Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why did something abusive have to happen before they decided it's better to compensate people from archosaur alone for their lost items like they are doing now?

    If they did that in the first place non of this would've happened. Now you have players on your hand who don't understand why they aren't getting the same freebies as others did during the time the code for the orbs was active.

    I do hope the bans are permanent this time, but I assume that's unlikely, just like every other time punishment was sent out.

    Congrats to the people who have free +10 gear now. And thanks PWE for nothing, then again i've never expected much from them anyway seeing their past way of handling things.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • elearza
    elearza Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol....and still now solution for those who didnt get anything -.-
    shame on you pwi ....
  • Chakarakka - Archosaur
    Chakarakka - Archosaur Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Pretty sure they seem to be mailing out all the items you get from the code. Just one at a time sending through in-game mail to make sure they don't **** up-again-. Yea that event gold is pretty sexy. They said they'll be doing it throughout the week just keep an eye-out on your mailbox and see what goodies you get overtime. I'm not complaining yea it sucks but I'm one of the people that lost a lot from the rollback and I didn't get a chance to redeem public code before it was disabled but despite how badly they screwed up it doesn't excuse those that take advantage of the system. It's not really hurting the company- it's hurting your fellow players. I personally don't care if someone got 90 orbs and I got 0 but I could see why that would upset many.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well, PWI's final effort falls far short of my expectations.

    I quite expected them to fall short.. it's their trademark.
    It isn't solely about the latest fiasco anymore (I received my compensation pack on each account), it's knowing how limited PWI is, in terms of dealing with issues. After 5 years, the responses are still the same and each time the game dies a little more with more and more looking elsewhere and less new players filling the void.

    It's not the game that sucks here; it's the player base (derived due to pwi) and pwi. Getting things done with a squad: it's just getting harder and taking longer -lol. I did 1 BH today instead of 10 then realized: why bother? I've worked hard for what others were given repeatedly.

    Have fun with the derp apsers, and the pay to players. PWI drove off too many good players for the rest of us who care to stick around.
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i am writting tickets tickets tickets ....
    let them drown in tickets..
  • Valnix - Raging Tide
    Valnix - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i cantuse code as said redeemed already great we get nothing
  • Fici - Archosaur
    Fici - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    midrissi wrote: »
    But will there will be another code?! Not hyper stone, actual code with all the goodies that some people weren't able to get at all?!

    I don't care about orbs, I want 2 event gold cards and charm.... b:cry b:cry b:cry

    i want those to.. Gold event cards and charm.. f:cry
    but the question is: do we ever get those f:worry
  • Burnout - Harshlands
    Burnout - Harshlands Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's really sad that a lot of regular players who just struggle to keep up with the game were mostly the ones who missed out on this.

    3 Ocean orbs is a drop in the bucket for me, and it still annoys me a little that I didn't get anything. I'm personally fine with it, but NOT with the abuse where exploiters who were mostly already well off get even more orbs and free stuff while the casual playerbase gets nothing.

    Really, I hope DefenderofDreams will continue to work on getting those REGULAR players compensation. I know they can't just fix everything immediately, but if you don't do anything to compensate those who missed out, PWI will lose a LOT of their goodwill.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Homsefaen - Raging Tide
    Homsefaen - Raging Tide Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    damn ok i ban paypal acc from pwi... how long 1-2months:P oh PERMA IJSb:pleased
  • Shanabee - Harshlands
    Shanabee - Harshlands Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    rly thats it? we dont get the 3 orbs too? so many didnt have chance to use the code to get 3 orbs and u joking us with 5 hypers? this cant be true b:angry
  • lavhin
    lavhin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    invalid code

    So the ones in Archo that didnt at all get the Inital 3 codes will end up with NOTHING....?
  • Grindata_ - Heavens Tear
    Grindata_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    yeah this pisses me off too so im prolly gona find a different game or stick to my facebook games cause this is just bs its there fault that half of us couldnt even get to the redeem page.
  • Nature_God - Sanctuary
    Nature_God - Sanctuary Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    People quitting just because they can't get 3 +10 orbs and think its the end of the world. Thats very childish. I wasn't fast enough to get my orbs when code was still up and idiots didn't abuse it yet. But I am not crying here unlike most of the people in this Thread. Does this pixel really matter to you that much? I can just farm and buy these orbs what you people grief about.
  • sonicrulze
    sonicrulze Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    10 orbs is like 50m each if bound let it be half the price...250m exchange with 100k each hyper (bound)? b:laugh GM ur funny and thxb:thanks
  • monarchwiggins
    monarchwiggins Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Everyone is raging but what no one realizes is that ppl didn't realize it was even a glitch, nor would they have even thought to use the code again. If not right after you use the code it says wait 10min to use this code again. What are players suppose to think. So you can't really fault the players too much. No player would have thought to use it again if it didn't say to wait 10 min then use it again
  • lolitaxix
    lolitaxix Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Great. Just great. Alot of ppl get Those orbs, an even more.. I didn't get ANYTHING!!b:angry not even Those hypers.. Im sure about that im not only1 who Will be Angry about This. b:surrender
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    For users on other servers, there will be no additional codes or compensation

    They're either liars or buttholes. b:bye
  • bangis2010
    bangis2010 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    People quitting just because they can't get 3 +10 orbs and think its the end of the world. Thats very childish. I wasn't fast enough to get my orbs when code was still up and idiots didn't abuse it yet. But I am not crying here unlike most of the people in this Thread. Does this pixel really matter to you that much? I can just farm and buy these orbs what you people grief about.

    you cannot tell if ppl are quiting or not . Believe they will not . they may take a break for sometime but quitting , i dont think so.
  • Angelldeath - Heavens Tear
    Angelldeath - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Everyone is raging but what no one realizes is that ppl didn't realize it was even a glitch, nor would they have even thought to use the code again. Right after you use the code it says wait 10min to use this again. What are players suppose to think. So you can't really fault the players too much. No player would have thought to use it again if it didn't say to

    ^This. I know some people that didn't know and I feel bad that they're probably going to be banned just because of an error PWE made. They're punishing people for their mistake really.
  • wickedxpandora
    wickedxpandora Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lolitaxix wrote: »
    Great. Just great. Alot of ppl get Those orbs, an even more.. I didn't get ANYTHING!!b:angry not even Those hypers.. Im sure about that im not only1 who Will be Angry about This. b:surrender

    If you wait patiently you would get a mail on PWI that will give you the orbs. I have a lvl 17 sin on Archo server that already got 2 orbs that was waiting in my mailbox.
  • Algiz - Dreamweaver
    Algiz - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Absolutely pathetic. i get the feeling sometimes that the staff at their main offices are glorified monkeys banging on keyboards for fruit loops. enjoy watching your product go down in flames.
  • Numelle - Raging Tide
    Numelle - Raging Tide Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Free hypers for all of us who didn't got charms, event cards, pots, orbs?

    Gee thanks PWI!
  • Grindata_ - Heavens Tear
    Grindata_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the reason there is lots of rage and quitting is because 5hypers is a big slap in the face to the pple who wherent able to get to the redeem page hours b4 they disabled the code.
  • CroPsy - Heavens Tear
    CroPsy - Heavens Tear Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Great, just great. There's lots of people on all servers who got free Orbs, and lots of them will probably go unpunished. But the rest of us who did nothing will also get nothing. Really fair and kind of you PWE. b:beatup
  • Numelle - Raging Tide
    Numelle - Raging Tide Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    I would like to say that even tho, we got answers on our "questions", this move from PWI side was a big slap to majority of players.

    Don't give out code, then removed it, and punish abusers, while leaving rest of us empty hands. Yes, I'm upset. I don't have a use of hypers, I'm lvl 102; and I don't plan on leveling any time soon. I can buy hypers on my alts if I need them.

    I'm unhappy, 1/3 of players abused code ( they will get banned ), 1/3 players got more then they wanted, and rest of us got hypers.


    Treat everyone equally!!
  • Valnix - Raging Tide
    Valnix - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i want my gift as it said usable on any char n sever i can not get hypers as code already redeemed so people who got nothing will get nothing great customer service
  • Moiraine_A_S - Dreamweaver
    Moiraine_A_S - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OK PWI; no shouting, just a big fat thanks for nothing. Five hypers; I made that tonight running the Tiger Event. 'Shakes my head'...that Facebook page said "everyone" before the code got taken down. "Everyone" didn't get to use that code...I don't even care at this point about the orbs; I just REALLY wanted that event gold for my baby archer on this account. I cannot even begin to express how disappointed I am in this game and whoever makes these decisions for this company.

    I'm not going to rage quit, although I'm sorely tempted. Unfortunately; I'm ashamed to admit, I'm one of the fools who have not only invested a ton of my time into your game but also a ton of my real life money into my main account. THAT is the main reason I won't quit; I don't feel like I've gotten my money's worth out of your 'free to play' game. But I can promise you this much, you and your company will not get another dime of my real life money. EVER! I don't care what you do now; you aren't going to make this up to me. I realize that I am just one person, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels this way. Five freaking hypers, thanks for caring about your players; thanks for freaking nothing :p
  • Alex_Gantz - Dreamweaver
    Alex_Gantz - Dreamweaver Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I said before, keep spamming tickets till the people who didn t got anything get at least the stupid pack ... we must make this **** monkeys understand that this time they went too far , PWI always had a really crappy costumer service but this was too far even for them b:angry

    Ps: PWI staff... You know what you can do with your 5 hypers...
  • tribells1
    tribells1 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    PWE is joking right? I mean..really, someone this incompetent and irresponsible actually exists and gets paid to do it? Seriously? I think the first thing PWE banned was common sense inside the company...5 hypers? I can tell you what you can do with those 5 hypers....

    One two,
    PWE is effing you
    Three, four,
    Their support is a locked door
    Five, six,
    Common sense it's what they miss
    Seven, eight,
    They are laughing in a crate,
    Nine, ten,
    We'll never play again
  • Algiz - Dreamweaver
    Algiz - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I said before, keep spamming tickets till the people who didn t got anything get at least the stupid pack ... we must make this **** monkeys understand that this time they went too far , PWI always had a really crappy costumer service but this was too far even for them b:angry

    Ps: PWI staff... You know what you can do with your 5 hypers...

    may their inboxes be filled with the flames of 1000 angry nerds! b:angryb:angryb:angryb:angry
This discussion has been closed.