"Could Not Retrieve Character List" Error



  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    well hopefully I don't lose anything this time last time it happened I lot 2mil in coins
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited December 2013
    Surtr wrote: »
    Archosaur is now open. While we were able to confirm the cause of the problem preventing certain players from seeing their characters, it is unfortunately not something that can be fixed tonight. We will let you know as soon as we have additional information regarding this issue.

    Just going to leave this here.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I surrender, my patience has worn thin on this. It's really not that the issue has lasted this long, it is really the lack of communication.
    The customer service is severely lacking. Anytime someone provides a service, you are guaranteed to run into issues if you provide the service long enough. How a person reacts to those problems is when you learn the most about a person's character.
    What I have learned from these past two plus weeks is that it would seem that I personally am not valuable to this company. The money I have brought, and the potential for the money I would bring must not be green enough for this company. If it was valuable, one would expect that regular, meaningful communication would be provided. One would also think that for each day that passes that this issue continues without an expected end date in site, the company would do something to keep you wanting to coming back. In my humble opinion, this has not been done. Me personally, it was recommended that I start a new character on a new server. I did that. I was even offered a little something help level the new character more quickly. While this is fun getting to know new people on a new server, my personal goals on my original characters are going unfulfilled, and this is frustrating.
    I have seen on the forums where people have tried to help offer their expertise, but those people have felt that this expertise has fallen on deaf ears. Seeing this is frustrating.
    This game is more then just leveling a character, it is also a social experience. This whole social experience has changed due to this issue. Even if I were to start a new account and join the same faction, I would not be in a position to be able to help others that I would normally be able to help. This too is frustrating.
    So I end this little rant hoping that this issue be fixed soon, and the communication improves from the company that is holding my account hostage.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just going to leave this here.
    I'm sure I won't just leave it at that point.

    This has been the THIRD WEEK. I want my rrr9 back, ffs!!
  • Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yet another maintenance has gone by and it has already been 4 weeks and I am still having this error.
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Fourth week now.

    What have the engineers and devs been doing these last four weeks?
    Because I see no solution so far!!

    If you have identified the problem, how hard is it to get it fixed?!
  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Majority of the players on Archosaur server ain't having any problem logging in game. It's better to Submit a Ticket & get it fixed for yourself. b:thanks
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We have Sizzer, we have...at THIRD week, they said they ID-ed the problem, but they couldn't fix it at the time. We were really, REALLY hoping this week's patch will finally be our salvation, alas, hope dashed, again...
    Can a GM update us on the "Could Not Retrieve Character List" error, PLEASE? The last update was a week ago, we understand you have ID-ed the problem, maybe you can let us know what has been done in the past week to actually addressing the issue? If it's beyond retrieveable, let us know too? At least we can move on, it's a terrible thing to leave us hanging like this... b:cry
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Majority of the players on Archosaur server ain't having any problem logging in game. It's better to Submit a Ticket & get it fixed for yourself. b:thanks
    Why are people this ignorant and lazy? Do you really think there would be a whole group of people having this issue for four weeks and no one submit a ticket?!?!?!
    Think about this.

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Why are people this ignorant and lazy? Do you really think there would be a whole group of people having this issue for four weeks and no one submit a ticket?!?!?!
    Think about this.

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

    So Mr.Abraham Lincoln do you have any other better solution then what i suggested above, i know people ain't lazy or ignorant but that was a mild suggestion stop making personal attacks or remarks on ME. b:thanks
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sizzer, I think he's merely trying to point out he couldn't stand the sort of people that like to make annoying and unhelpful advices before reading the actual content. You know, the sort of idiots that go "oh, I read the title of this article. stuff the content, I know exactly what's happening here."

    You understand that, don't you? You must have dumb friends like that around you too, right? Not saying you are that guy, of course, wouldn't dream of it! No you, sir! NEVER!

    Except...if you read this thread, you SHOULD know that it is already established this error only affect a minority of people on Archosaur Server. you SHOULD also know we have sent in tickets time after time...so why write like you don't know that?

    so, let me paraphrase what Kilon said:

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln. b:bye
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So Mr.Abraham Lincoln do you have any other better solution then what i suggested above, i know people ain't lazy or ignorant but that was a mild suggestion stop making personal attacks or remarks on ME. b:thanks

    Let's lock you out of your main account for 4 weeks with little to no communication as to when the issue might be fixed and see how you react to "a mild suggestion" from some uninformed individual coming in acting like they know what to do and how to get something fixed, when clearly they don't.

    You don't want people to make personal attacks on you? Stop opening yourself up for them by speaking before thinking Mr. 1,784 posts.


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