Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)
I really want to know where PW uses it's money, they don't develop that much at all compared to other games (Like 1-2 real updates a year?) They made $386.71 million GP last year. b:thanks0
We, the gaming community of PWI, request more understanding of the word ban DoD. When you say you will ban does that mean you will ban their entire account via the ip? this ban a Permanent ban as it should be? We would like to know since just saying you will ban people does NOT fix the problem. A response at any time would be nice. If a moderator could maybe let DoD know many people are still not happy and want answers like this it would be appreciated. TY[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Mosz - Heavens Tear wrote: »a. dont see where he said it, everywhere the game is listed as 200-500 employees, often 400, b. thats split over 12 games and non current game related staff- which makes up a significant portion of their staff
c. all the numbers for actual gm staff ive heard are <50, the number 25 is cited quite often, spanning all their games0 -
What I would think is a better solution is to send what the original Dragon Orb code gives to each account that has NOT redeemed it. It's only fair, and I know that you have an easy-to-access log of who redeemed the code, so it's easy for you to sort through that list.
You're sending items to Archosaur players individually, so we also know you have easy access to player account lists, so combining the two, it would only be fair if those that never got a chance to redeem it can get it, and the ones that did redeem it once be left alone, and all the abusers banned. That'll satisfy many people.
^ this and send a few extra orbs to make it fair since a few who redeemed the code legitimately got more than the intended x3 orbs they were suppose to get. Or take away the excess orbs for these players and keep it at x3 orbs to balance it out.0 -
this game dont respect his players thats the only not put money on pwi0
Kevyy - Harshlands wrote: »Anyone know if the ban is temporary or permanent?
but really...
all this QQ over something given free >.>[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
The worry shouldnt be how long the ban is.
Taking excessive amounts of orbs away from people is the fix.
Thanx for the orbs we keep getting PWII think you're doing a good job balancing the player field CS vs non CS. Some say so they have to CS more to stay ahead. Either way, I like it
Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
just ban ppl is not all ya gm can do, also remove extra orbs, refine, xp scroll, charms etc and give us a code to claim our stuffs !!!!0
WannaBM - Archosaur wrote: »...
Thanx for the orbs we keep getting PWII think you're doing a good job balancing the player field CS vs non CS. Some say so they have to CS more to stay ahead. Either way, I like it
What you thought about when written above ?
If gifts were distributed between some players while many other players (including most of non CS) got nothing, then what you call "good job balancing" ?0 -
Quoting from another thread.I agree, you cant put a kid in a candy store and expect him not to go a little crazy..but your logic is quite irrational, really experimenting with a exploit is a gamble and with risk like that there is bound to be consequence, should of had a little voice in your head that said this will not go over lightly considering orbs are one of their cash cows.
But from what i hear the people who got tons of them orbs weren't just abusing "lag" I'm sure it was something like that last exploit where people could change some sort of script in a rewards webpage and get scrolls of tomes like hotcakes like 2 years ago.
And well if that's the case then yea that's blatantly wrong and deserving of a perma ban if you ask me.
My point was overall, PWI has, until now, encouraged people to exploit by having weaksauce punishments. The MOMENT my guild noticed a single person getting more than what they should've, we set out, in Teamspeak, to pinpoint the exploit. Not neccesarily to utilize it, but because we knew another faction on the server who'd exploited EVERY code they'd given out thusfar, and at the very least we wanted knowledge of how it was done, CUZ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!11 In all seriousness though, it is, and that's also why I posted several posts back telling the GMs our findings and how this glitch worked, AKA if you got the "please wait 10 mins" message, that was your greenlight to click like crazy/refresh/whatever.
The problem is it's like leaving a kid in a candy store....after having done so three times. The kid has already learned it's ok to go wild because YOU (PWI) taught him that, and while you definitely need to punish him and teach him otherwise and while a perma-ban would DEFINITELY accomplish that, it seems a bit unfair to those that actually exploited, to be honest. If you have no sympathy for those who exploited the **** outta this (one cleric on Harshlands is now full +11 from this glitch, for example, and not many are happy with that person), they should realize that there ARE some, like my friend, who confidently used this as a chance to experiment and understand and learn how OTHERS were exploiting this glitch. He was logging multiple alts and trying multiple things until bam, one account got it. The attitude wasn't "yes now my alt is OP1!! (it's a damned alt)" but rather "cool now we know how they do it and I'm positive they'll roll this back so no worries."
Now here I am posting his findings on his behalf, but he's gonna be punished for it when wtf, our goal was to help PWI by providing them with info. I realize it's a bit tough to double-check this since this thread is massive and spammed constantly, but the moment I saw the code I warned PWI their codes have been exploited nonstop, it's just that in the past it didn't matter so much.
In some ways I don't blame PWI for permabanning if they do because they DESPERATELY need to show people they actually DO enforce rules, but in others? It's an incredibly lazy broad-strokes kind of justice where they argue "it's for the greater good" and don't bother to view each case individually. I realize that's unrealistic for a game cause yeah they'd never have the time to do so, but that's why the punishment should be adjusted in a way that allows for broad strokes.
But again, the problem being perma ban is TOO harsh and anything shorter is TOO lenient.
Perhaps a good system would be to permaban any accounts that exploited this glitch and notify them that they will be given a chance to make their case via the ticket system. Good responses get unbanned, bad responses remain banned? Alternatively, characters can simply agree to revoke all refines they have for being unbanned. That way, for example with my friend's case, he could easily inform them that his goal was simply experimentation because he can point out to them that the character that exploited was an alt by telling them to IP check his main and other alt accounts; they'd easily see it was indeed an alt and that while he did exploit, he didn't do it on a massive, ridiculous scale that shouts "greed" but rather "curiousity."IAGOREY
0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »My point was overall, PWI has, until now, encouraged people to exploit by having weaksauce punishments. much truth in this.
I also think a permanent ban would be too much but I don't want a lame one week ban or so..I'd probably issue something like 3-month bans or more but that's just my opinion.
Overall though they just proved once more that it's okay to exploit things because you won't get punished for it (one week hardly counts as real punishment in my opinion). You have people in this thread asking to be banned and given free 10* Dragon Orbs and the moment the next exploit is discovered (because we're certainly going to have more) anyone who gets the chance to do it, will do it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Toliman - Raging Tide wrote: »What you thought about when written above ?
If gifts were distributed between some players while many other players (including most of non CS) got nothing, then what you call "good job balancing" ?
My thought is: they give a **** load of orbs. Some players are left out, some have 1 account, some have 5 accounts. To fix that, they give again a **** load of orbs, many get nothing, some get a bit, some get a lot. To fix it, they are now ging everyone again orbs. I think noone is being left out this time. All together, they are overflooding us all with orbs although still unfairly distributed while the CSers were alreay +10 or better and gained little and all us poor souls make a step forwardKeep coming more orbs plz, some still have very little compared to others. More orbs for everyone makes the difference smaller b:laugh
Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
Now, everyone got 3 orbs from ingame mail on archo, why pwi team not did that since the 20th ? before everyone get more than 3 orbs ?0
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »Quoting from another thread.
My point was overall, PWI has, until now, encouraged people to exploit by having weaksauce punishments. The MOMENT my guild noticed a single person getting more than what they should've, we set out, in Teamspeak, to pinpoint the exploit. Not neccesarily to utilize it, but because we knew another faction on the server who'd exploited EVERY code they'd given out thusfar, and at the very least we wanted knowledge of how it was done, CUZ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!11 In all seriousness though, it is, and that's also why I posted several posts back telling the GMs our findings and how this glitch worked, AKA if you got the "please wait 10 mins" message, that was your greenlight to click like crazy/refresh/whatever.
The problem is it's like leaving a kid in a candy store....after having done so three times. The kid has already learned it's ok to go wild because YOU (PWI) taught him that, and while you definitely need to punish him and teach him otherwise and while a perma-ban would DEFINITELY accomplish that, it seems a bit unfair to those that actually exploited, to be honest. If you have no sympathy for those who exploited the **** outta this (one cleric on Harshlands is now full +11 from this glitch, for example, and not many are happy with that person), they should realize that there ARE some, like my friend, who confidently used this as a chance to experiment and understand and learn how OTHERS were exploiting this glitch. He was logging multiple alts and trying multiple things until bam, one account got it. The attitude wasn't "yes now my alt is OP1!! (it's a damned alt)" but rather "cool now we know how they do it and I'm positive they'll roll this back so no worries."
Now here I am posting his findings on his behalf, but he's gonna be punished for it when wtf, our goal was to help PWI by providing them with info. I realize it's a bit tough to double-check this since this thread is massive and spammed constantly, but the moment I saw the code I warned PWI their codes have been exploited nonstop, it's just that in the past it didn't matter so much.
In some ways I don't blame PWI for permabanning if they do because they DESPERATELY need to show people they actually DO enforce rules, but in others? It's an incredibly lazy broad-strokes kind of justice where they argue "it's for the greater good" and don't bother to view each case individually. I realize that's unrealistic for a game cause yeah they'd never have the time to do so, but that's why the punishment should be adjusted in a way that allows for broad strokes.
But again, the problem being perma ban is TOO harsh and anything shorter is TOO lenient.
Perhaps a good system would be to permaban any accounts that exploited this glitch and notify them that they will be given a chance to make their case via the ticket system. Good responses get unbanned, bad responses remain banned? Alternatively, characters can simply agree to revoke all refines they have for being unbanned. That way, for example with my friend's case, he could easily inform them that his goal was simply experimentation because he can point out to them that the character that exploited was an alt by telling them to IP check his main and other alt accounts; they'd easily see it was indeed an alt and that while he did exploit, he didn't do it on a massive, ridiculous scale that shouts "greed" but rather "curiousity."
I respect your posts. Please don't take this as a personal attack.
If your friend really WAS playing private eye to "help" us, I'm sure he didn't use his ill-gotten gain, right? He didn't actually *claim* the rewards he oh-so-very generously ferreted out on our behalf? He didn't refine the heck out of his stuff or anything...Right?
Yeah, thought so. Tell him good try though. LOL.0 -
Desdi - Sanctuary wrote: » much truth in this.
I also think a permanent ban would be too much but I don't want a lame one week ban or so..I'd probably issue something like 3-month bans or more but that's just my opinion.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
pw art ◊ ◊0 -
Yep pretty much, I'm not counting on any form of punishment really.
It's not about the whole glitch thing that happened, it's just about the fact that they keep proving we're free to exploit things because hey...we're not going to get any real punishment.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Desdi - Sanctuary wrote: » much truth in this.
I also think a permanent ban would be too much but I don't want a lame one week ban or so..I'd probably issue something like 3-month bans or more but that's just my opinion.
Overall though they just proved once more that it's okay to exploit things because you won't get punished for it (one week hardly counts as real punishment in my opinion). You have people in this thread asking to be banned and given free 10* Dragon Orbs and the moment the next exploit is discovered (because we're certainly going to have more) anyone who gets the chance to do it, will do it.
You are way off base saying anyone with the opportunity will steal...some of us know the difference between right and dare you call me a thief!b:angry0 -
Ppl abused the code "maybe" in some ppl view.. but only because pwi says to use the code again you can't fault the player for that if the site wouldn't have said to wait 10 then use the code ppl wouldn't have thought to do it. So I hardly consider it abuse pwi shoul have taken care of there stuff made sure if your gonna wait 10min then use the code again that you limit it to 1 per accout.. when you use the ither 10 codes it doesn't say wait 10 min and use again.. I honestly find it the fault of pwi and players shouldn't be banned for something pwi told us to do.. seems like your blaming the players for finding out sonething but it clearly told is to use the code again... if pwi tells you to do something and you do it how can you can them for it0
Lix - Momaganon wrote: »I respect your posts. Please don't take this as a personal attack.
If your friend really WAS playing private eye to "help" us, I'm sure he didn't use his ill-gotten gain, right? He didn't actually *claim* the rewards he oh-so-very generously ferreted out on our behalf? He didn't refine the heck out of his stuff or anything...Right?
Yeah, thought so. Tell him good try though. LOL.
To give you an idea of the tone of the group that this guy was a part of, we were joking about refining our gear with Tishas, with or without Dorbs from this promotion (one of us did, and luckily didn't lose TOO much from it. xP ). We were all convinced none of it mattered because this was such an obvious rollback scenario. So yeah he refined and we actually had a "let's go PK at west against all the new +10 people/with your +10 alt before they rollback the gear."
And yeah, we were shocked when they announced no rollback. For us and for him, that was a "let's have fun with it while it's here" moment.IAGOREY
0 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »UPDATE (11.25.13)
Questions and Answers
What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?
They will be banned.
I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?
No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.
What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?
Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.
Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?
First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).
Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.
(The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)
Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.
Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.
Is there anything I can receive right now?
We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th
You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE
There is no shouting with this one...
Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.
^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!
Hello Perfect World citizens!
We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.
-Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.
Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST
We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!
-PW Team
We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.
UPDATE (11.22.13):
Here is what I was able to get:
- We will not be rolling back the servers.
- A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.
- We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.
Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or world chat.
This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.
I have no interest in PWI sending the gifts to my bank. I want the code with my event cards and other junk like everyone else. How is this fair to players that never got their codes in e-mail? Other people with like 10 accounts got 1k event gold just from this and they can put it all in one toon while ours gets sent to our mail destined to be bound on one toon forever. Either do it right or don't do it at all. ._. Half-hearted efforts are not appreciated.0 -
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »To give you an idea of the tone of the group that this guy was a part of, we were joking about refining our gear with Tishas, with or without Dorbs from this promotion (one of us did, and luckily didn't lose TOO much from it. xP ). We were all convinced none of it mattered because this was such an obvious rollback scenario. So yeah he refined and we actually had a "let's go PK at west against all the new +10 people/with your +10 alt before they rollback the gear."
And yeah, we were shocked when they announced no rollback. For us and for him, that was a "let's have fun with it while it's here" moment.
Sweet. Suggestion: Tell him to go refine again. With no refining aids. Let me know when he's back to where he was before your collective sleuthing. Or, yk, he should take the ban and still come out ahead. If he even gets punished at all. Since PWI management feels the "legitimate abuses" are such isolated incidents, I'm sure 95+% of the glitchers are gonna celebrate without any break in the action at all.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, those of us who got screwed will buy a ps4 and a nice bottle of Crown Royal XR instead of ultimate game cards and bonus zen. \o/0 -
5x Hyper EXP Stones, oohhh wow b:angry0
Whoopie doo 5 exp stones is an insult tbh but heck this company never surprises me.0
QQ rage rage i wanna freebie JOSD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
sad that i didnt get in on the all server code for the account that i wanted to. but happy to see that my active Arch server accounts are receiving their compensation via in game mail. for some reason i never received the email with the code but i do get emails from pwi with a gratz here and there for leveling.
nice to see that people who are glitchers are going to get punished. i cant imagine the time and effort it must take to fix this and figure it all out. seems that the GMs are taking this serious and actually paying attention to the community!
Thank you!!
* finally got my Arch servers EP her meridian back to where it was before rollback. geez! that was not fun! but appreciate the 5x and stuff.0 -
FragiIe - Dreamweaver wrote: »You are way off base saying anyone with the opportunity will steal...some of us know the difference between right and dare you call me a thief!b:angry
I was trying to make a point, not taking individual cases in consideration.
When PWE proves time and again that punishments are hardly real punishments for exploits then you'll have people exploiting them every time a new glitch is found and each time the number of people doing so or with the intention of doing so will be greater.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
PWE, please give us the option to be banned for one week but get the free stuff. It's the best solution: issue a new working code, that we can abuse, after 2 hours of a player abusing, he gets banned for one week0
Desdi - Sanctuary wrote: »I was trying to make a point, not taking individual cases in consideration.
When PWE proves time and again that punishments are hardly real punishments for exploits that matter then you'll have people exploiting them every time a new glitch is found and each time the number of people doing so or with the intention of doing so will be greater.
Fixed that for you.
Goons glitchers get 3 days, INI editors get permabans. Same with back when they enforced that stupid rule about how you weren't allowed to multiclient because "It required editing game files" which we all knew was a load of bull and so on.
Which is exactly why I'm hoping that this time it will stop being a case of "Hey guys abuse the big issues while they last BUT DON'T YOU DARE GET REPORTED FOR HAVING A BUST SIZE 1 POINT ABOVE THE MAXIMUM THE INI FILES ALLOW" and they'll show that exploiting the game and glitches are things that people should... ya know... NOT be doing all the time or there will be appropriate punishment.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Fixed that for you.
Goons glitchers get 3 days, INI editors get permabans. Same with back when they enforced that stupid rule about how you weren't allowed to multiclient because "It required editing game files" which we all knew was a load of bull and so on.
Which is exactly why I'm hoping that this time it will stop being a case of "Hey guys abuse the big issues while they last BUT DON'T YOU DARE GET REPORTED FOR HAVING A BUST SIZE 1 POINT ABOVE THE MAXIMUM THE INI FILES ALLOW" and they'll show that exploiting the game and glitches are things that people should... ya know... NOT be doing all the time or there will be appropriate punishment.0 -
Agreed with 85% of people here, if this was only supposed to be a archosaur thing why was this thread called compensation for all? Sure archosaur had the rollback but they have 5x exp/drops/etc AND now every single person on their server is getting free dorbs.
WHILE people on every other server got nothing while few got tons of free dorbs.
Just admit it you want to only spend the effort to fix one server and say oh well to the rest of the population and give us a crappy code for 5 hypers...
Thats just a major slap to the face.
This is NOT a solution and I don't want to hear anymore crying from archosaur server people you got everything haha.
Hell ill take a 3 day rollback for +10 orbs....w/o the orb pack it will take me oh months to farm +10???0
This discussion has been closed.
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