Irritating Question,

XKamii - Archosaur
XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion
So once upon a time I had a full set of r9. And I really enjoyed it, One day that said r9 decided to vanish on me into the magical world of NPC land. I had sent a ticket right after this occurred asking for assistance. Upsetting they said there was not a thing they could do to assist me, I even asked to have them reset the quest so that I may BUY it again. Which that was also refused. I have recently made a new toon and purchased R9 AGAIN, only to find out that many, MANY other did the same as me and had their gear either returned (unsharded, unrefined) or reimbursed. This is outrageous, why choose to help some but not all with the same problem?

So how many of you fellow PWI'rs have faced this issue and what was your results?

Post edited by XKamii - Archosaur on


  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i know many friends to who it happened

    some got their stuff back..some still havent

    i think it depends which GMs answers u
    not all of them wish to help ppl in game

    so keep sending tickets till u get it back..dont give up
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Yea that's what I've heard, I really wanna know why there is some sort of biased choice of who gets it back lol
  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I recall when tactus had some of his R9 drop when he pk'd. After a while he finally got his gear replaced as well as the stuff to refine and reshard it...

    I also recall when Mr.Nightmare got ****, had everything npc'd, and pwi replaced a majority of the items that were npc'd
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If they refused to give back your items, why on earth did you buy it again on a new character, you only made those greedy ^%^&$# richer for doing nothing to help you in the 1st place, probably you just had and idiot of a GM on the other end, should have sent more tickets, thus, more chance that your items would be returned.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thing on our server is, like I think I told you yesterday when I encouraged you to send another ticket that they started giving R9 pieces back sorta recently. Liu never got his R9 back and I think you lost your set quite a while back. What I guess is they either changed policy or GM that handles our server. Just keep sending tickets and you will get your set back eventually, there is enough ppl who have gotten their R9 pieces back. I know somebody got their r999 belt back week or two ago, took PWE week or two to actually give it back though.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Buff_me - Harshlands
    Buff_me - Harshlands Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Once upon a time I remember the same thing happend to someone on RT.

    He NPC'ed his rank piece +10 with some decent shards. And you know what? He had his piece back plus shards plus 10(!) +10 orbs to refine it back.

    GMs are different, the one who took my issue was as "good" as yours.
    Achieved R9 before it was mainstream.
    103 Demon R9 assassin - retired.
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That is messed up, pretty sure there should be equal treatment as farm as support requests of this nature. R9 is not cheap and I'm sure they know this. I have sent in another ticket, now just to wait for a reply.

    What really bothers me is that R9 is actually a quest material, so once said quest is completed (exchanging mats) you receive it. There is no other way to obtain R9 besides this quest. That being said, Why am I unable to take the quests? Because I have completed them already. I've even sent SS's of me having r9. Lol this is insane.
  • Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear Posts: 879 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm just not understanding one thing. Like someone else said. If you allegedly npc'ed your R9 and haven't gotten it back, why the hell would you buy it for another toon. That right there, does not make any type of sense whatsoever. That's just stupidity at it's finest. At that point of getting an answer back saying they can't return it, I would have sent in another ticket. If they said no again, I would have quit. And please do not tell me you farmed your R9, that's bull. No one ever wants to admit they are a cash shopper. I know I am, no shame in my game. Hopefully, your continuous requests will be answered.
    R9s3 Beast w/Demon Facepalm
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm just not understanding one thing. Like someone else said. If you allegedly npc'ed your R9 and haven't gotten it back, why the hell would you buy it for another toon. That right there, does not make any type of sense whatsoever. That's just stupidity at it's finest. At that point of getting an answer back saying they can't return it, I would have sent in another ticket. If they said no again, I would have quit. And please do not tell me you farmed your R9, that's bull. No one ever wants to admit they are a cash shopper. I know I am, no shame in my game. Hopefully, your continuous requests will be answered.

    Well I actually enjoy this game and with my competitive spirit, I like to get the "best gear" I have R9 on multiple toons purchased and farmed. I'm actually finishing a cleric's r9 wep right now. 73 gsts our of 85, been at it for 2 weeks. Other toons I straight up bought it. Nothing wrong with spending money in game lol.
  • Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear
    Mr_Swiss - Heavens Tear Posts: 879 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How does one npc R9 lol, hooowwwww? The icons are differant from any other icons, and the stats pop up the moment you even put your mouse on it lol. I would be freaking out if I npc'ed my R9s3. I would have quit the game, just knowing how dumb of a mistake I made lol.
    R9s3 Beast w/Demon Facepalm
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How does one npc R9 lol, hooowwwww? The icons are differant from any other icons, and the stats pop up the moment you even put your mouse on it lol. I would be freaking out if I npc'ed my R9s3. I would have quit the game, just knowing how dumb of a mistake I made lol.

    You would be surprised how many times this actually happens O_O I was asking for feedback with previous cases on the same situation on my server, and quite a few ppl informed me of this happening. As to how it happens, Idunno.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you happen to know the names of anyone that was reimbursed, use it to make your case stronger. Never let your ticket stay closed; reopen it the minute they "resolve" it restating that so many other people got theirs reimbursed for the same reason and you only expect the same treatment as everyone else in this game. With enough raging I'm sure they will eventually give in.

    Hell, I accidentally NPCed some TT mats and they reimbursed me for those even though I didn't ask for them back. I'd just sent in a ticket complaining of how all icons were reused and it was confusing because stuff looked like DQs. So it can't be that hard for them.

    But seriously... this is exactly why they need to change rank gear to not be NPCable. Things happen when you are tired/distracted.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They have not replied to my recent ticket yet , But I will fersure include the names, It frustrates me so much thinking this entire time they really just were not able to return it.
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How does one npc R9 lol, hooowwwww? The icons are differant from any other icons, and the stats pop up the moment you even put your mouse on it lol. I would be freaking out if I npc'ed my R9s3. I would have quit the game, just knowing how dumb of a mistake I made lol.

    well, r9 molds have the same icons.

    btw, how hard could it be to add a frame colour depending on the item? just have a green border for green mats, gold for golds mats, nothing for common stuff.... and while the 'you are npc'ing a rare item' filter is cool, having it pop ALL the time, even when you are npc'ing an excitement card kinda defeats the purpose...
    you only purge once #yopo
  • SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear
    SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm just not understanding one thing. Like someone else said. If you allegedly npc'ed your R9 and haven't gotten it back, why the hell would you buy it for another toon. That right there, does not make any type of sense whatsoever. That's just stupidity at it's finest. At that point of getting an answer back saying they can't return it, I would have sent in another ticket. If they said no again, I would have quit. And please do not tell me you farmed your R9, that's bull. No one ever wants to admit they are a cash shopper. I know I am, no shame in my game. Hopefully, your continuous requests will be answered.

    Actually yeah you can farm full r9 gear and yeah I could have farmed it by now but I do not have a favorite alt out of my 9 to play so I disperse my coin in an equal fashion to my toons.i have easily farmed enough coin in less than a year to get rank9 cookie cutter gear but to be more productive with my toon and the game more interesting I farmed s3 nirv/lunar,I actually hate feeling over geared or to powerful for the game I would feel like a ****.
  • Untamed_pain - Archosaur
    Untamed_pain - Archosaur Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Bound your R9 gear

    i'm pretty sure once its bound you can't npc it. I never tried to npc r9 gear...although atm only have the ring...
    untamed_pain demon veno 103-100-101
    SweetAzHoney Sage Cleric 102-currently rebirthing
    xXZoeMarieXx sage seeker 101-currently rebirthing
    StormyRainz Demon Mystic 101 Not rebirth yet
    EsmeStorms Demon wizzy 101 not rebirth yet
    UhitLikaGirl Almost sage barb 100 buffer
    and loads of other alts...
  • Heliophobia - Sanctuary
    Heliophobia - Sanctuary Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They have not replied to my recent ticket yet , But I will fersure include the names, It frustrates me so much thinking this entire time they really just were not able to return it.

    It takes 2-5 business days to reply to ticket.
  • Master_Ghoul - Lost City
    Master_Ghoul - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Actually yeah you can farm full r9 gear and yeah I could have farmed it by now but I do not have a favorite alt out of my 9 to play so I disperse my coin in an equal fashion to my toons.i have easily farmed enough coin in less than a year to get rank9 cookie cutter gear but to be more productive with my toon and the game more interesting I farmed s3 nirv/lunar,I actually hate feeling over geared or to powerful for the game I would feel like a ****.

    that is what i did with my r9 barb... gave it away... and after i forgot my account name and i am pretty sure he is banned by now...

    got r9 when it was a few months old or new and it does nothing in pve or to much.

    in al lmy year i never been a pker fanatic tho i played on lost city

    ppl called me crazy

    1st thing i remember i did was wc i failed on refine from 10+ to 0+ on all 4 pieces of r9
    then after some month i gave him away and never looked back.

    played a nirvana 3rd cast and i was over joyed for a time before i left pwi.
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Support is less than reliable when it comes to their responses, or you would expect that the same problem from multiple players would get the same action taken.
    :S still if that was their treatment of me I wouldn't have bought r9 for another character until my first issue was resolved. It's like paying a restaurant for another bad meal after the first one makes you sick.
    Best thing to do, keep ticketing, send a ticket every 5 days til someone gets your r9 back XD

    It's really stupid that r9 stuff as the option to be NPCd.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well, r9 molds have the same icons.

    btw, how hard could it be to add a frame colour depending on the item? just have a green border for green mats, gold for golds mats, nothing for common stuff.... and while the 'you are npc'ing a rare item' filter is cool, having it pop ALL the time, even when you are npc'ing an excitement card kinda defeats the purpose...

    This sounds like a good idea o.o
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The color frame differential seems like a really good idea. I mean do that....or try not to reuse the same icons over and over and over....

  • Halnore - Archosaur
    Halnore - Archosaur Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How does one npc R9 lol, hooowwwww? The icons are differant from any other icons, and the stats pop up the moment you even put your mouse on it lol. I would be freaking out if I npc'ed my R9s3. I would have quit the game, just knowing how dumb of a mistake I made lol.

    I'm just not understanding one thing. Like someone else said. If you allegedly npc'ed your R9 and haven't gotten it back, why the hell would you buy it for another toon. That right there, does not make any type of sense whatsoever. That's just stupidity at it's finest. At that point of getting an answer back saying they can't return it, I would have sent in another ticket. If they said no again, I would have quit. And please do not tell me you farmed your R9, that's bull. No one ever wants to admit they are a cash shopper. I know I am, no shame in my game. Hopefully, your continuous requests will be answered.

    Look at the molds that you get from warsong and lunar. They look just like R9
    They say that silence is golden, and duct tape is silver. So get golden before i get silver!!!!!!b:sinb:sinb:sin
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well so far this is what I have received,

    "We will conduct an investigation on the account to look for further issues."

    I can only hope for the best, maybe PWI will pull through.
  • articlion
    articlion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They should end up giving it back eventually since they usually do give r9 or rrr9 back due to hacking,losing it somehow, or npc'ing by accident just a matter of how many tickets you have to send in before you do get it back.
  • XKamii - Archosaur
    XKamii - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    articlion wrote: »
    They should end up giving it back eventually since they usually do give r9 or rrr9 back due to hacking,losing it somehow, or npc'ing by accident just a matter of how many tickets you have to send in before you do get it back.

    I really hope so, I'd love to put my veno to use again, haha. It should be easy for them to tell, just look and see that my r9 quest gear has already been accepted...and I have no r9....anywhere. Oh well
  • articlion
    articlion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    haha yeah, but like people have been saying, depends on the gm that gets it sometimes but eventually you'll get it back, knew someone that couldn't find their rrr9 boots and they got them back with the gems and refines so sure you'll get your r9 armor back
  • Sakubatou - Sanctuary
    Sakubatou - Sanctuary Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    So once upon a time I had a full set of r9. And I really enjoyed it, One day that said r9 decided to vanish on me into the magical world of NPC land. I had sent a ticket right after this occurred asking for assistance. Upsetting they said there was not a thing they could do to assist me, I even asked to have them reset the quest so that I may BUY it again. Which that was also refused. I have recently made a new toon and purchased R9 AGAIN, only to find out that many, MANY other did the same as me and had their gear either returned (unsharded, unrefined) or reimbursed. This is outrageous, why choose to help some but not all with the same problem?

    So how many of you fellow PWI'rs have faced this issue and what was your results?

    This sounds like there is more to the story. Accidentally NPCing a piece of R9 is one thing. A set though?

    I'm guessing someone they account shared with got mad and NPCd all their gear and now PWI is saying "you account shared, you brought these problems on yourself." They're not responsible for personal conflicts, especially while cheating. Or maybe OP ragequit and NPCd everything to prevent them from coming back and PWI again is saying it wasn't an accident and they have to live with their choices. Sure, single pieces get NPCd by accident but would be curious to know how an entire set gets NPCd.

    Anyways, I've had two pieces replaced by PWI. My r8 axes accidently were NPC'd and even the refine replaced (but not the shard). I explained that I went to the NPC after a seat run, sold a bunch of things, started to walk away and noticed the axe missing from the hotkeys. I'd picked up an axe in Seat with the same icon and thought I'd NPCd that. I had screenies and everything.

    The second piece was my r8r chest piece. No idea what happened to it, just know that it wasn't in my inventory or stash and since it can't be traded/account stashed it just kind of disappeared. I assumed I'd NPCd it. First time I wrote a ticket they said it was my fault and I should be more careful but I kept on them and they agreed that accidents happen and replaced it, but without any of the shards or +6 refine. There was about a year in between the two accidents.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think they changed policy cause a very long time ago, I think like 6 months after r9 became available in cash shop, a friend of mine npced accidently his r9, and never got it back. Much time later, like 1 year after that. I heard someone else did the same, but he got his item back, and ever since every person I've heard that has lost his/her r9, somehow, has got it back.
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    why can't PWI make an option to re-purchase NPC'd items back for a specific amount of time: IE 48 hours at an increased priced then what was originally sold for?

    This would prevent people using the NPC buyback system as a bank, and let those who accidentally NPC items be able to buy them back without the hassle of submitting tickets.

    Another popular game does this, and the feature really is quite nice.
    Here we go again....
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Bind your endgame gear.