which wizard you're talking about and he is not a cser and if anything he is one of the many who are 105 with nice gears, worth many times what you have, who are active players that farmed/merchant for their sh*t. I saw his gears, he doesn't even have one armor +10 how can he qualify as a massive cser. LoL what does that make someone with +12 JoSD? A mega ultra super duper massive cser? 2013 is over FFS full R999 is easy with just moderate farming and merchanting. More like you are an underachieving player that complains about PWI not giving you an easier time. b:bye
  • F_M_Joshua - Archosaur
    F_M_Joshua - Archosaur Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I know this sounds like I'm trolling, but if you don't like the auto cultivation then don't play. It's part of the game now, and from what I've seen, people tend to enjoy it. Especially those who're rebirthing, it's great that they can set up hypers, bot for an hour, and have a bite to eat while doing so.

    Personally, I use the auto-cultivation in Momagamon where there are few players, killing mobs that no one really wants to fight. Yeah those Dharma Perditioners. Decent exp, coins and drops from them.
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I know this sounds like I'm trolling, but if you don't like the auto cultivation then don't play. It's part of the game now, and from what I've seen, people tend to enjoy it. Especially those who're rebirthing, it's great that they can set up hypers, bot for an hour, and have a bite to eat while doing so.

    Personally, I use the auto-cultivation in Momagamon where there are few players, killing mobs that no one really wants to fight. Yeah those Dharma Perditioners. Decent exp, coins and drops from them.

    I know this sounds like trolling too, but I actually agree and as I do not like auto cultivation via reflection or farming with a bot, so I do not play anymore, which is kinda sad after the ~5 years of enjoyment I got, before they introduced these cheats into an MMORPG.

    But the saddest thing of all is they only did 2/3 the job, because where is my Auto PvP Combat Bot?, as this is the only part I ever find boring in any MMORPG/FPS/TPS game I have played in the past 30 years, when my gear and skills are maxed and playing against others equally geared and skilled, then my average win/lose ratio always ends at about 50% if I play long enough, and overall its always hovered about 50%. Very predictable outcome for me now, lol in fact so predictable it makes PvP boring for me personally.

    I now think people like me are being discriminated against because we have introduced 2 methods to bypass the the very reason we play a MMORPG verse playing MMOFPS/TPS style game in the first place.

    Why not then go the last step add the combat bot and then call it an interactive movie, I personally am disgusted with both the players and management lack of understanding about how stupid both changes are in an MMORPG.

    I will continue to watch and dream for the day of my return, when hopefully, someone fixes this mess, as to how I have no ideas anymore.

    I wish the best of luck to all still playing the old ways of leveling in an MMORPG.
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • SarraLost - Sanctuary
    SarraLost - Sanctuary Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    And when the is set to just kill while ignoring drops then what?

    This isn't exactly a solution nobody has come up with for the bots it does affect.

    There are three options available.

    1) If the bot is set to pick up nothing at all, then just pick up it's ignored coin drops. Might never get mobs, but hey, you're getting coin while someone else spends coin.

    2) If the bot is set to pick up coins, but not items, leave a coin trail away from mobs. Easy peasy.

    3) If the bot is set to pick up everything, then do #2.

    For the most part, I've run the bot while in Heaven. Other people had the same idea, but like the other player, I watched my screen and actually took action when I got too close to the other bot, and they did the same, giving both of us space. Worked well, no frustration.
    When the 11 and 12 star orbs were removed due to
    "Client Instability"...
    Was PWE referring to the Game Client?
    Or the players?
  • BriarFoxy - Raging Tide
    BriarFoxy - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    Reading some of the replies gave me this idea.... The only way I see to beat this would be to lure the mob away from the area but then if all other mobs are dead the Bot KSing toon might follow anyway. Or here is a dirty trick, lure some bad azz boss into the area and maybe kill the botting toon.
    Rise to Become Mighty so on the Wings of the Leviathan We will Soar....

    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought -- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!--Poem part by: Lewis Carroll
  • LianYi - Archosaur
    LianYi - Archosaur Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    That definitly means you are slower than that sin by all mean the internet connection, plus, if you really got the first hit, no metter how fast that sin kills, it will still count under your action, dude.

    b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderI think you guys just dont know how to use the bot system.
  • BriarFoxy - Raging Tide
    BriarFoxy - Raging Tide Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    jspwisex wrote: »
    How is this even related to the topic about bots? And about your comments, DB actually takes 3 seconds interval between each attack and 12m radius of it doesn't even cover 1/3 of the whole quest area where the quest mobs are spawned and scattered around. I was there and did my quest sure it took more time but that was also because there was like more than a dozen people than the usual few users and a bunch of people PKing in there. Saw you there and expected you were cursing and insulting in world chat and normal chat like that's acceptable courtesy or ToS. Not many others were like you. Some classes are given fast channelling/casting skills than others and yet I see plenty just stand there and whine about it.

    Most of the posts you keep hating on PWI's management, glitches, expansions and so on and yet you're still playing it and also emailing their support staff. If that is so please stop QQ and work on your gears instead of assuming someone with +12 weapon only = CSER. I do know which wizard you're talking about and he is not a cser and if anything he is one of the many who are 105 with nice gears, worth many times what you have, who are active players that farmed/merchant for their sh*t. I saw his gears, he doesn't even have one armor +10 how can he qualify as a massive cser. LoL what does that make someone with +12 JoSD? A mega ultra super duper massive cser? 2013 is over FFS full R999 is easy with just moderate farming and merchanting. More like you are an underachieving player that complains about PWI not giving you an easier time. b:bye

    I would like to to know what and how you farm that pays so much that R9 is so Cheap and easy? I can not see how a player can LEGALLY make thousands of dollars of game coin farming and I know Im not the only player that does not know these so called easy methods you claim to know. I have see ways to cheat and make millions but do not know how to legally make enough to pay for R9rrr even if I live on my computer playing all day, every day? Please tell us how, if you can, I just don't see it.
    Rise to Become Mighty so on the Wings of the Leviathan We will Soar....

    "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought -- So rested he by the Tumtum tree, And stood awhile in thought. And, as in uffish thought he stood, The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbled as it came!--Poem part by: Lewis Carroll
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You talking about just R9?

    I bought like 40 or so GST during a chip sale with coin I had (from selling other ****), then sold it when it was off sale for 2x profit. Next sale I could buy 80 or so, did it again when it was off sale. Instance farming etc. did the rest. Eventually I bought my own R9.

    This was of course...more than a year ago when chip sale was always not on for long periods of times. Some people got desperate when chip was off sale, bought their R9 from me, bought me R9 too.

    R999 people just farm from NW.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty