Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • Hinatachii - Dreamweaver
    Hinatachii - Dreamweaver Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    And people still post on this thread.. f:stare
    You mad? f:grin
  • Dylena - Raging Tide
    Dylena - Raging Tide Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...


    I would reconsider the decision you guys're making a large amount of players unhappy with that offense but the amount of gain against a ban cost is very little...most people cannot farm 3-30? +10 d orbs in a month (if the ban is even a month) which means even if they would get banned its a high profit for them. Also, Archosaur might have gotten a rollback but other servers like Raging Tide were pretty much abandoned until it got fixed considering that it took 30 tries to logg on another 30 to get faction chat working and once you dc or logg off, you need to repeat the process.

    Not only is the punishment weak, the ones that didn't abuse it got the short end of the stick mainly because following the rules made em gain 5 hypers while the abusers got a mild punishment with a large gear upgrade.

    I for one isn't happy with the approach that was taken on this. The solution I had in mind was simply, strip them off the refines they gained since the +10 gift...erase the event gold etc they received and award everyone who didn't abuse it to keep their +10 and let them have it while those who abused it gets none with a 30 days ban. Its simple, fair and makes everyone happy.
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This code has already been redeemed.

    <- funny, its the old hyper code from a week ago.
  • KuruTu - Harshlands
    KuruTu - Harshlands Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Lol, so instead of being able to redeem that compensation code at least once by those who weren't able to get it first time, we're going to get 5 hypers and those who abused glitch going to get time-limited ban? Please tell me I can't read...
  • Ignasia - Heavens Tear
    Ignasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't see why everyone is getting so mad at this. PWE has never been one to actually fully satisfy their player base. It has been this way since day one, people complaining about how things are unfair or how compensation wasnt good enough. People say they quit and wont spend anymore money on the game yet PWI is still here. This game has had the same issues for years and nothing gets done and people still play.

    I didnt even get one of the +10 orbs from the code, am i upset that i wont be getting any? Of course I am. But what can we do about it? Quit the game? that just makes room for more people to join. People have been saying this game is dying for a good couple years now, and yet its still running strong. As long as there are people willing to spend money on a game where they get **** compensation and ****, the game will still live. Just quit your whining and enjoy the game. And if you want to quit then do so, there are alot of good games out there, im sure you can find one you like.
  • Black_wolve - Sanctuary
    Black_wolve - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We ***** and moan ?there is a reason that reason is we the ones got screwed over and now the game turing in to **** and yes gm's aand mods this is the truth as it stands.
    T he kids taking over greed all over the game they want and want and want how do you think most made it to 105 hypers and goons a year ago.
    Every time there is a promotion or a code these players finding ways to abuse it and this is also the truth.
    Warsong is ruin what was pwi thinking?this created more issues players are now making there own websites selling this stuff dont pwi see this or they blind? Do some research like i have i can give seval sites out what players are doing selling there accounts and armor for usd .This all boils down to greed and who is more powerful on the game.

    Years ago pwi was great there was no such thing as hypers or bh's but only grinding miss those days but then members of differnt factions decided ok we own this land you cant dig those mats well i put them strait i reported a lot of them in many tickets it was told that the mats for every one.Now there is demand you want a mold you have to pay for up am sure pwi didnt make that rule up.
    Go to you tube am sure you find a lot on there willing to teach you how to **** glich and abuse these games lord knows theres a lot that abuse it people dont like me because i speek the truth i rat some of them out.
    I used to buy gold to this company not any more i got do disgusted with it i moved on.I only logg on to do my dailys a bh get off.
    We can only hope the perfect world enterainment can open there eyes and realize whats going on and make some major changes.

    I like others got screwed over more than once do to people ruining the game not happy about it either.
  • juicybluca
    juicybluca Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...


    you are mad
    people who got screwed up are mostly the endgame players (since +10 orbs is endgame stuff) and you give as compensation 5 hyper stones, something that endgame players cant use at all...

    and how do you even manage to ban 1/3 of your playerbase?

    you dont even have the manpower to do standard manteinances i ****ing wonder how can you go so deep into a 700 players bug abuse issue.

    there are players that lost even individually thousands of gold (therefore thousands of dollars) they spent on dragon orbs and charms by this, and you compensate them by 5 hyper exp stones?

    did you just come to realize that this bug was spread to whole servers and not just to archo, and it was referred to thanksgiving reward and not to archo rollback compensation, only 1 week after the bug was done and after hundreds of tickets were opened?

    and there is still players getting dragon orbs from their mailboxes 1 week after

    after 4800 posts asking to rollback either find a proper solution and you come up with this?

    not only you and your staff are incompetents, you all also have to go **** yourselves
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...


    i am speaking from a 1200 gold loss,
    if this is the final decision
    i am therefore uninstalling your games
  • LittleAngeI - Harshlands
    LittleAngeI - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    this has to be the dumbest thing pwe has done in the 5 years ive played your games..
    i wish i abused your codes i really do. i would be happy to wait 1 month for 40 +10 orbs becous in all those years i've played i was never able to grind that much. and now to make things even worse, you wont give the code back to those who were asleep during the time it was available??
    seriously pwe a 5 year old is smarter then this..
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'd rather get a one month ban and get free orbs too..if that's the case >.>
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • MiszEvil - Sanctuary
    MiszEvil - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ow Yesh lets add those 5 Hyper stones with the rest of unused bound hypers, that will totally help me out now....
    And yes its totally fair 5 bound hypers V.S. +10 orbs...... way to go pwi...
  • TheHedgeBarb - Morai
    TheHedgeBarb - Morai Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know something is messed up when people are saying they prefer the punishment instead of the reward.

    Please give me 60 dragon orbs, 2000 event gold and 20 HP charms in exchange for a few weeks of being banned.
  • bangis2010
    bangis2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i am speaking from a 1200 gold loss,
    if this is the final decision
    i am therefore uninstalling your games

  • DarkUnicorn - Heavens Tear
    DarkUnicorn - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Its still not fair, because off the wrong tekst on Facebook, whats removed now, Happy Holiday to all.Well thats Happy Holiday a few, not all.
    But I'm Happy I screenshoted the message on face book.
    And with that all was a message off + 10 orbs and pack off goodies, not hypers.


  • tribells1
    tribells1 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You know something is messed up when people are saying they prefer the punishment instead of the reward.

    Please give me 60 dragon orbs, 2000 event gold and 20 HP charms in exchange for a few weeks of being banned.


    Can i also get the orbs and charms and event gold + 2 weeks ban ?

    ( No worries, nobody will be banned for abusing lol )
  • cavenaghi19
    cavenaghi19 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The game has changed a lot and is no longer what it used to .. I loved the play but after the fame with Orbs I totally lost the desire to play ... I'm not talking about myself since nothing I'm not used to getting for free here or in real life .. talk about the injustice that is obvious here ... The story that will ban you who spammed with a very well already know that it will last for about 7 days and they continue to play like before ... I will sing praise to those that PWI wrong with the multitude of Orbs ... All those who did not get Orbs continue to whine about it and they are right ... I'm sorry that this game came down to the bottom ...
  • Suekasa - Archosaur
    Suekasa - Archosaur Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Okay this is wired i logged in today too find out i had too unread mail I found 2 of the dragon orbs in my Mail. i don't understand Why i was giving these i was not on during the roll back and i did not enter any code i do not need them nor did i wont anything for this Roll back
    i must say its a nice jester but i have no use for such Orbs and i was against such Compensation in the first place. f:stare

    Would some please explain why why i got these? is due too make it fair forever one
    or a mistake i would not like too be banned for opening my mail. f:worry
    f:laugh"In the virtual world, you have power,respect,friends and peace. Why would you
    want to return to the real world?"f:laugh
  • pwi47
    pwi47 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ur site siad u can use code again after 10 min is that our bad ?
  • SkogDyr - Lost City
    SkogDyr - Lost City Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm not mad at DoD... he is just parroting what his bosses tell him to say.

    DoD, on behalf of thousands of players (I presume most won't mind per the reaction on the forums), please let your bosses know that many players find this "solution" of five hypers to be a bit lacking. Well, lacking might not be the right word... maybe it would be better to use this...

    What special kind of stupid thought that 5 hypers would make up for another epic fail from PWE? Really? TBH it would have been better to not give away anything rather than insult the playerbase with 5 hypers. Do us a favor and next time PWE decides to plow us in the back 40, make a special pack with PWE lube so it won't hurt quite as bad.

    smh, just when I thought I'd seen it all...
    PWE management proves yet again that most imports are cheap. b:victory
  • Nature_God - Sanctuary
    Nature_God - Sanctuary Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i am speaking from a 1200 gold loss,
    if this is the final decision
    i am therefore uninstalling your games

    How stupid. You didn't lose anything. Its just 3x +10 orbs and those are not even close to 1200 gold. And anyway you wouldn't be able to trade or sell those three orbs to anyone.
    Or do you want to say that PWI shouldn't give anything for free at all? Don't forget that there are players who don't use gold or real money on games. Everything ''free'' is a gold loss for you? Don't be such a sore loser.
  • kasiennnnka
    kasiennnnka Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I also want tiemd ban for items
    + do something. I can't log into my veno ( I didn't get any codes on any account so DO SOMETHING you **** )
  • __Sami__ - Archosaur
    __Sami__ - Archosaur Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Okay this is wired i logged in today too find out i had too unread mail I found 2 of the dragon orbs in my Mail. i don't understand Why i was giving these i was not on during the roll back and i did not enter any code i do not need them nor did i wont anything for this Roll back
    i must say its a nice jester but i have no use for such Orbs and i was against such Compensation in the first place. f:stare

    Would some please explain why why i got these? is due too make it fair forever one
    or a mistake i would not like too be banned for opening my mail. f:worry

    Archo targeted compensation, last I checked people got 2 orbs sent to their mail, though I thought it might be software on loop as there was pretty long delay between orbs and they were being sent 1 by 1. Think my orbs are totaling to 17 right now all compensations totaled, lol.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/104/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Instead of a measly ban (which will most likely be a week or so) I would have preferred all gear that was refined with these orbs to be downgraded to the refine before they used them.

    a paltry ban is nothing.
    Here we go again....
  • Temptatio/V - Dreamweaver
    Temptatio/V - Dreamweaver Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    How stupid. You didn't lose anything. Its just 3x +10 orbs and those are not even close to 1200 gold. And anyway you wouldn't be able to trade or sell those three orbs to anyone.
    Or do you want to say that PWI shouldn't give anything for free at all? Don't forget that there are players who don't use gold or real money on games. Everything ''free'' is a gold loss for you? Don't be such a sore loser.

    And still after 4k posts people like you still have no clue what is the issue here. So sad:(
    If you lazy to read 4 k posts or have no clue whats going on please dont post anything. b:surrender
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    How stupid. You didn't lose anything. Its just 3x +10 orbs and those are not even close to 1200 gold. And anyway you wouldn't be able to trade or sell those three orbs to anyone.
    Or do you want to say that PWI shouldn't give anything for free at all? Don't forget that there are players who don't use gold or real money on games. Everything ''free'' is a gold loss for you? Don't be such a sore loser.

    is your brain that limited that you need explanations to this?

    did you abuse the bug so hard that you are trying to claim that the 30 +10 orbs you got are not a big deal?

    here is how i lost 1200 gold,

    last 3 months i've been buying d orb fire packs (1200 gold worth of them), and stacked them to resell +7 +8 +9 orbs and make a profit since a lot of players went full r9r3 with the super sale and now they needed the refines.

    after the orb mess people used the average 30ish free +10 orbs and event gold to go from +5 to +11, and +7 +8 +9 orbs are not selling anymore and price dropped from 200kish each single d orb 1 star to kinda half and still they are not selling

    consider also that who was into the platinum charm market got crashed aswell, this free charms and free event gold flow wont allow them to resell any single charm anymore in the short-mid period
  • tribells1
    tribells1 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    After all this mess, you would have expected, at least for the first time in their life, proper measures to be taken. However, Mr Alan Chen just sits at home deciding if the next Porche model he will buy will be black or white, or hell, he'll buy both, he made enough on stupid people to afford it
  • stinks
    stinks Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I would like to know WHAT TYPE OF BAN pls b:laugh

    If these ppl got 30 D.Orbs and get a 1 month ban, only to come back to find they still have 30 D.Orbs..... then Ban is not good enough! b:bye
  • velasquez2
    velasquez2 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    UPDATE (11.25.13)

    Questions and Answers

    What is the punishment for players who blatantly abused the compensation code?

    They will be banned.

    I heard from Customer Service tickets that you are only banning players who are from Archosaur. Is this true?

    No, I was confused about this when I heard about it. The customer service representatives were mis-informed on the punishment issue, and we're making sure everyone is now on the same page. We're banning players who abused the code no matter the server they are from.

    What about the "targeted" compensation efforts for Archosaur only? Is that still happening?

    Yes. We are getting everything set up now and verifying that it will go smoothly before we start sending in-game items to players on Archosaur. You can expect yours within the week.

    Why is it Archosaur only now, and not all servers, as it was initially, when I missed my chance at the code?

    First and foremost, Archosaur players were the ones we've wanted to make sure were compensated for the rollback, to the best of our ability. It was because of the rollback that we started focusing on a compensation campaign. We have 5x EXP going on for Archosaur, something we've never done before, as well as 2x EXP/SP/Drops AND Coin for all servers (also new).

    Players on Archosaur now have the opportunity to gain more experience, spirit, drops, etc than they could have during the 3 days lost from the rollback, as these modifiers will be lasting into the next month. All servers were included in this decision because we wanted everyone to feel compensated for November's server connectivity issues as a whole.

    (The initial compensation code for 5x HyperEXP Stones is now available for everyone: 3HTYJKE)

    Following these initial actions, we still thought that for a rollback, our actions were not great enough. Many players lost refinement and thus power during the rollback, and so giving more exp/sp/drops/coins if you play wouldn't resolve their complaint.

    Thus we came up with the compensation code that we all now are aware of.
    Unfortunately, because of it's abuse we've had to cancel the cross-server compensation and refocus back on the initial goal of compensating Archosaur Rollback players.

    Is there anything I can receive right now?

    We've re-activated the initial compensation code that gives out 5x Hyper EXP Stones to players. It can be used once per account until NOVEMBER 30th

    You can redeem it here once per account until NOVEMBER 30th : 3HTYJKE

    There is no shouting with this one...



    Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    ^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!

    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    UPDATE (11.22.13):
    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or world chat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.

    I really badly laughed about this, because it's so sad and not a bit funny b:angry

    PWI made this an all Server issue and now Archosaur only get's again a compensation
    (I am not jelly, I am kinda happy for the archosaur ppl, but I hate unfairness a lot)

    5 Hypers for the other Servers... for those Servers which had also a lot of issues since the last content update, e.g. massive lagg spikes, still missing NPC's, broken quest lines, dq points not updating and so on.
    And then additional the Compensation issue which PWI caused, which affected ALL Servers.

    If PWI stays with it's dump decision then I see a lot of more happening in nearer future, like:
    - a lot of more ppl will quit the game (I know there were already a lot of ppl quitting because of these issues), tbh I am thinking about to quit too. Enough is enough.
    - possible new PWI codes will be abused by way more ppl than ever before
    - a lot of money less will be spend by players
    - reduced Online time of players at least if they don't quit

    See PWI, the majority of your players are mature, not small children, who can be calmed down with Lollipops (the 5 Hypers)

    Think about this PWI b:surrender
    Come up with a way better compensation for ALL, it affected all and stop to complain about Archosaur only.

    Btw... you are threatening us with your ingame messages about using our dq points until Dez., but how shall we be able to use them when dq points are not updating in time?
    Will you compensate it in Dez with additional Chest of Coins too when you got spammed with support tickets?

    (sorry for my grammar, not my 1st Language, just tried to give my best without any translator)
  • theoneaa
    theoneaa Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2013
This discussion has been closed.