Sweetiebot Pack Opening / Gear Forging / Farming Requests
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
You've won:
141360 Perfect·Token of Luck
206 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
150 Warsong Waistband Inscription
88 A Bite of Archosaur
63 Faction Signet Bag
52 Platinum Guardian Charm
48 Platinum Spirit Charm
36 Warsoul: Avalokites
27 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
27 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
27 Warsoul: Jakari
18 Warsoul: Vajra
9 Warsoul: Manjusri
9 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
9 Citrine Gem
9 Warsoul: Arkarsja
8 Diamond of Tiger
5 Cold Comfort Pack
5 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
5 Sapphire Gem
5 Cube of Fate Stamp
5 Stone of the Jungle
5 Charming Princess Pack
4 Primeval Stone
4 Stone of the Savant
4 ☆☆Sky Cover
3 Warsong Marshal Badge
3 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
2 Scroll of Tome
2 Handsome Prince Pack
2 Void Panther Ticket
2 Garnet Gem
2 ☆☆Cloud Stir
1 Exotic Aerial Card
1 Diamond of Dragon
1 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs please0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs please
You've won:
140715 Perfect·Token of Luck
202 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
110 Warsong Waistband Inscription
106 A Bite of Archosaur
80 Faction Signet Bag
69 Platinum Spirit Charm
58 Platinum Guardian Charm
36 Warsoul: Jakari
27 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
27 Warsoul: Arkarsja
18 Warsoul: Manjusri
9 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
9 Warsoul: Vajra
9 Warsoul: Avalokites
9 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
8 Cold Comfort Pack
7 Diamond of Dragon
6 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
6 Stone of the Jungle
5 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
4 Primeval Stone
4 Citrine Gem
4 Charming Princess Pack
3 Sapphire Gem
3 Handsome Prince Pack
3 Garnet Gem
3 Diamond of Tiger
2 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
2 Warsong Marshal Badge
2 Stone of the Savant
2 ☆☆Sky Cover
1 ☆☆Matchless Wings
1 Exotic Aerial Card
1 Void Panther Ticket
1 Cube of Fate Stamp
1 ☆☆Cloud Stir
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs plz0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs plz
You've won:
140520 Perfect·Token of Luck
214 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
100 Faction Signet Bag
74 A Bite of Archosaur
60 Warsong Waistband Inscription
60 Platinum Spirit Charm
54 Warsoul: Manjusri
54 Platinum Guardian Charm
45 Warsoul: Jakari
36 Warsoul: Avalokites
27 Warsoul: Vajra
18 Warsoul: Arkarsja
18 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
11 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
9 Handsome Prince Pack
9 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
9 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
8 Cold Comfort Pack
8 Void Panther Ticket
8 Diamond of Tiger
6 Charming Princess Pack
5 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
5 Stone of the Jungle
5 Garnet Gem
4 Citrine Gem
4 Warsong Marshal Badge
3 Primeval Stone
3 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
3 ☆☆Cloud Stir
2 Diamond of Dragon
2 Stone of the Savant
2 ☆☆Sky Cover
1 Scroll of Tome
1 Exotic Aerial Card
1 Sapphire Gem
1 Cube of Fate Stamp
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
You've won:
140955 Perfect·Token of Luck
200 Warsong Waistband Inscription
180 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
83 Faction Signet Bag
77 A Bite of Archosaur
65 Platinum Guardian Charm
51 Platinum Spirit Charm
45 Warsoul: Jakari
27 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
27 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
18 Warsoul: Arkarsja
18 Warsoul: Vajra
14 Primeval Stone
12 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
9 Warsoul: Avalokites
9 Charming Princess Pack
8 Warsong Marshal Badge
7 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
7 Cold Comfort Pack
6 Diamond of Tiger
5 Diamond of Dragon
5 Handsome Prince Pack
5 Stone of the Jungle
4 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
4 Sapphire Gem
4 Stone of the Savant
4 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
3 Void Panther Ticket
3 Garnet Gem
3 ☆☆Cloud Stir
2 Scroll of Tome
2 Exotic Aerial Card
2 Citrine Gem
1 Cube of Fate Stamp
1 ☆☆Sky Cover
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs b:surrender0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
You've won:
141015 Perfect·Token of Luck
201 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
90 Warsong Waistband Inscription
82 A Bite of Archosaur
77 Faction Signet Bag
58 Platinum Guardian Charm
52 Platinum Spirit Charm
36 Warsoul: Manjusri
36 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
36 Warsoul: Jakari
27 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
18 Warsoul: Vajra
9 Warsoul: Arkarsja
9 Sapphire Gem
9 Warsoul: Avalokites
8 Stone of the Jungle
8 Charming Princess Pack
8 Diamond of Tiger
7 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
7 Diamond of Dragon
6 Garnet Gem
5 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
5 Warsong Marshal Badge
5 Stone of the Savant
5 ☆☆Sky Cover
5 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
4 Cold Comfort Pack
4 Void Panther Ticket
4 ☆☆Cloud Stir
3 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
3 Handsome Prince Pack
2 Citrine Gem
1 Scroll of Tome
1 Cube of Fate Stamp
1 Primeval Stone
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs plz0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »Sweetiebot open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs plz
You've won:
141675 Perfect·Token of Luck
177 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
160 Warsong Waistband Inscription
78 A Bite of Archosaur
72 Faction Signet Bag
52 Platinum Guardian Charm
50 Platinum Spirit Charm
36 Warsoul: Manjusri
27 Warsoul: Arkarsja
27 Warsoul: Vajra
18 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
18 Warsoul: Jakari
13 Cold Comfort Pack
12 Charming Princess Pack
7 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
7 Stone of the Savant
6 Diamond of Dragon
6 Sapphire Gem
6 Stone of the Jungle
6 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
5 Citrine Gem
5 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
4 Garnet Gem
4 Diamond of Tiger
3 Handsome Prince Pack
3 Warsong Marshal Badge
3 ☆☆Sky Cover
2 Void Panther Ticket
2 ☆☆Cloud Stir
1 Primeval Stone
1 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me plz0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me plz
You've won:
141405 Perfect·Token of Luck
187 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
90 Warsong Waistband Inscription
88 A Bite of Archosaur
75 Faction Signet Bag
52 Platinum Guardian Charm
50 Platinum Spirit Charm
45 Warsoul: Jakari
36 Warsoul: Manjusri
36 Warsoul: Avalokites
27 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
18 Warsoul: Arkarsja
18 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
9 Warsoul: Vajra
8 Stone of the Jungle
7 Citrine Gem
6 Diamond of Dragon
6 Charming Princess Pack
6 Diamond of Tiger
6 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
5 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
5 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
5 Sapphire Gem
5 Handsome Prince Pack
5 Void Panther Ticket
4 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
3 Cold Comfort Pack
3 Cube of Fate Stamp
3 Stone of the Savant
3 ☆☆Sky Cover
2 Scroll of Tome
2 Warsong Marshal Badge
2 Garnet Gem
2 ☆☆Cloud Stir
2 Primeval Stone
1 ☆☆Matchless Wings
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me
You've won:
140340 Perfect·Token of Luck
220 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
160 Warsong Waistband Inscription
93 Faction Signet Bag
74 A Bite of Archosaur
68 Platinum Guardian Charm
52 Platinum Spirit Charm
36 Warsoul: Manjusri
36 Warsoul: Arkarsja
36 Warsoul: Avalokites
36 Warsoul: Jakari
18 Warsoul: Vajra
9 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
9 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
8 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
8 Stone of the Savant
7 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
7 Cold Comfort Pack
7 Sapphire Gem
7 Handsome Prince Pack
6 Primeval Stone
6 Diamond of Dragon
6 Charming Princess Pack
5 Citrine Gem
5 Stone of the Jungle
4 Void Panther Ticket
4 Warsong Marshal Badge
3 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
3 ☆☆Sky Cover
3 ☆☆Cloud Stir
3 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
2 Scroll of Tome
2 Exotic Aerial Card
2 Cube of Fate Stamp
2 Diamond of Tiger
1 Garnet Gem
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs
You've won:
140535 Perfect·Token of Luck
200 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
110 Warsong Waistband Inscription
85 Faction Signet Bag
80 A Bite of Archosaur
71 Platinum Guardian Charm
62 Platinum Spirit Charm
36 Warsoul: Arkarsja
27 Warsoul: Vajra
27 Warsoul: Jakari
18 Warsoul: Manjusri
18 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
9 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
9 Warsoul: Avalokites
9 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
8 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
8 Diamond of Dragon
8 Sapphire Gem
7 Void Panther Ticket
7 Diamond of Tiger
6 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
6 Cold Comfort Pack
6 Handsome Prince Pack
6 Stone of the Jungle
6 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
4 Citrine Gem
4 Cube of Fate Stamp
4 Charming Princess Pack
4 Stone of the Savant
3 Primeval Stone
3 Garnet Gem
3 ☆☆Cloud Stir
2 Warsong Marshal Badge
1 Scroll of Tome
1 Exotic Aerial Card
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me plz0
xxxdamnationxxxx wrote: »SweetieBot please open 10000 Snake Fortune Packs for me plz
You've won:
141300 Perfect·Token of Luck
194 Perfect·Token of Best Luck
79 Faction Signet Bag
70 A Bite of Archosaur
65 Platinum Guardian Charm
58 Platinum Spirit Charm
50 Warsong Waistband Inscription
27 Warsoul: Samantabhadra
27 Warsoul: Jakari
18 Warsoul: Avalokites
11 Stone of the Jungle
9 Warsoul: Arkarsja
9 Warsoul: Ksitigarbha
9 Warsoul: Vajra
8 Duke Rose Fashion ♀ Pack
7 ☆☆Cloud Stir
7 Sapphire Fashion ♂ Pack
6 Cold Comfort Pack
6 Citrine Gem
6 Wing Trophy·Lunar Glade
6 Stone of the Savant
5 Sapphire Gem
5 Handsome Prince Pack
4 Diamond of Dragon
4 Void Panther Ticket
4 Primeval Stone
4 Diamond of Tiger
3 Warsong Marshal Badge
3 Garnet Gem
2 Sapphire Fashion ♀ Pack
2 Cube of Fate Stamp
2 Charming Princess Pack
2 ☆☆Sky Cover
1 Scroll of Tome
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please kill Steelation: Null 70 times during 2x
Sweetiebot please kill Illusion Nemen: Null 70 times during 2x
Sweetiebot please kill Djinscream: Null 70 times during 2x0 -
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »SweetieBot please kill Steelation: Null 70 times during 2x
You've farmed:
131482 Coin(s)
335 Big Luminostone
317 Big Golden Sculpture
164 Fairy Box
122 Ghost Lord's Ribbon
109 Stone of Sacred Temple
93 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
59 Stone of the Scarred
36 Tear of Heaven
19 Desert Tower Miniature
4 Crusade Order II: B
2 Crusade Order II: A
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »Sweetiebot please kill Illusion Nemen: Null 70 times during 2x
You've farmed:
148345 Coin(s)
463 Big Luminostone
447 Big Golden Sculpture
201 Sacred Mother's Orb
188 Stone of Sacred Temple
129 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
119 Stone of the Scarred
43 Fairy Box
35 Tear of Heaven
25 Desert Tower Miniature
12 Crusade Order II: A
10 Crusade Order II: B
8 Sacred Mother's Aura
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot please kill Steelation: Null 100 times during 2x
Sweetiebot please kill Djinscream: Null 100 times during 2x0 -
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »SweetieBot please kill Steelation: Null 100 times during 2x
You've farmed:
196375 Coin(s)
483 Big Luminostone
429 Big Golden Sculpture
242 Fairy Box
184 Stone of Sacred Temple
161 Ghost Lord's Ribbon
123 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
87 Stone of the Scarred
43 Tear of Heaven
28 Desert Tower Miniature
12 Crusade Order II: A
8 Crusade Order II: B
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »Sweetiebot please kill Djinscream: Null 100 times during 2x
You've farmed:
180466 Coin(s)
448 Perfect Stone
429 Stone of Sacred Temple
415 Big Luminostone
397 Evil Minion's Horn
353 Big Golden Sculpture
127 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
102 Stone of the Scarred
49 Tear of Heaven
24 Crusade Order II: B
21 Crusade Order II: A
20 Evil Minion's Shell
15 Desert Tower Miniature
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Sweetiebot please kill Illusion Nemen: Null 100 times during 2x0
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »Sweetiebot please kill Illusion Nemen: Null 100 times during 2x
You've farmed:
187574 Coin(s)
686 Big Luminostone
634 Big Golden Sculpture
288 Sacred Mother's Orb
261 Stone of Sacred Temple
191 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
143 Stone of the Scarred
72 Tear of Heaven
61 Fairy Box
26 Desert Tower Miniature
15 Crusade Order II: A
13 Sacred Mother's Aura
10 Crusade Order II: B
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot, please kill Sapphire Planeshark Don 100 times during 2x.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Sweetiebot, please kill Coredash: Null 100 times during 2x0
Lakera - Dreamweaver wrote: »SweetieBot, please kill Sapphire Planeshark Don 100 times during 2x.
Since you are level 46 and the mob is level 37, there is an added 30% chance of the mob not dropping
You've farmed:
11685 Coin(s)
17 Claw
11 Rough Fur
5 Perfect Healing Potion
5 Dull Claw
3 Woven Fang Arrow Quiver II
2 ☆Lion Heart Boots
2 Perfect Mana Potion
1 ☆Alabaster Pendant
1 ☆Boots of Dawn
1 Lucky Note
1 ☆Earth Splitter
1 Broken Yellow Jade
Jaabg - Sanctuary wrote: »Sweetiebot, please kill Coredash: Null 100 times during 2x
You've farmed:
185488 Coin(s)
733 Big Luminostone
678 Big Golden Sculpture
396 Iron Plate of Darkness
383 Stone of Sacred Temple
276 Fairy Box
249 Leaf of Unicorn Forest
137 Stone of the Scarred
64 Tear of Heaven
40 Desert Tower Miniature
29 Crusade Order II: A
15 Crusade Order II: B
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
SweetieBot - Lothranis wrote: »You've killed Sapphire Planeshark Don 100 times during 2x!
Since you are level 46 and the mob is level 37, there is an added 30% chance of the mob not dropping
You've farmed:
11685 Coin(s)
17 Claw
11 Rough Fur
5 Perfect Healing Potion
5 Dull Claw
3 Woven Fang Arrow Quiver II
2 ☆Lion Heart Boots
2 Perfect Mana Potion
1 ☆Alabaster Pendant
1 ☆Boots of Dawn
1 Lucky Note
1 ☆Earth Splitter
1 Broken Yellow Jade[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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